Reviews for Journey
Cenaby chapter 15 . 6/10/2019
Please update!
Esquinzo chapter 15 . 4/22/2019
I absolutely love all of your stories and I'm so glad to see you're not abandoning any of them. I can't wait for the next chapter!
MargsLover chapter 15 . 4/15/2019
Sorry for the late review but I read through the whole story again so I’d remember everything! Love this development of Alicia taking a stand and actually doing something about Sutton, thank you for the update!
I'llLoveUForever chapter 15 . 4/10/2019
Wohoooo. I am so glad you updated this story!

I absolutely love the idea of the one shots for this fic. I hope they are all happy shots haha

Thanks for writing. I am anxious for your next update!
guategal chapter 15 . 4/9/2019
Here is a variant focus on A & W "taking care" of one another within a plot filled with fears and danger. The fight for freedom and peace in their personal lives is so well elaborated here as Alicia's surge with risk taking pays the price in addressing Sutton's ever threatening hold. Seldom has Will been written to have cause to realize the depth of Alicia's protectiveness for their behalf in action. This plot produced rattlings with tension as well as pride for our characters' behaviors. I especially appreciated your pathway to have Will become more open to treat his issues. Another quite mindful development has arisen in this unique relationship story. This reader was glad for the update indeed.
Whatandwhy chapter 14 . 1/27/2019
I love this series so much! Please keep writing it. I've re-read it for the 3rd time now
guategal chapter 13 . 1/6/2019
Loved your related hotel desert pattern development sharing in this chapter. Simple traditions are such bonding bricks. Will's sleeplessness and fears encountered hold such a variance to other problems readers attach to our Will character image. Looking forward to your treatment approach/es. As often you offer an unique plotting enhancer which calls for a hurried update need.
Guest chapter 14 . 10/22/2018
So happy to see this update
I'llLoveUForever chapter 14 . 10/9/2018
I was shocked when I saw this update!

I love it and I love them!

Did you update this one in order to lower our anxiety for some phisical contact between them in TST? LOL

If that was the reason I think is was smart and it kind of work... for now! Haha

Thanks as always!
Guest chapter 14 . 10/3/2018
Yes please, keep writing this! I absolutely love reading everything you’ve written. This one and time stood still are my two favourite stories in the fandom!
Guest chapter 14 . 10/3/2018
Just reread the whole story. I love all your stories and the fact that willicia lives on in your stories. Would love for you to continue this one.
MargsLover chapter 14 . 10/2/2018
Really glad you’ve updated this story, beautifully written! I love that Will is getting help and Alicia is there for him no matter what, cuuuuuute
bestiewritters chapter 14 . 10/2/2018
I don’t mind how long it takes you to update the simple fact that are continuing this story is more than enough for me I love it and I will definitely keep reading no matter how long you take to update as for the story it’s perfect I love how he is finally dealing with his issues head on and is now realising what an impact this guy is having on him I think it’s good that he has come to that realisation xxx
Guest chapter 13 . 9/5/2017
So happy you updated love this little story
Guest chapter 1 . 9/4/2017
Thank you so much for updating I can't wait to read the next chapter and please keep on writing the story
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