Reviews for See Evil, Hear Evil, Touch Evil
Melody-Rose-20 chapter 13 . 4/2
Ah, classic Remy charm.
KaliAnn chapter 13 . 3/31
Excellent story all around.
Jay Maddox chapter 8 . 1/21/2017
i cant wait for more!
Jay Maddox chapter 5 . 1/20/2017
you changed midway thru the chapter of how many taps was yes or no. at first it was one for yes and two for no but then you changed it halfway when rogue was taught how to cook by gambit and the prof came in, can you please fix this? its very confusing
Wiccamage chapter 8 . 11/22/2016
I like the concept of the story and the creativity of the characters and their problem solving skills. I also thought your idea of Merci and Henri's relationship causing strife with Gambit was very new and refreshing.

The writing/spelling/word usage could use some work, but I'm guessing you're doing the best you can, possibly as a ESL (English second language) learner? If so, I commend your efforts to write a story in a foreign language! I hope you finish the last chapter just so I know how it ends. :)
Guest chapter 8 . 11/18/2016
Oh my god next chapter please
Guest chapter 8 . 11/15/2016
PLEASE UPDATE! Good job on such an Amazing story, Me and whole lot other people want more.
Marie chapter 8 . 11/15/2016
Amazing story, when reading fan fiction I usually skim only through the first few chapters to see if I like it, but I was emerged in your story, good job and please Update.
Mrs.Chaton chapter 8 . 11/1/2016
*gurgling noises* ergfffffffffffffffffffffffff oooooooooo oh update again please update agin that was great *drools* romy...
tx peppa chapter 8 . 11/3/2016
Thanks, I truly enjoyed this chapter. Finally Rogue sees it is ok to depend on someone else. How scary it must be to feel something grab you and you are totally in the dark. Not knowing what or who it can be.
I gotta give it to Hank he made the hearing aid device waterproof, I'm assuming she had it in the shower. I don't know if the hearing aids out there now are waterproof.
What a gentleman Remy can be. Not even a peek. Love how both are feeling guilty to each other.
Yay Logan is back !
Mrsironstark chapter 8 . 11/1/2016
Omg Logan's back can't wait to see where this story is headed now. Great job keep it up. Hoping for another update soon.
tx peppa chapter 7 . 10/9/2016
It's getting a little tiring of Rogue pushing away help from everybody. I can see a few things she get wrong like little trips and wearing the wrong color clothes but how about showing her in real danger. The Xmen are always getting attack at the mansion, still fighting a good fight but being blind and deaf is hard to overcome.
KaliAnn chapter 7 . 10/3/2016
I love the ups and down of this chapter
ZoeysZone chapter 5 . 10/2/2016
Ok so, I totally love this story. But, there's a lot of spelling mistakes and I really think that you should proof read through this- totally not meaning to sound rude. :( (like bizarre and Recroom being misspelled as 2 examples.)
Also, in all the previous chapters you had said that One Tap means yes and two taps means no, but in this chapter it kept fluctuating between that and 1 tap meaning no and two Taps meaning yes and I got very confusing so if you could fix that that would be very helpful.
ALLREMS chapter 7 . 10/2/2016
Got to love those nice long chapters. But hate when there's long waiting in between.
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