Reviews for Highschool of the Dead: Us or Them
Ylnadiir chapter 26 . 5/12/2019
Re-reading for the third time and I still love it.

Ferrum, I don't really see how 1 and 3 spoils the story. Frasier has a pretty good character arc and it's interesting to see him struggle for so long. Bit by bity we see him change for the better while still retaining his former character. People don't change with a snap. And Frasier is on the cliff where his internal conflicts are getting more intense before a major character development.

Marcus and Noah are not Frasier. They have their own morals, and are more empathetic with others due to their relatively normal upbringing. You claim Frasier is a sociopath and that ruins the story but Noah and Marcus opposes him on his sociopathic actions and somehow that also spoils the story? Quite a contradiction there.
FerrumSound chapter 26 . 4/19/2019
Author has done great job with this book. The writing is excellent. Just a few things that are spoiling the work. 1. Frasier is a sociopath and every time has some character development for the better, after a chapter he gets much worse personality wise. 2. Saeko in this story goes full NTR sl*t. 3. Frasier's group is full ungrateful little shits. Frasier is the only reason they are still alive, but they are constantly blaming for everything, acting like they are much better than him and constantly ploting how to get rid of him because he is keeping them alive.
But don't mind me, I personally enjoyed the story. Keep up the good work Author-San.
Guest chapter 3 . 3/11/2019
Good book, but I’m not a huge fan of multiple mcs.
Guest chapter 3 . 3/11/2019
Why is there so many non Japanese in just doesn’t add up.
Guest chapter 2 . 3/11/2019
Why do I feel like Frasier’s gonna become bad shit crazy later in the story?
Guest chapter 1 . 3/11/2019
Please don’t tell me the crazy Yuuki bitch from the bus is the girl noah ends up with...
williamwilliamson463 chapter 1 . 2/8/2019
I’ve read your story from the time you made seventy chapters to when you revised it and made this new and improved one. I love the characters and the story made with it. I’ve thought of so many ways to tie you into my story I’m making. If you’d like I can send you what I have and would like to use your characters and have you on as a secondary author. I understand that you have your story so if and when you wanna end this one I would be enthusiastic to accept your criticism on mine
Lord0 chapter 26 . 1/7/2019
I have been reading this story since 2016 and it is honestly my favorite of all time. Whenever i see you update i get all excited and actually tell my girlfriend about it. She doesn't really understand why i get so excited, but I'm glad you haven't abandoned this story
Black cross0 chapter 26 . 12/15/2018
God damn what a chapter.

I love how you keep building up rei and Johan, can’t wait till they finally do the nasty later on.

Shizuka is one good woman with good intentions but approach’s it badly, still a good woman and I hope she finds a man that handle everything that she is.

I feel like Marcus is not angry at Frasier but angry at himself for what happened to hitomi and he needs to forgive himself and his own weakness and powerlessness before he can forgive/apologies to his brother.

Don’t you dare kill of Alice man the gang lost four people dammit.

And congratulations on this being the last chapter of 2018!
The Chaos Phoenix chapter 26 . 12/14/2018
I've never felt more uncomfortable with a chapter. (Not the chapter as a whole mind you) but the almost rape that occurred was kind of scare to read. Either way keep up the good work.
Dcraus chapter 25 . 11/28/2018
villains like Negan, the governor and cannibals
Black cross0 chapter 25 . 11/27/2018
Finally some grand ass hope, now tells see it all crumble and come crashing down.
Astrogamer chapter 2 . 10/13/2018
Im sure the fact that not even a single person in zombie themed media knows initially what a zombie is is pretty common. Its like not even Resident Evil or Dawn of the Dead exist there. It must be a trope, I swear.
irishlad159 chapter 1 . 8/6/2018
Really good story!
Fantastic character development. Really enjoying it
Keep up the good work!
Ph0enix17 chapter 23 . 4/16/2018
Nice chapter my dude.
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