Reviews for Dark Skies and Stormclouds
Guest chapter 7 . 7/15/2017
reference is markiplier
Ranger 7734 chapter 1 . 7/13/2017
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Idikator1 chapter 8 . 10/4/2016
If you haven't already got a ship name for Saxon and ruby why not Armsday
rob.york.1690 chapter 36 . 4/18/2016
fare thee well my young friend and may you find your muse again while you are on hiatus

Se onr sevedar sitja hvass (may your swords stay sharp){very rough translation!}

jaffa3 chapter 6 . 3/12/2016
Wow. Really didn't expect that. Now I see why Jace was so angry last chapter.
jaffa3 chapter 5 . 3/12/2016
I really can't wait to find out what Weiss did to make Jace of all people that angry.

Great story so far.
DiaZeroGear chapter 7 . 2/15/2016
Wilford warfstache is gonna get punched in the gabba
trninjakiller chapter 9 . 1/29/2016
Oh the RVB references are awesome.
ImNotEmoX3 chapter 32 . 1/12/2016
If you stay cannon it'll leave you time to think out your chapters in between posts, on the other hand diverging away from the story but keeping some glimpses of cannon material can allow you the freedom to post ideas you may have been holding back. I'd say compromise between the two to not overwork yourself.
But the main reason I've stopped by after reading your delicious story and many others I've quite enjoyed over the past three weeks, I've recently started my own little cannon/fandom story. Since I'm still quite amateur I was hoping to get advice from some more veteran writers I believe fit my style, so first question if you would be so kind to review it, what do you think would be a reasonable average word length for chapters I've been around 2.6k in my more recent ones as I've gotten more comfortable?
Secondly how have you decided on your pairings, like personality wise or just ideas you had in your head cause I've been trying to work in some parings to my story but haven't figured which would be good pairs?
Thanks you for looking this over if you did, it means a lot to me honestly. Now off with me to find ways to gain reviews from readers!
Kazugiri chapter 31 . 1/7/2016
Well for me it depends on what you want to rewrite. Is it some details about the story that you would like to add or just the style of the text that you want to rewrite?
Well I like the story as it is now so far so I hope there is nothing you want to change. But if it seems necessary then it's okay.
But you can do what you want with your story anyway, so as long as the story is still good then I have nothing to complain about.
CmdrBlackHeart chapter 31 . 1/7/2016
Might be interesting as a side project. Ya know make some AU to your own world or something, but unless you intend to do something like that I see no major need to.
rob.york.1690 chapter 31 . 1/6/2016
hell no
Adselihaz chapter 31 . 1/6/2016
Not saying your writing isn't good, but it sometimes helps to go back over what you've written and polish it uk a bit, all i ever do is obsess over what i write for too long _ but it would be good to get a bit more of a feel for whats going on in most situation.
Jack Hunter chapter 31 . 1/6/2016
They're good as they are. Quite a unique introduction compared to most fan fiction.
CmdrBlackHeart chapter 30 . 12/28/2015
I say go original. I like to read stories that are semi-canon, meaning they follow the show/book/game etc. to a certain point but then branch off into a completely original story. Have fun with it, whether you choose to be canon or not, at the very least
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