Reviews for Yu-Gi-Oh GX: Gender Generation!
awayhere chapter 74 . 12h
I agree to some extent with your opinions on revenge, but the motivations of revenge-driven character’s aren’t to only bring back what they lost. Aster wants some justice (which in his case, is interchangeable with revenge) dealt for his father and the stolen card, and he wants the murderer to pay for their crime. I think it’s a pretty understandable motivation. It's probably difficult to move on if your parent's murderer was just free without trouble. Aster’s attitude is… yeah not nice, but his jadedness is not completely shocking either. He just can’t see the pain he deals to other people as comparable to his own. Ultimately, even though I don’t always agree with the entire morality/justification of these types of characters, I wouldn’t say they are pointless because revenge plot-lines aren’t to justify the characters motivations, but to also show how it affects them and the people around them. I don’t know to what extent you’re trying to change Aster tho, so I’m curious to see how things unfold. I agree Aster’s harmful actions should be explored more in how consequential they are, as well as how mentally damaging it is.
Shiro Usagi Dobutsu chapter 74 . 7/23
Finally, the GX abridged joke I was waiting for
Guest chapter 74 . 7/23
Nice chapter. I still can't wait the next time Jaden interested with her duel spirits. It's one of my favorite parts of the story. Keep up the good work!
cherrypeachblossom chapter 74 . 7/23
this is why I like Chazz and Jaden pairing. Jaden needs someone who is blunt.
Guest chapter 74 . 7/22
This is awesome. I can't wait for the part where they find themselves in another dimension. Flame Wingman is going to be soooo happy
Shrouded Absol chapter 74 . 7/22
How does playing Assassins Creed suddenly give you super strength? Just kidding, nice reference.
Guest chapter 73 . 7/18
Please update soon
Guest chapter 73 . 7/17
Please please please please update the next chapter really soon, I want to see more romantic parts.
Manukara chapter 73 . 7/14
I understand your problem with Bastion, he was nice and different from the other characters, but I am not going to deny that it seems correct to me that he went that way. On the other hand, the duel was great and the conversation between the characters was quite good. We are near the end of the season, much of Astro will come in the next chapters
Shrouded Absol chapter 73 . 7/14
Im confused. How was Bastion surprised with Neos and Contact Fusion, he's seen Jaden's rematch against Aster when she got back to the Academy. The duel was good though and established more on their feelings on the whole matter concerning Bastion being neglected by friends.
GGCharms chapter 73 . 7/13
Oh my god yesss! I love this, you write fem Jaden so well and I love that everyone loves her! I can't wait for more!
awayhere chapter 73 . 7/11
Oh, the Bastion naked thing is in that episode? That make me go wtf too, but it's one of his iconic moments I suppose. He doesn't get a lot of screen time in general, unfortunately. I think your change makes sense especially since Jaden is a girl, but her reaction to him would have been something...
Call Brig On Over chapter 73 . 7/10
As much as I like GX it always left a very foul taste in my mouth over how they treated Bastion, seriously scene like this was sorely needed.
MajorBrony95 chapter 73 . 7/10
Such an awesome chapter. It's inspired me to include a chapter like this in my Pokemon/Yu-Gi-Oh crossover. In mine, Jaden will be a lot smarter than in the anime (not Bastion wise, but he'll know a lot about Pokemon and manage to pass his classes with B's and C's, though he'll really get by like Jaden here does- through battling and winning.) He's also not as oblivious to certain things (like Alexis' feelings to him, though it may still take a bit .)

I actually liked this ending for Bastion. He was actually more of my favorite character in the GX show along with Crowler (IDK why HIM, just was; for Bastion, it was largely due to Eric Stuart, my all time FAVORITE dub VA, voicing him.)

Can't wait to see how else you change things in your fix and what they may inspire for mine.
deathbykitsune chapter 73 . 7/10
I think I already put this in a comment but I think I have to say it again in defense of Jaden and the others. I don't know how they were supposed to know that Bastion would do what he did and just recklessly challenge the society. The only reason anyone became fully aware of his flaw (the need to be acknowledged) is because Aster told them. Jaden and the others have had no experience with people like that, with the exception of pre-north academy Chazz maybe, but he had a lot of other problems as well. I just think that the reason they weren't worried about him is because they knew he was a great duelist, proven in the same episode where had it not been for his flaw he would have won, and figured that he was smart enough to NOT charge into the white dorm and challenge the leader.
I just feel that Bastion should have apologized as well for being selfish as well, hell the moment they learned that Bastion was dueling Chazz they immediately rushed over. I am not saying that you screwed up I just wanted you to try and see it from their perspective as well. I am still enjoying this story and Cherished Evolution I just feel that in this situation Bastion should have plenty of blame since they in no way told him that he should join or face the society.
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