Reviews for Hysteria
LittleMermade chapter 1 . 5/21
This one was unexpected, but I love how you give the spotlight to Glimmer, dive into her character in a way tgat makes her likeable and smart. You write friendship in the oddest of places really beautifully.
k.m nicole chapter 1 . 3/30/2018
This is incredible. I actually thought Clove was going to win, but Glimmer did and I am happy when stories portray Glimmer in a better light and not that she's some dumb blonde. Also I love the Clove and Glimmer friendship even though it's bittersweet. Also thank you for the Clato. I love Clato. Great job once again!
dreams and desperation chapter 1 . 7/20/2015
Haha! I don't like Glimmer in either the book or the movie but your story is pretty awesome... ;)
RowlingTribute91 chapter 1 . 7/19/2015
You put a lot of great twists in this. It was sad, but of course, that's the Hunger Games. Amazing, how easily things can be changed :]