Reviews for Wings of Time
Guest chapter 22 . 2/20/2018
ncsupnatfan chapter 22 . 2/20/2018
I am sorry to hear this and that is your choice as the writer and I wish you well in your new endeavors. Thank you for at least letting us know this and I did enjoy the story. I am sorry for whatever has changed your mind about the program, but keep on writing. NC
Dramione Winchester-Halliwell chapter 22 . 2/19/2018
I know that there are some people that are gonna get mad or be rude about this to you but I just wanna go on record and say I support you on this you did this out of love for a fandom and it's characters and you did it for free and you have grown out of that so that's your business and thank you for notifying us as well since you didn't have to do that either thank you for writing what you did and sharing it and not deleting it I still like this story even if it's not finished and I won't force you to keep writing it thank you and good luck with your writing and any new fandoms you might find and love in tthe future 3
Ulimo chapter 22 . 2/19/2018
Dude, you might want to re-post this. I don’t know if this is a loading error or document error, but it seems to be listing the fonts and stuff before what you wrote. Took a bit to sort through the stuff and read the message.

On another note, sad to see you leave Supernatural, and good luck on your future endeavors
LLL chapter 20 . 11/21/2017
It was a very good story. I've had a love hate relationship with supernatural. I started watching it in real time in season 2. Wow a very long time ago. For season 5 I went to an only convention in vancouver it was awesome.

Castiel and dean become my love couple. So whenever the show killed Castiel I stopped watching and would get mad. And then start again and research. And here's season 13 and I'm obsessed again. Lol.

Now walking dead. I lost my live there. Wonder if it'll come back?

Sad how it need in a fit her cliffhanger but please don't delete it. It's a very good story . Ok
ncsupnatfan chapter 21 . 9/5/2017
So sorry to hear this and I do hope you will come back to this and finish it. I did love the story and would like to know how you might end it. All the best. NC
Laurie chapter 21 . 9/1/2017
I'm not thrilled to see that this story won't continue for a while and maybe not ever, but thanks for being straight with your readers. I've gotten really involved with stories before and the updates stopped, sometimes years before I knew the story existed. Even knowing that people have lives, and other interests and obligations, doesn't negate the disappointment. I'm glad it's simple loss of interest rather than anything dire. I hope that never applies to writing.
Laurie chapter 20 . 6/26/2017
I noticed that you haven't added to this story in a couple of years. Really interesting but you left it on a cliffhanger. I enjoyed it so hope you'll feel the urge to pick this up again some day.
AngelOfThursday67 chapter 20 . 10/30/2016
are you going to be finishing this this is great!
Lightblade chapter 20 . 7/6/2016
Love the story, please please update!
sunjay chapter 1 . 6/15/2016
I love your story so far (i'm at chap 5) but can someone PLEASE tell me what us is origin of the title?
Hero of words chapter 20 . 5/17/2016
Really good story. I love how you've written timetravel. Please update soon!
John Wildom chapter 20 . 5/1/2016
Love it! Please update!
OnCuzImBored chapter 1 . 3/9/2016
I have no idea what the arbitrary Google-text is/means, but maybe consider shortening it? It seems a little bit long, considering Dean and Sam are /right there/ and shock only lasts so long, especially with the both of them as trigger-happy as they are... (No really, try reading it aloud and just focus on how long it takes vs how quickly Dean, who's standing right behind him already holding the knife, could lunge forward and stab the Crowley with it.)

All that done and said, this seems like an interesting premise~ There are woeful few decent time-travel fic in this fandom, after all.
laurie31 chapter 18 . 3/11/2016
I love love love time travel stories and just found yours! Please update soon! It's always a pleasure to find a good one. :) I love that Crowley was responsible and am anxious to find out how the Sams are going to escape Lucifer!
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