Reviews for Sail
Guest chapter 7 . 7/23/2016
The ending was great, I hope there is a sequel.
Nikita Lann chapter 1 . 10/30/2015
yayy ! Pirates des Caraïbes héhé.
Suele chapter 8 . 9/29/2015
I loved this AU. I loved talking Haymitch who was married to protect Effie.
Arrion chapter 8 . 9/28/2015
Fun story, I love how Effie take the fact that she's married without any exange of vows. See you next story. chapter 8 . 9/28/2015
Omg I love it so much
Guest chapter 8 . 9/27/2015
This was probably one of my favourite AUs! I honesty don't know how you keep producing such amazing work!
room-on-broom chapter 8 . 9/27/2015
Love it me heartie! Have absolutly adored it:D
guest chapter 8 . 9/27/2015
I really loved it. Too bad it's over but it has a happy ending so i'm happy ! Your writing skill and your creativity amaze me everytime, we are truly gifted to have you in the fandom. Really excited about your next work :)
chrisi2503 chapter 8 . 9/27/2015
Thank you so so much for this awesome journey on the MS Hayffie. I loved every chapter and I think it ended perfectly. Pirate Haymitch and pirate Effie got me and I could really imagine it thanks to your great writing and because you are always into character. In this chapter, Haymitch's speech about Effie Abernathy put such a huge smile on my smile, as well as their studying of maps. :)
I can't wait for your next AU, I'm sure it will be just as great.
marizpe chapter 8 . 9/27/2015
I know this is the last chapter of sail ( I wanted to read more of it. Wish you can write an epilogue of what happe s few years later...what happened with Alma, Snow, did Effie recovers all her money, maybe they got marry in front of the crew bacause all wanted to see and hear the vows...
If not an epilogue can you write it in Hace a drink sweetheart? Please!
If not is ok, you know I love your writting, all your stories are amazing and I will love to read the next one. Thank you for Sail
Macie chapter 8 . 9/27/2015
This was such a fun ride, thank you for writing, I enjoyed it tremendously! I guess they're married eh? It is nice to imagine them with a little child and Haymitch freaking out when they realised she's pregnant. And then there will be a whole fiasco around the pregnancy. I can already hear Johanna's laughter heheh I love this story so much! Pretty exciting how Effie transformed from an uptight lady to a badass pirate. I am now so excited for your new story and I know it's going to be incredible because you are an awesome writer and Silver Linings Playbook fits Hayffie so well! I am so so so excited! Thanks for writting, I'll miss this story!
allonsysilvertongue chapter 8 . 9/27/2015
This was a good ending :)
pinkish-red hearts chapter 8 . 9/27/2015
I like how you avoided them being with Alma. Although it would be interesting to know what happens to Snow and Coin and the rebellion in general. Oh well :) (y)
It's me get over it chapter 8 . 9/27/2015
This was so BRILLIANT! I'm so conflicted about this ending. On one hand; I loved it, Haymitch just declaring them married as they set out on a new adventure (not to mention Finnick, Chaff and Prim LIVE!). While on the other hand; it's over! I'd love to read about Effie in China- just imagine her with rare Chinese silk! She'd drive Haymitch and the pirate part of the crew crazy!
Wow, you are SO GOOD at this. I know it's early,but I hope you have a fantastic and safe trip.
Thank you for this story; it truly was amazing!
bella184ever chapter 8 . 9/27/2015
Loved it, loved it! You are the best!
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