Reviews for Unexpected Turns
AnjuSchiffer chapter 28 . 6/4
I’m not crying... maybe a bit...
AnjuSchiffer chapter 24 . 6/4
You got this Amara!
AnjuSchiffer chapter 23 . 6/4
It’s been so long since I’ve last read this, but as I’m reading where I left off, I’m once again remembering why I fell in love with this series 3
moonlight46 chapter 28 . 4/2
Amazing heart-felt chapter! Love the love shared and the feels.
Looking forward to the next chapter!
Lillian11 chapter 28 . 4/2
awww I'm so glad they're together again. Soul and Maka are meant for each other, man. They're two halves of a whole. So so glad to finally read this chapter xD
moonlight46 chapter 27 . 3/29
Great new chapter! It is great to know what really happened and how Maka escaped. Maka is still the strong character as before her kids which is great.
Looking forward to the next chapter!
moonlight46 chapter 26 . 3/28
Great chapter! Nice plot twist and anxiety!
Looking forward to the next chapter!
xXRocketShark216Xx chapter 26 . 3/28
Holy crap when this story wants to make things seem bleak it really makes em feel bleak

This chapter was an emotional roller coaster lmfao

Don't do that to the perfect (fictional) family you've created here

My heart cant take it lol
theHumbleGM chapter 26 . 3/28
Lillian11 chapter 26 . 3/28
Holy frickin crap, man. I was just about ready to accept it and bawl my eyes out! I had an ominous feeling in the last chapter, but I brushed it off cux Amara said it'll be okay. That's kinda why I had faith she'd be alright this whole time, but now I'm so happy. Thank God for merciful authors xD
Lillian11 chapter 25 . 3/27
haha Soul taking care of four kids, all by himself. This should be interesting, so I suspect he'll do a good job. xD
moonlight46 chapter 25 . 3/27
great new chapter! Cute how all of them love each other/
Looking forward to the next chapter!
Lillian11 chapter 24 . 3/26
oh my, Haru sounds so cute, and cool ofc. Cant wait to see where you go with this! xD
moonlight46 chapter 24 . 3/25
Fun new update! Curious who Haruka's parents are and how they will be with the next part of their life.
Looking forward to the next chapter!
Lillian11 chapter 23 . 3/22
Haha I had a feeling they'd be a boy and a girl since Amara was so confused xD and Winnie is such a cute nickname. very cool indeed xP
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