Reviews for Naruto of the Zanpakuto
my 2 guys chapter 5 . 8/17
that was great keep the chapters coming
davidiscoolya113 chapter 2 . 7/3
You forgot to paint the world, not of paint, or ink, but words,whair are they in what place what dose that place look like, what are they doing what is there body's doing are they mad happy sad, what dose the narrator have to say. exstra, ecsetra, egstria!
HRTG1027 chapter 1 . 4/6
I don't know how anyone is supposed to read this with how bad your writing is, not to mention making Naruto (for some reason) so unbelievable it isn't funny. I can't even call this mash of words neat. Multiple characters have to talk in one sentence apparently, because God forbid this actually be easy to read. This story doesn't even make any sense.
marquis.shax chapter 1 . 5/20/2019
ugh this is fucking ridiculous you've completely overpowered Naruto so there won't even be a single challenge for him in the elemental nations and you've got practically every single girl dead, alive, or chakra that takes on the properties of a female in love with Naruto so what exactly is the point of this story? Honestly there is no point considering even in normal stories where Naruto is powerful he generally tends to struggle against others who are of equal power to him and uses that to grow stronger but you've made it absolutely ridiculous it would take every shinobi village plus the jubi and every single kage to have ever lived brought back via edo tensei to make Naruto even slightly sweat
gabelou1991 chapter 5 . 5/19/2019
Je vais la lire.
Fanficlover2017 chapter 5 . 4/21/2019
It never ceases to amaze me how many authors perform rewrites on their stories that are unnecessary your story was good as is it was rewrite wasn't necessary!
Gundam Meister Uzumaki chapter 1 . 4/21/2019
could you come up with a saiyan naruto xover?
gabelou1991 chapter 3 . 2/28/2019
J'aime beaucoup.
gabelou1991 chapter 1 . 2/28/2019
Je n'arrive pas a comprendre Sakura qui agit comme la pire des garces on peut dire que si elle se comporte avec un noble comment Sasuke peut se sentir.
Wtf chapter 1 . 9/8/2018
64 girls I might be off by 1 or 2 seriously how did you expect to get any more than like three chapters without giving up Ivan actually ride your third chapter so sorry for assuming if you gave up but seeing as the date on your story is a while ago and you have an updated you're probably not even going to see this but still 64 like WTF what were you thinking thinking I mean like seriously really experienced would have trouble no screw trouble it would be almost impossible like so many of them would be quote on quote off screen that you would start forgetting about them even if you do manage to keep all of them on-screen quote on quote all your chapters would be absolutely ridiculously long because you have to have input from every single character and even if you didn't have input you would have to at least a mention that they're there and that would at least be a couple paragraphs with how many people you have in this harem I'm just face pumping so hard but if this was a particularly gory anime the back of my head would explode and shoot out grey matter and I apologize for any spelling mistakes I made I only made them because I used speech to text because there is so many words in this that I could never type this have a good day if you read this or night or afternoon or evening
Monster King chapter 3 . 5/29/2018
Great story I really liked it a shame that you gave up on it.
Fanficlover2017 chapter 3 . 4/19/2018
Good story but do you ever plan to update your story!?
Dragoncyber22 chapter 3 . 2/14/2018
A good story, and it has a very good plot. If you make a continuation or continue
the same story will be very cool and that the continuation is very makes you a great fanfic writer, and please continue the story.
Anime100 chapter 3 . 2/11/2018
This is truly interesting to read; please update very soon

This might be very late but Happy New Year!
CaitiAthena chapter 2 . 9/9/2017
Narutosmiles creeply* what was that about red-heads?
Shikamarustarts to sweat nervously* Nothing
Naruto: That's what I thought.
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