Reviews for Bless Us With Peace and Prosperity
Sakuragane San chapter 4 . 8/29/2019
Huh, it sounds like you guys are the ones that omit stuff out to the Anericas. How’s not knowing gonna let them warn you?

I really enjoyed all your stories, supernatural!NAers, in need of a representative’ universe, the heta shorts. I look forward to more in this vein _
AwkwardWitch chapter 4 . 1/8/2019
dude, i absolutely loved this.
ThisVioletofMine chapter 4 . 9/5/2017
Ahahahaha! Love it!
Father of Understanding chapter 4 . 1/7/2017
It's a thunderbird! YAYAYAYAYAYAY!
Father of Understanding chapter 3 . 1/7/2017
Where did Al (I'm assuming it's Al) get the fire extinguisher?
FlowerFoxWings chapter 4 . 1/7/2017
I'm usually a huge fan of the phoenix, but I still enjoyed the whooping it got from the North America twins and the thunderbird. Thunderbird is just as cool in my opinion, anyway.

I liked how you made America and Canada show the Europeans that they are NOT naïve/uneducated fools about the supernatural. They assumed the NA twins were idiots, but NOPE, the bros knew that the phoenix was a forest-menace. I mean, come on, America has Smokey the Bear as a whole symbol for the danger of forest fires. (You should've made a reference to that as a joke lol.)

Anyway, I know you were trying to finish the story quick, and disasters are just awful, but I think it would've been interesting if the phoenix managed to successful set the forest on fire and the thunderbird came wayyy later. That way, the Europeans would've really understood the NA twins. Then, they all could've worked together to stop the phoenix. And BAM, you get the team-building activity Germany usually wants. Personally, I think it would be the Europeans trying to hold off the phoenix than actually defeating it. Eventually, thunderbird comes to the rescue, and bye bye blazing immortal chicken.
Or even more interesting, the phoenix gets the Europeans to side with it (lol mind control?) and it ends up an epic fight between Europe and North America, until the thunderbird ends it.

The ending just made it seem like the Europeans didn't really understand the danger. Not to mention, they probably think America and Canada enraged the bird, so it set the forest on fire. At least, I would assume so. Also, the thunderbird popping up randomly is a bit weird. Why did it come? Was it called? How did they call it? How did it get there so quickly, if we can assume it was probably in North America?

Slight criticism: I know you were trying to emphasize the numerous forest fires in North America (and pointing to the phoenix), but the various statistics were a bit weary to read through. Idk, maybe you could've cut those numbers out and only stated that a lot of land was burned by the phoenix (and documented!). Maybe just mentioned the names of the worst ones. It seemed like spewing facts straight from a book, not memory. Memory would be like: "So many trees were burned down. All that was left were huge patches of ash and the occasional tree stump. So many animals were killed or driven out of there homes. Fires are no funny business, and phoenixes are worse." Idk, I'm not a great writer, but so many numbers are unnatural.
Moranx3 chapter 4 . 11/18/2016
AHAGAAHAHHAHAHAHA OH MY GOSH I love this, and the appearance of Thunderbird made it aaall better!
Loki chapter 1 . 10/8/2016
The supernatural isn't AU.
This is the world we live in kiddo.
Humans are just too stupid to see what is going on around them.
Guest chapter 4 . 10/8/2016
ooooh thunderbirds!
oh gosh welcome back! haha America and Canada are precious
all the European nations are so done, I love this
that you for the update!
Time Traverser chapter 4 . 10/7/2016
According to the mythologies, thunderbirds were actually a LOT bigger than that...and it's been suggested that they might have even been a real breed of bird that could only fly during storms because the updrafts were the only things that could get them any significant amount of lift that would compensate for their wingspan.

But I do love how you interpreted it here. Love it a lot. I also love the whole, "leave the NA brothers out of the loop and just have them follow along because they don't know anything" attitude that Europe in general seems to take with them because it just seems like something they would do.
ElricGurl chapter 4 . 10/7/2016
SuperheroFangirl chapter 3 . 7/24/2016
Can you please update this soon? I want to know what the story behind the North American countries and why they killed the Phoenix.
Guest chapter 1 . 4/22/2016
This story is really good :D
I hope u continue it!
teabrows chapter 3 . 11/25/2015
Well, I think we all know who did that. Congratulations America! You just made the whole world hate you more. As if their current hatred of you was not enough. Tsk, tsk, tsk...
Guest chapter 3 . 11/19/2015
...god damn it america was it you xD
this cliffhanger is not good for my heart
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