Reviews for Wish
Felicia Flowers Spears chapter 41 . 7/16
this is such an amazing story i love that you made it your own . no bitch troll Christian was no longer into bdsm and was open to love we he received it from Ana. i love that Ana found out dhe had family from her biological dad and Christian found that his mom and dad was in love with one another and with him also . i also love that Elliot and kate did get together he had a relationship with someone else .
I truly love your story
Guest chapter 41 . 7/5
Sorry, but this story is not good at all.
Guest chapter 24 . 7/5
Ana is such a immature bitch
Guest chapter 23 . 7/5
Ana needs to let that shit with the ex sub go. She's so damn annoying,
bonnemine82 chapter 41 . 6/3
J'ai beaucoup aimé cette histoire. J'ai rit et pleurer à chaude larmes. Un parcours cahoteux mais merveilleux. Bravo et merci pour vos écrits.
hollywood0878 chapter 41 . 4/2
I know this story was posted a while ago I just wanted to leave you a comment I've read both of them extraordinary and wish this is my second or third time reading it. I just want to make a comment for all the authors note you put up. I may have not liked how sometimes you portrayed the characters, but at the end like you said this is your story this is the way you pictured it in your head. I want to thank you because you took time out of your life to write a story I know it takes a lot for somebody put themselves out there. my comment to you is me personally I will give feedback sometimes constructive criticism but I will never ever attack someone personally or put a negative comment. this was your vision and thank you it was a beautiful vision.
P.Self chapter 35 . 10/14/2019
Your mother was truly blessed with a very talented daughter who love her.
P.Self chapter 26 . 10/14/2019
You are a amazing writer, don't pay any the trolls who try to hurt you. Don't listen to those people who have no talent to write so all they can do is try and insult your talent. The rest of us love your stories. So keep writing , your the best.
Titania chapter 22 . 10/10/2019
I really like the way u r twisting the story I'm LAUGHING, crying, being curious abt what will happen next. I'm really happy that I'm reading this . Thanks for writing this
Donna Marie1 chapter 26 . 8/5/2019
This story jumps around a lot was just talking about christin getting out of the hospital and ana dr appointment now it’s New Years
eville23 chapter 41 . 5/17/2019
This was a very nice story. I loved the ending and the change in Mr Grey. Thank you
Dobbleganger chapter 41 . 5/13/2019
Ensenada chapter 41 . 4/16/2019
I loved your story, it’s just one thing that don’t like, and you like the majority of the writers make José a villain. He is either a sick crazy addict , and almost never a good guy. Who finish college and becomes successful. In the final analysis I loved this story. Good luck to you and keep writing!
justallen406 chapter 15 . 4/12/2019
So stupid of Christian! he needs to grow up! excellent writing! you sure know how to make your scenes real! I wanted to slap him! LOL chapter 41 . 3/16/2019
God your you for so much to see you with one of your own give up.
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