Reviews for He Comes In My Dreams
Bina chapter 1 . 6/4/2017
Love it!
Zhoe chapter 30 . 2/13/2017
Just found this story and binge read it like mad- I need an update! Hope another chapter gets put up soon!
Shaeya Sedjet chapter 30 . 2/13/2017
ItReignsJustice-619 chapter 30 . 11/17/2016
I actually felt the pain while reading this. And I don't even have kids lol

I can only imagine the look on Finn's face the moment he steps back into the room and stares in between her spread legs, right before she gives birth. The poor guy haha

Little Katrina must be such a beautiful little baby. If her eyes are even brighter than Finn', she must be a beauty queen.

I'm glad that Finn handled the situation with Baron so well. Very mature. I'm proud of him.

I can't wait for more. This was an amazing chapter!
jessica619 chapter 30 . 11/9/2016
Finally, baby is here.
So sweet.
Guest chapter 29 . 10/21/2016
Freaking good
AnaB chapter 29 . 10/18/2016
Oh, jesus, how much did I miss this story3 Anyways, the baby seems to be so freaking powerful, even in the womb and I feel like it's going to be so protective of his momma and give his dadda some hard time lmao. So Finn better watch out, and not piss off momma when the baby gets born, haha.

Annabelle's conversation with Baron was so cute, I loved how he tried to soothe her and told her that she is going to be a good mother, like he's such a good friend to her, and I am glad she asked him to be the baby's uncle. So next chapter is the baby? Oh my gosh, i am very excited about that. Like i want to know if it's a boy or a girl, and I really do hope you'll write up their features3 Amazing chapter, boo. Totally worth all the wait, and I am excited for the next one333
ItReignsJustice-619 chapter 29 . 10/17/2016
Well, this more or less confirmed that it will be hard, right? lol

I can't believe her child already has superpowers in the womb. What's gonna happen once it's born? lol It's gonna be real interesting.

Can't wait for more.
Nice chapter.
Crash chapter 29 . 10/15/2016
THANK YOU! I love this story, it makes my day when you update! It's so hard to find really great Finn fanfics, this is my favorite! Please don't ever stop writing! -Crash Knova
calwitch chapter 29 . 10/15/2016
It's about time Baron came to visit her. It was nice and possibly even respectful of Finn to leave as Baron visited her. I'm also impressed with how much power the baby has and he's not even born yet. I'm sure they will be good parents. She is surrounded by good people who care and love her. They'll do what they can to help. It's sweet that she wants Baron and Solomon to be uncles. Love Barons face when she said it. Ah, can hardly wait to see Solomons face when he awakes and finds out.
jessica619 chapter 29 . 10/14/2016
Baby is powerful.
Can't wait to find out how this all works out.
GeorgiaDeanGirl chapter 29 . 10/14/2016
I can't wait for the Lil Demon...and Daddy Demon!
sailorangelmoon1 chapter 4 . 10/2/2016
Love this story
Guest chapter 28 . 9/25/2016
So freaking awesome!
ItReignsJustice-619 chapter 28 . 9/14/2016
Eeeeek. You updated!
I might have made a victory fist once I received the e-mail notification. I'm not even sorry.

How perfect is Finn? And how fucking adorable is he?

If he didn't watch her have sex, how did he know she lost her virginity to Chase in the back of a pick-up, huh? :D

I think I would also shed a couple of tears seeing my boyfriend and father of my baby so hurt and injured.

I love how she had Gannicus hidden in her bra haha So hilarious!

I'm glad you're back. Take your time though. I'll be right here waiting :)

Great chapter!
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