Reviews for Amaranthine - Sequel to Reverie (2nd Part of K&M's Journey Series)
Skovko chapter 50 . 9/25/2018
Wow, where did my day go? Got through part 2 too. Saving part 3 for another day. Hopefully tomorrow but no promises. Love this series.
calwitch chapter 50 . 1/12/2016
I am upset with myself that I missed this story between these two! I just finished reading it and I have to say I've really enjoyed it and I'm on the fence with you about doing a third part for this. Perhaps do a draft for a third part and see if it's up to snuff. Don't post it! Read it yourself and compare it with these first two.
*mumbles* still can't believe I've missed this story...
cris1984 chapter 50 . 12/25/2015
Such a great story, each and every chapter. I would love for a third part, I already miss Jon and Keyla. Hope you decide to do this and to see the first installment of a third part.
Guest chapter 50 . 12/19/2015
Great story and chapter and would love a part 3. I think you could make it just as good as the first 2. Great work.
Guest chapter 50 . 12/19/2015
I would love to see this story continue and see where Keyla and Jon's relationship goes. Also I'd love to see where Lennox and Roman's relationship goes as well.
lcec chapter 50 . 12/21/2015
Well you know my thoughts on the trilogy idea. I would love to see it. You are such a great writer and the fics have been amazing. The best thing is the character development, none of them are perfect, they all have flaws (some more than others) but you can still make us root for them and that's all down to you.

No matter what you decide, I'll still be a firm follower x
Alexis Black-Reigns chapter 50 . 12/20/2015
Well I personally would love a third part to this but I would settle for a couple of one shots lol. Great ending and I've been here the whole ride for both your stories
AliceIsTheName chapter 50 . 12/20/2015
GeorgiaDeanGirl chapter 50 . 12/19/2015
I agree I think the story should stop here. I love your stories and I hope you won't stop writing. You will have alot on your plate soon, but I hope you will find the time. THANK YOU!
NESSAANCALIME6913 chapter 50 . 12/19/2015
I honestly think you could pull off a trillogy. Heck yu didn't think this would take off as well as it had.
I personally would be behind a third installment or even one-shots that show glimpses into their lives.
KailynnYukari21 chapter 50 . 12/19/2015
I'm all full of feels over here trying not to cry. I hate seeing that it's over! I love these two together so much. But it was amazingly done. I would for sure read a third installment if you made one!
DeeMarie426 chapter 50 . 12/19/2015
Glad this ended on a good note, but I'm kind of interested in seeing more. Even if you don't do a full story, maybe a few one-shots just to show everyone where they all ended up, maybe? Just a thought. :)
dreamin'BIG chapter 50 . 12/19/2015
I'd like to see a third part, maybe see kind reaction to her relationship with baron, explore getting engaged. Plus u have the bonus of telling Lennox and Romans story as well now. Up to you, these 2 stories have been amazing.
labinnacslove chapter 50 . 12/19/2015
A great ending to the two of them
lourdes1694 chapter 50 . 12/19/2015
It's actually a shame that's its the end I would have wanted to see Lennox and Keyla get married
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