Reviews for Memories Of The Rain
Soulless Anti-Hero chapter 11 . 7/3
Well that escalated quite quickly

I'm enjoying it so far

Don't make this a harem!

I did tell you earlier.
Angryhenry chapter 11 . 6/19
FirstoftheAbyss chapter 11 . 6/16
All right,
I just reread most of this fic, which allowed me to catch up with the three chapters I was behind with and I am happy to say, I loved every moment of it.
Great job, although I am rather curious about the how of Natsu and Ultear forgetting about each other.
correnhimself316 chapter 11 . 6/15
Lol. Ultear is now Head Councilwoman. Natsu has gotten a power up, albeit it temporary? All is looking interesting for the next chapter. Not to mention, Juvia and Mira are getting more affectionate of our young Dragonwlayer, or at the least possessive of him. And now Erza has felt the Natsu effect.
Gold Testament chapter 11 . 6/15
Keys. Well at least if Jellal shares everything he experienced... Keys and the rest of the demon gates will learn that they need to merely unite the book with the body and they will have truly freed Master E.N.D.
Gold Testament chapter 2 . 6/15
I love Makarov
Gold Testament chapter 1 . 6/15
Ah END Might be making an early return without his book.
Imperial-samaB chapter 11 . 6/14
Well this is amusing. You're suggesting E.N.D created juvia. Quite the twist
Antex-The Legendary Zoroark chapter 11 . 6/14
Wow! This was great! I haven’t seen an update in this for so long, I had to go back a couple of times to catch up on what I had forgotten! But man! This chapter was insane! So...Natsu (back when he was END) helped to make Juvia into what she is today? If that’s true, is Juvia a half-demon of sorts? Similar to Natsu/END in a way? I wonder...

Here’s to hoping that more will come again from you soon! Until then!
FateBurn chapter 11 . 6/14
Nice chapter
TheOnlyKing chapter 11 . 6/14
Good chapter, glad you updated this
AbyssDragonslayer777 chapter 11 . 6/14
Welcome back.
te.nellis chapter 11 . 6/14
Lol. Keep it up!
ShadowGOUF chapter 11 . 6/14
An interesting shift I'm even more curious keep it up
Vitlium chapter 11 . 6/13
what is it with people and using the dead for nefarious purposes XD im so glad your not dead!
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