Reviews for Goodbye
DobbyRocksSocks chapter 1 . 10/4/2015
Okay, you just killed me. This is heartbreaking and angsty and you are perfect. That's pretty much all there is to say. I love this story, I love the writing and the emotion and just, wow. Seriously.
jennybenny2845 chapter 1 . 10/4/2015
OMG. I knew this was going to be a rough one from the moment I read your A/N, but I read anyway, hoping against all hope that the outcome would be more positive. Of course it wasn't, which makes sense given what you've written about and the progression of Lucius' illness. It would have been out of place to have him recover, and to me, the fact that he is clearly dying from whatever he has only makes the story stronger.

I really loved the way you portrayed Narcissa - how she felt and her thoughts watching Lucius' decline. I loved how she clung to the hope that he could get better and believed that there could be something to help them. In a sense, I read it as denial or unwillingness to accept that Lucius wasn't going to get better. And ugh, Lucius losing his trademark locks just absolutely gutted me.

Great job on this powerful piece and giving me the feels! The angst level was spot on and you almost moved me to tears!
Nightmare Prince chapter 1 . 8/30/2015
Hullo xD

Like HELL NO, I knew where this was going from the minute I read that AN and how dare you make me read an emotional Lucissa. They are like one of my few weaknesses for feels because hello, LUCISSA, and now I have emotions.

As you can tell, this evoked a strong emotional and feelsy reaction from me - which is rare and does not happen often.

Overall, quite the read and I really liked it. There was little prose, but the dialogue only approach just lifted this piece because the emotions shone through.

-Ciao Mate
Sable Supernova chapter 1 . 8/30/2015
Oh, I read this before for my Hogwarts class! I loved it as much this time as I did then, and I can leave a review now! I absolutely love how you just throw the reader right in - it's unfamiliar territory for the reader at first and it's wonderful because there's a confusion and uncertainty about it which is exactly what Lucius and Narcissa are feeling. That ending just killed me. Those last three words are just the perfect conclusion to this piece and they hold all the weight of all the emotions that have come before. Well done on this, seriously :)
Little.Miss.Xanda chapter 1 . 8/30/2015
It’s really heartbreaking. Though I feel more for Narcissa than Lucius. It must be horrible to see the one you love go through that. Narcissa truly shows how much she loves Lucius and how strong she is. It truly doesn’t surprise me to see that Lucius would refuse muggle treatment even in that kind of situation. So selfish of him. You wrote a really emotional piece. Great job.
FancifulRivers chapter 1 . 8/30/2015
Oh...oh no, this was so painful and yet beautifully done? What a heart-wrenching direction you decided to take that particular prompt! I love Narcissa begging him to turn to Muggle methods to help, rather than letting him just die, and his decline is so painful, down to him losing his hair from the treatment, and the end. The end is heartbreaking, with Narcissa begging him not to say that he loves her like it's goodbye. Ouch.
Iesh chapter 1 . 8/29/2015
I saw your A/N after having read the story. I remember that prompt and I have to say I never expected something like this. :( This was really sad. I love how Lucius prefers to die than to resort to muggle healing. But the fact that it didn't help makes the story even sadder. Loved your charatcterisation of Lucius and Narcissa. You showed well the dynamic of the couple. Well done.
NeonDomino chapter 1 . 8/29/2015
OH how could you do this, how could you make my precious Lucius ill? This was amazingly written - what with Lucius getting ill and doing what he could to get better, but just getting worse and worse to a point where he's a shadow of himself. I've just watched my mother go through the same thing and have to say the way you've written this, is just perfect. The way you've explained things, their feelings and the decline in Lucius is spot on.
Future Madam Pomfrey chapter 1 . 8/6/2015
Oh my! More Lucissa. And sad Lucissa. My poor heart can’t take it! I love that you showed they were so in love, I’ve read a lot of fics where they’re merely amicable or even openly hostile to each other. It is rather odd for a wizard to have cancer though, they typically don’t suffer from Muggle ailments. I’m sure that’s what you were going for though. Very good and very sad.
Cassandra30 chapter 1 . 7/21/2015
Guest chapter 1 . 7/19/2015
Even they have real emotions. I love the style of writing, there but not in sight, just what is important. Good work.
alyssialui chapter 1 . 7/19/2015
I knew the possibility existed of you taking it in this direction but I had hoped you wouldn't. I was looking for humour and instead I got a stomach full of feels.
Oh Lucius. He's diagnosed with cancer and these magic folk don't understand medical mumbo-jumbo. The Healers can't do anything about it so Narcissa suggests Muggle medicine, which Lucius reluctantly agrees to. I loved how once Lucius agreed, he stuck to it, even when Narcissa herself was having second-thoughts about the Muggles' barbaric methods.
The part with him actually cutting off his hair was short, but it spoke volumes, which is why I wanted a fic like this in the first place. One of the things that makes Lucius Lucius, and a Malfoy, is his trademark platinum locks. By removing them, it changes his outward appearance, making him look smaller, frailer, uglier (in some cases, since you wouldn't be used to your scalp and it would be paler). But it also changes something within. It's one of the signs that something is definitely not right. You're getting sicker and there's no going back, so it's better to just shave it off instead of losing it lock by lock.
His health is deteriorating now, and his spirit is dying. He doesn't feel like doing anything, and he isn't getting better. It's killing Narcissa to watch him this way, and he hates that he's putting her though this.
Narcissa suggests they tell Draco and Lucius doesn't want Draco to see him weak, he doesn't want to worry him. He's hideous to look at.
The ending was brutal, and it reminded me of a movie (I think it was Furious 7, though Paul didn't die). They've tried but now Lucius is beginning to accept that his death is inevitable. He says "I love you" but it has this tone of finality that Narcissa can't take.
I think if you took it one scene further, with Lucius' actual death, it would have sent me over.
I wrote a fic similar to this once, though it was Narcissa who was sick, and it was just the end where she died. Definitely interesting to see it the other way around. I gotta tell Lexie (if she hasn't already seen this).
Excellent job. I hope you love this long review as much as I loved reading your fic. I wish I could favourite this twice.