Reviews for Wherever You Are
wickedshenanigans chapter 4 . 7/28/2017
This was soooo cute I can't stand it! I loved how Hardy dealt with his feelings for Miller, by seeking out her company while second-guessing everything and keeping up an almost constant stream of self-reproach. With the occasional pause to admire something she said, or did, or how she looked. It was just so sweet, and so Hardy, and I think what I loved best about this little pair of fics was how in-character you kept them, and how natural everything that happened between them felt. The kiss in this fic in particular; I could totally see Hardy always making excuses to himself as to why he could stand to wait a bit longer when all he really wanted to do was kiss her and keep her with him forever, and I could see Miller threatening to run him over if he didn't kiss her even more! This was just lovely, and I'm going to go stalk your profile now because you write these two just perfectly and I need more! Thank you for this fic :)
CuriousityKilledTheCatfish chapter 4 . 4/27/2016
This is my favourite Broadchurch fan fiction, and actually now that I think about it, my favourite fan fiction. God you sum these idiots up so perfectly it's scary. I love it!

There is something so perfect about Ch4. It's brilliant. It shows what and idiot Hardy can be, and Ellie accepting it. And it shows how infuriating Ellie's stubborn head can be, but it works.
When Ellie got back in her car and drove away, I sank. I thought, god they're too stubborn to make in work, but then Miller nearly ran him over and I started jumping in my seat. And I might or might not have been riding giddy-high for like a day after this fan fiction was done, and every other time when I finished it.

I love this because they both know they aren't perfect - not perfect individually, and certainly not perfect together. She's the friendly, genuine woman that makes the world around her bloom, and he's this difficult, sour grape half the time, but then... It's a crooked relationship. It should't work - they shouldn't be together. People like Ellie just don't go for people like Alec, but then... I feel like you wrote my arguments about shipping Alec and Ellie down. It shouldn't work, but somehow it just does.

Please write more! I could literally reread these pixels forever!
pharohtrinity chapter 3 . 4/15/2016
fantastic writing! I was so upset with Hardy when he just left, but dang, you made up for it in the last part of the last chapter! love!
EndlessBlue chapter 4 . 9/29/2015
I've put off reviewing this last chapter because I kept thinking, How does one go about translating flailing and squeeing into English? But that's what I did as I read this last chapter - a lot of internal "YAAAAASS"ing and cringing and grinning and eye rolling and giggling and overall death-by-OTP-perfection. (ing)

Really, this couldn't have been better. I'm going to re-read it, starting with the prequel of course, and bask in how amazing your writing is. This should be must-read material for any Hardy/Ellie fan.

PLEASE write more of these two idiots - you do them justice, and there's just not a whole lot of fic in this little fandom so any extra bit is appreciated. You're wonderful. This story is amazing. Congratulations? I don't even know what I'm saying anymore, the fangirling has fried my brain. Anyway, 10/10, will read and enjoy again.
Mari83 chapter 4 . 9/24/2015
I still so love this story. Love the glimpses of Hardy with a younger Daisy, back when he knew how to be happy and didn’t feel so awash in the moods of his teenage daughter. Such realistic (fragile, conflicting, puzzled) bonding scenes between father and daughter — and then later between Hardy and Miller, over their children. (Oh and Hardy using Miller as a role model for talking Tess — well done:-) And yes, Hardy and Miller. Going via texts is just like them, keeping in other contact in a supposedly, but not really, inconspicuous way. And them going present shopping together was both hilarious and sweet and awkward all at the same time. It’s just how I imagine their turtle-speed, each-hurt-in-their-own-way courtship.

And what a final scene. (Though I do hope this isn't the end of this universe)

Thanks for sharing.
ak chapter 4 . 9/23/2015
Loved this. I actually cheered when Miller came back. They are so honest and so in character and ... thank you for writing!
Hediru chapter 4 . 9/22/2015
This was a beautiful story, and perhaps one of the most in character stories read about these two finally getting together. They were awkward and sweet, and it felt completely normal for them. Thank y so much for sharing this story, and I hope there'll be another story in this series!
mykelara chapter 4 . 9/22/2015
This was just beautiful. Your wonderful prose captures the story so well, from Hardy's inner monologue to their awkward moments to the dialogue. Everything just melts together to give this round and wholesome story that I loved reading every word of it.

I had many, many favorite lines and moments, but one that I liked particularly was "She was Miller and he was Hardy. Backing down was never an option" and I laughed when she said he'd run him over if he didn't kiss her (and I saw the scene play out on front of me).

I loved the natural and slow progression of their relationship. Because I don't see it happen fast. Too much history, too much to heal and too much awkwardness on both sides.

Loved the fact that they were texting and talking, that he felt the need to share with her and finally have someone to comment about his life and not be lonely anymore. And she was obviously game.

Loved it that they bonded over their kids - first Ellie helps him with Daisy, but she doesn't pick a present just gently guides until he is the one that finds something meaningful for her (love the fact that he picked up on that fact so quickly that Daisy only had those kind of charms). Then the conversation in the restaurant eases up when they talk about Fred (oh and I think Hardy is so falling for the little man, sorry I'm a sucker for Alec and wee Fred).

