Reviews for Pensieve Worthy Memories
CUtopia chapter 1 . 6/26/2016
Oh, you had me grinning so hard while reading this! Poor Bill has to experience the horror of uneven eyeliner ;)
It was funny how he approached this from a rather scientific side, as he simply wanted to understand why Fleur needs all those things. And of course Fleur had to walk in on him ;) I guess that must've been a sight...
In the third and fourth sentence, there was some awkward phrasing and use of false words (him instead of her), but otherwise, this was flawless :)
Nice little drabble, I enjoyed reading this! :)
xNotAMugglex chapter 1 . 7/14/2015
Can you please continue with this story in ore chapters! Poor Bill hahahaha.
pineconeface711 chapter 1 . 7/14/2015
That was absolutely adorable! Poor Bill though; his family will never let him live that down.