Reviews for Minotaur
Guest chapter 20 . 11/3/2019
Wheeeew I love this so much! My emotions...
Tam chapter 20 . 3/22/2018
This story is brillant, BRILLANT! I don't have the words to describe how poignant this felt to read. THANK YOU!
sherryola chapter 20 . 3/8/2018
absolutely fantastic! You had me on the edge of my seat all the way. sometimes even in tears. Again, thank you for not getting too graphic with certain things. I really like this pairing and I will be checking out the sequel.
sherryola chapter 7 . 3/8/2018
Whew. Yay. and thank you for not going into he horrendous details of what emily had to do to get to this point. sometimes I enjoy reading that, but not when it vicious and violent and cruel.
sherryola chapter 4 . 3/8/2018
I love all the preparations. this is an Emily I can imagine and respect. but oh, Garcia! What horrible thing might happen to her, such an innocent in so many ways.
sherryola chapter 2 . 3/8/2018
Another author recommended this. She told me it was a heart fail story, andI decided to take a chance. And oh, she was right. So many of these stories have reid in trouble. I like that you picked Morgan, the physically strongest. this could happen to anyone. And already my heart is racing. Both their POVs are so intense and moving. I'm so worried for Morgan, and for once I'm loving Prentiss.
Light My Words chapter 20 . 9/4/2017
I can't believe I only just stumbled across this story, but my goodness I hope that you've been told tenfold how talented a writer you are. The storyline was beautifully plotted and researched, and such a heavy topic handled eloquently. I've spent my past two days in between work and my kids reading, and now I can't wait to move onto the sequel. You've written a beautiful piece that wouldn't feel out of place as a novel, and also delivered my muse back to me. Thank you!
Guest chapter 3 . 5/17/2016
Wow I like the whole Demily dynamic. Emily is in character mostly but I honestly could not see her crying and screaming at JJ, especially not in front of Hotch & Reid.
Guest chapter 2 . 5/17/2016
Wow this is so good honestly. I cannot read the words fast enough; I am so anxious to know what hapoens. I am so sorry for Morgan because of what he had to endure as a boy & now he is in some what of a parallel situation. If something happens to him like that again I'm not really sure if I could bring myself to read it. It is such a great story! Ugh Emily needs to hurry up & join forces with the team already! BTW, I love how your timeline is after Emily left, it gives us good insight & is more realistic!
Kips34 chapter 20 . 3/1/2016
Wow. I don't know what else to say but wow. Clyde's fate hit me a lot harder than I was expecting it to. And everything that they all went through was almost too much to bear, but I was pleased with the ending. Thank you.
fanfiction91 chapter 20 . 1/29/2016
There's no right word for my feelings about this incredible story. Thank you thank you for your creative awesome mind. This was great. 2 thumbs up. ️️️️️
fanfiction91 chapter 16 . 1/29/2016
*wipes tears* I was moving Clyde in the story. Beautiful scene though. Yes I agree, that chapter needed to stand alone. Great work. Rip to a hero 3
GoodGodHenry chapter 20 . 1/28/2016
Powerful story. Great job writing both Derek and Emily characters. Well done.
fanfiction91 chapter 11 . 1/28/2016
Omg this chapter was so deep, and the ending paragraphs from Derek's point of view. Ahhh this story is so intense! I love it. Your skills are beyond words. I've been glued to this story all day.
greeneyedconstellations chapter 20 . 12/2/2015
Wow. Just wow. I don't know how I only stumbled across this now, but I just read this all in one sitting, and it was probably the best 2 hours I've spent this week. I don't if I can eloquently express how incredible this fic is. The entire thing read more like a novel than fan fiction and every single sentence had me interested and wanting to read more and more and more. I love your writing style.

First, I just love Emily fiercely (yes I know she's a fictional character) and your work has done her justice tenfold. While she clearly has issues to work through, her bravery and courage is deeply admirable, and you make that shine through so brilliantly. I think you know her character back and forth and up and down. I also just love any fic that has her undercover.

Second: creative, engaging, expertly mapped out story line that is unlike anything I've come across before. Oh, how I wish this could have been an episode (or 10) they'd have done on the show. You handled such depraved and horrific subject matter with care and respect; it's hard to believe such heinous people actually exist out there.

Third: I'm typically not a Demily fan, but your fic made my heart ache and soar and feel for them like never before. You've portrayed their relationship and their saga beautifully and there were several times I legitimately thought I was gonna cry. Not to mention, Emily and Clyde, guh, what a beautiful relationship they had.

I hope this review expresses somewhat just how wonderful I think this fic is. To put it simply, I love it. And I'm so pumped to go read the sequel! Bravo, bravo, bravo.

Wait, p.s., random question: how come they all thought JJ would be safer in the house with Derek towards the end rather than in DC? I would have assumed the opposite and I must have missed the explanation in the chapter it came up.
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