Loved how he is his usual observant self and picks up on the fact that she maybe did dress up and tried to look nice, but that it wasn't too obvious. Love his awkward attempts at a "second" date and that he realizes that there is something. Love that he vows to be patient, that he is happy with taking the time and that he doesn't want to mess it up, not even the friendship (because he knows what's at stake). And then of course it is Ellie who gets fed up and calls his bullshit. Loved that too.

But what I loved the most was how upbeat and optimistic this whole story is without being overly sweet, rushing it or spinning a fairy tale for them both. Ellie knows he's a difficult person and Hardy knows she's got to learn trust again. And they both are flawed human beings but are willing to take each other as they are and (hopefully) make it work.

Thank you for writing and sharing this absolutely heart warming (and for once not breaking) story (and that comes form someone who has spent a lot of time bringing gloom and doom to our beloved DI) without making it overly sweet but real and believable.
jalola chapter 4 . 9/22/2015
Wonderfully written. I liked the suspense over whether Hardy would get over himself and make a move. But when the heartbreak of watching Miller drive off came, I figured that she'd get the nerve up to make a move.

The fun thing about this is I could see David and Olivia playing this out and relishing the dancing on the edge of each other. You got their characters' personalities down!

Looking forward to your next venture into Hardy/Miller world. Cheers.
pgilmour75 chapter 4 . 9/22/2015
That was so amazing and perfect and wonderful! Yay! I love Miller telling him she'd run him over if he didn't kiss her. That seems like a very Miller thing to do. And I love the idea of a giddy Hardy. I can totally see him trying not to be all smily and not being able to help himself. You did a great job of keeping them in character and I loved that Miller had reservations about him because of how hard he is to deal with but she accepts him for who he is anyways. And Hardy seems to acknowledge that they are who they are and that isn't going to change. And you did a brilliant job of making it seem very natural with the parts about how they were talking/texting every day and his want to be able to share everything with her. I'm babbling now, but I really loved this story and I hope you continue to write more about them. A sequel perhaps? And those song lyrics are perfect for those two!
Hazelmist chapter 4 . 9/22/2015
OMG! THIS WAS SO WONDERFUL AND CUTE AND IM STILL FREAKING SMILING! I loved it from start to finish. I love how Hardy and Ellie have been texting and I burst out laughing when the printer broke cuz I used to work in IT and recently broke a copy machine. And then Hardy finally gets the guts to ask her out on a sort of date and they go to the MALL and God the way you write Hardy and the way he sees the world had me in stitches. Please don't ever stop writing these two. loved how he finds the charm for Daisy thanks to miller (loved the sentiment and the story behind it too!) and I loved how he basically had to FORCE her to have lunch with him and ppl were staring lol I could totally picture it. And then that whole conversation in the parking garage where he awkwardly tries to ask her out again and then she almost runs him over and they get into an argument over his anger toward self check outs! This whole scene made me laugh because it's so THEM and I LOVE IT! And then FINALLLY she basically threatens to RUN HIM OVER AGAIN if he doesn't kiss her LOL! And they do get together! And he's not going to scol at kittens lol. And it was hilarious and perfect and so sweet! I really did enjoy this and I laughed and smiled and agonized right along with poor Hardy as he struggled with making a move and risking rejection. I loved this especially since it was from Harry's POV and I'm hoping that this isn't the end of your broadchurch stories because I LOVED every single word you've written! Please write more and thank you for writing this!
Gallifrey Byrned chapter 3 . 9/8/2015

I thought that was really brilliant of you coming up with that. It really brought out his fatherly instincts! Honestly, that's what my parents does every time when the family gets a little rocky and although we got sick of McD's it always seem to work so I thought that was really really brilliant and moving.

And the bit where Ellie replied, it was just right that they fall back to their old ways.

EndlessBlue chapter 3 . 9/7/2015
One more chapter! These cliffhangers! Aarrgghhh *curls into fetal position*

But seriously, this chapter was necessary, and it was awesome. So, so lovely - the way you pin down the quirks of teenage girls and divorce and broken families trying to still stay in each other's orbit - it was just so well done. Bittersweet, sad, hopeful, warm. Everything that family can be, and all summed up in one quick dinner at McDonald's.

And now I'm really quite desperate for Hardy to get SOMEBODY to be nice to him, so if you could hurry along the final chapter, that'd be fantastic. ;) Hardy may finally be feeling a bit more at ease with this whole Ellie situation, but I'm still on pins and needles!
Hazelmist chapter 3 . 9/7/2015
Hardy in a MCDONALDS! LOL! Omg I was laughing as he looked at what he ordered and was talking about the stupid minion toys and the whole scene was just funny and sad and heart warming at the same time. Loved the line about how a happy meal used to fix everything. I really did love this exchange between Hardy and his daughter and how he thinks of miller and tries to act like she would and Daisy opens up to him a little bit and he sort of opens up to her and I LOVE how they bond over their mutual hatred of Dave ( give me his address and I'll have him arrested lol ) and then he threatens to date her English teacher hahaha. I love the little humorous lines that you throw in there even when the subject is serious. And I love how Hardy FINALLY decides to move forward with his life and LIVE AND texts Ellie! I cannot wait for the next chapter! Your writing and the way you write these characters is LOVELY! And I can't get enough of it. I'll be sad when it's over but please update soon and put poor Hardy out of his misery!
Sharon chapter 3 . 9/7/2015
I could just see Alec and Daisy at McD's! Well done! Loved the "Dave? As in DAVE Dave?" "No another one. Tess gas a thing for them." LOL
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