Reviews for Umbrella
sarge1130 chapter 14 . 7/30/2019
Ahh! I miss this story so much .
I love it always how Law loves to mess up or tease Luffy. Though younger among the two, Law doesn’t fails to intimidate Luffy. Also, it’s illegal for Law to pout. It’s just so cute and I admit that even me can’t resist that.
Thanks for the update :D.
Lawrenceya588 chapter 14 . 6/28/2019
Kyyaaa! Finally! I read your new chapter last week when it came out, but forgot to leave a comment (woopsie) so here I am! When it came out, I was so excited and read it immediately. I was surprised as it had been a long time since this story was updated, but I was glad in the end that it was. Even if it took you a lot of time, I don't think it matters as this story is wonderful and I will continue to wait for the next chapter.

In my opinion, this chapter was great, you maybe worry too much (I guess you know it already?) and I am sure whatever you do will be great! I love it, it brightened my day although... The chapter finishes with a cliffhanger and you know sh*t is about to go down and fast in the next chapter and I can't wait (well, I can and I will, but I think you understand what i mean) OMG! You're such a tease.

On another note, I think you should look to make yourself an AO3 account to publish this story on AO3 as it is a more used platform for fanfiction right now than and you could make a lot of happy (and new) readers there. On that, have a good day and take your time for the next chapter! :)
Paulie MickeyJ chapter 14 . 6/22/2019
Awwwww my Luffy. You better tell him the truth as soon as possible, the more you try to avoid it the more it will kill you inside. Oh I love this story! How much I missed it. And welcome back Luna. It was an amazing chapter. Luffy is adorable, and you make us awkwardness so visible. I loved it. First thing I read on a Sunday morning was so cute! Thank you
yukino76 chapter 14 . 6/22/2019
Good update thanks
Martyna5353 chapter 13 . 5/18/2019
Ahhhh amazing story! One of my fav
Rainbow D. Jay chapter 2 . 9/5/2017
Amaazing! I found this late at night last night and had to sleep before finishing this chapter, and I had a dream about your story. Meow~ Meow~
Mirage chapter 13 . 10/23/2016
ist still an interesting Story and i like to know where this goes, and if they really stay away from each other after the year. seems to be getting more and more extreme childish...submissive virgin...
but he is not, sure he is some month younger than luffy but he is not, he leads his own companys, he is strong, he is way bigger than luffy and stronger both in mind and Body...he did Show it at the first Meeting...ut now he gets more and more meek and week...that i find a bit sad and strange.
but who knows maybe he changes again in some time...and luffy is a bit like a Little Girl part pervy 60year old guy...naive and soo cute everything... and then oh nohhhh i did look at him or touch him and a secod later ..i want to touch more...this two are really messed up by there history...and Need to grow up and Show that they are 18years
but i like t know where this goes ,even when they stay like this its funny
Paulie MickeyJ chapter 13 . 10/23/2016
goodness! I am glad I saved the chapter for my station time! this was adorable. I want to have my honeymoon in your Skypiea. Loved how Law is trying to help Luffy over come his fear of water, a step at a time. That's my Law, the thing about his mother's past is so intriguing. Just Wow. How can I not love this story! Its so fluffy, emotional and cute. I loved the dance in circles around bonfire, I wrote something similar for an upcoming fic too. The kisses were pure adorable, that's me when I was 19! I did similar things, I would just peck my lover and run off! I am so happy that you write this story. lately I am not in best mood, this cheered me up so much. thank you dear. sorry for extremely late review. I wished FF allowed us multiple review options for each chapter from single reader. you have my love and hugs. it was a very sweet chapter.
Mirage chapter 6 . 10/18/2016
luffy thinks like a 40-50 year old ped geezer...he is not a year older maybe not even that ...why acts law so submissive all the time, strange...its somewhat cute...but i like his adult him more the dominant persona not the 8 year old he Shows since some chapt...but who knows where this ch6
Guest chapter 13 . 10/17/2016
Aaw! Aargh i want to know whose matt!
sarge1130 chapter 13 . 10/14/2016
I'm just so happy that you had updated on Law' birthday. Sorry for the late review but as always, this chapter is fun to read.
Aww, Law is so cute when he's cuddling with huge stuffed toys. Again the sudden appearance of these stuffed toys is still a mystery to Luffy. How can Law hide something like that and that it will only appear when he is sleeping? Unless he can use SHAMBLES, lol.
Really love all the LawLu moments. This couple is so cute and adorable. I like the way how Law tried to help Luffy overcome his fear on the ocean/swimming. Luffy is aware of their contract and he just can't understand Law why he is trying to help him with everything. It is like Law is preparing him for his future once Law is no longer with him. Also, Law is a year younger than Luffy but Law shows his protectiveness over Luffy. The way how he saved Luffy even though it will hurt him. Catching someone falling in that height is dangerous, I think you have at least a blanket held by 3-4 people to cushion your fall. The impact enhanced by the pull of gravity surely caused Law such injuries.
I'm so sad for Law. He really misses his mom though I don't know why he is lying that he is not connected with the doctor who had volunteered for the tribe. Maybe because he doesn't want to be the center of attraction, after all he enjoys his personal space.
Hohoho, Luffy had kissed Law :). Drunken Law is so cute, to think that he was kidnapped by Luffy and he was forced to marry a guy. The first kiss is meant to silence Law but in the end, Luffy felt something strange stirred within him. It's pretty obvious, he is now falling for Law *performs noodle dance*.
Thanks for the update :D.
AnimeAngel2692 chapter 13 . 10/6/2016
loved it! I missed this story.
Glad u passed the finals, good on ya :)
This chapter was awesome. Lot of LawLu moments. Topped off with a drunk Law kissing Luffy. Just fantastic! Looking forward to the next one!
phonenix chapter 13 . 10/6/2016
*passes out from diabetes and cuteness overload*
AyyMD VEGA chapter 13 . 10/6/2016
Just like the last one, this chapter is kinda dense and also very good. The entire part after Law gets injured, you sure did put a lot of work into that. The story gets deeper... Well done Luna! In fact, after reading the last chapter, I practically waited for around a week for the next chapter to be published.
Love, Alexis Vance
Guest chapter 12 . 10/5/2016
I want to know who's Matt! You have to update! Please!
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