Reviews for A Whole New Set of Emotions
HockeyfanA113 chapter 18 . 9/3/2018
*with Empathy* I'm sorry that Meg was having a bad day, because of her BFF, Riley being in a coma in the hospital, I mean My Best Friend, Kennedy would have a bad day, if I was in the hospital in a coma, which I hope doesn't happen, and I hope Riley comes out of the coma, soon!
Bianca Wisteria chapter 18 . 1/26/2018
Gak237 chapter 18 . 1/29/2017
you know, some people think a petrol can hear what's going on around them when they're in a coma, maybe something like that child born with Meg visiting? Just a thought.
TheSparrowandtheHalk chapter 18 . 10/1/2016
This keeps getting more interesting each chapter I read. Keep up the good work. :)
Razorback 234 chapter 18 . 10/1/2016
Woohoo, new chapter! Nice work :)
Razorback 234 chapter 1 . 6/27/2016
Wow! Double set, it seemed such a quick new update, like you had it planned out far before inserting the last chapter, I'm definitely liking the looks of this! Awesome Job :)
Razorback 234 chapter 1 . 6/25/2016
I'm personally glad you didn't abandon the fic, nice to see an update. I am a very patient being, so I can wait, don't know do much about other Insiders though...
ellieisnotonline chapter 15 . 6/25/2016
I got writers block too. I also joined the phandom and got a wattpad account so I totally get it.
HollyAnne1084 chapter 3 . 6/25/2016
This is a great story so far, but Riley's parent's names are actually Jill and Bill. But I still love your story! It's really cute and unique! Keep it up with your hard work! :)
Razorback 234 chapter 14 . 4/6/2016
Really would love for you to continue this fic if you could, it's so awesome :)
gamby004 chapter 14 . 12/25/2015
At least Riley's stable. Wonder what's happening in headquarters?

This would become very tragic if Lea would die but its a very interesting turn

Very sad that the baby girl died but hey at least we have a little boy and it'll balance things out in the family! To be honest, whenever I think of the baby girl that died, I think of the game Dante's inferno where the unbaptized babies go to limbo...wonder how the babies emotion died?

Did Jemma really crashed the car because of a grudge? find out next time in DRAGON BA- I mean INSIDE OUT: A WHOLE NEW SET OF EMOTIONS!
Creativity Queen chapter 14 . 12/24/2015
Just so you know, this is the reveiwer with the many requests, I changed my username now. I just wanted to add more to my other review that Meg would also have a catfight with Jemma but seeing as Jemma is dead never mind.

BTWs, I really wanted the baby to be a girl. :( But this your story not mine.

In other news HOLY CRAP JEMMA CAN DRIVE!? Isn't she supposed to be in her early teens right now!? Cause if I'm not mistaken the legal age to drive when you're either 16 or 17.
Joshua chapter 14 . 12/24/2015
Just found this fanfic not long ago, and it seems that I share the same complaint as some of the others who have reviewed this story: the melodrama sucks.

Melodrama is a common trope of fanfiction. Many author's think that having lots of melodrama in your story can make it more adult and dramatic. And it can...when done well. Adult and dramatic storytelling comes from including adult and dramatic ideas, and melodrama can be used to build those ideas. But this story isn't really saying anything meaningful. As a result, the dramatic moments feel forced and tacked on.

I also felt the fact that Riley's family moved back to Minnesota, in literally the same house, a little odd. Did that mean that the San Fransisco move was temporary, for business purposes? Then why did Riley run away in the movie, instead of being patient? Also, how could they be back in the same house? They put it up for sale in the movie!

Things have been looking up though. Judging from the recent turn of events, as well as a description, it seems like Riley's coma is going to lead to another "Riley goes to the mind world" storyline. While there's plenty of fanfics about it already, i'm interested to see you're interpretation of the idea (And i'm not just saying that because i'm a big fan of the stories, "Intercom", "Floating in the Mind", "Outside In (both CaptainAperture's one and San Ookamitora's one)" and "Passed On"). I'm also glad that, while Riley's mom lost one of her babies, one still has a chance. It's nice to throw the characters a bone one in a while. Plus, by killing off one of the babies, it shows that there are still stakes at play.

It'll be interesting to see how this plays out. Hope to see you again soon.
Ronniecoln 88 chapter 13 . 11/29/2015
Will Riley live?
Guest chapter 13 . 11/26/2015
i like it. please post soon
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