Reviews for Everything Will Be Okay
MissTinfoilHat chapter 1 . 10/11/2019
I love this! The depiction of their relationship is so accurate. Just the right balance of angst and fluff.
MissNikki537 chapter 15 . 3/24/2019
I just love Nico and Alex the last story was great.
ravenskyys chapter 15 . 4/16/2017
Man, I loved every single chapter of this series, the one with Nic's mother got me especially teared up. If you wrote a chapter regarding the murder of Woricks family and how he dealt with that mentally that would be amazing. I feel like with your amazing writing still it would make the scenario even more impactful than the series itself. I already followed you and the story, what you're doing is amazing please don't stop anytime soon.
ImATrooper chapter 13 . 1/21/2017
I enjoyed all of these, especially the ones about young Worick and Nic, and the ones involving Veronica and Nina!
alice 0 chapter 15 . 7/20/2016
I really like these short story's, mainly the ones with Alex! Is there any way you could show Alex's mental strengh in one of them? Keep going
Hanar chapter 15 . 3/3/2016
beautiful heart wrenching one shots! please update soon
Nightrose1 chapter 15 . 1/26/2016
I love these stories.I especially like the ones where Nic and Worick are young and the ones that show Nic and Alex becoming closer. Please keep writing these when you have time.
PineappOwl chapter 15 . 11/26/2015
Awwww, I really loved this one. C:
PineappOwl chapter 14 . 11/8/2015
All I can say is please don't ever stop writing these stories. I'm honestly enjoying them almost as much as the canon story and that is saying something because this is one fandom I'm suuuuppper obsessed with. These are by far the most realistic, in character little one-shots that I have seen. Not just for Gansta, but in general for a long time. I'm going through serious withdrawals waiting on more manga chapters and your stories were exactly what I needed.

Obviously in my perverted mind I would love to see more happen between Alex and Nico, but I have to admit it's super difficult to think up any truly in character scenario where either one of them makes more than a small move that brings them just a little bit closer. Which is why I especially love your interactions. I also especially enjoyed the past Worrick/Nico stories. Those poor babies have had such a tragic life and I feel like the stories you weave for the reader really helps capture the essence of that struggle.

I did notice small typos here and there, which I honestly found a little strange considering how well everything is written until when I read in your authors note that you've had a serious writing disadvantage and I never ever would have guessed. The writing itself is just fantastic. If you ever got a beta to point out the little stuff here and there it would all be perfect. All things considered though you really do a very good job of proof reading by yourself.

I'm honestly not one to leave reviews and when I do it's usually along the lines of 'Great work!', but I felt like these stories deserved a real virtual pat-on-the-back. I really can't wait to see what else you come up with, I'll be checking for updates regularly! I really, really hope to read more soon! Thanks for the awesome read! C:
CoolCat0720 chapter 6 . 10/15/2015
Nicolas and cookies? This is one of those moments where I wish I was there lol
CoolCat0720 chapter 3 . 10/14/2015
This chapter was super cute!
I really liked it
You nailed the interactions between Nina and Nicolas if you ask me :)
CoolCat0720 chapter 1 . 10/14/2015
Brokenangelsely chapter 11 . 10/6/2015
Aww besties having a good time! So fun to read! And to have Nicolas laughing something I'd love to see more!
Brokenangelsely chapter 10 . 10/6/2015
Such amazing insight! I just love Warick and Nicolas friendship moments. It's really nice how Warick and Nic learned from eachother, and basically built a life both found comon ground. Their friendship is so important! Because of it they are who they are in present time.
Brokenangelsely chapter 9 . 10/5/2015
I practically squeeled when I read the authors note saying you answered to my request. That was so sweet and I am so flattered. Thank you so much! I haven't had much time to read fics, but I remembered it has been so long I decided to check up on your story to read where I left off. I was so shocked to find this. I loved it. I am always up for Nico and Alex interactions! Reading this put a smile on my face so thank you. I really needed this. You made my day! I can't wait to read more. Nicolas has become one of my favorite characters and thanks to you I get to see more of what's inside his head. This is fantastic! Again, thank you so much! Take care!
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