Reviews for Indominus Rex prehistoric battles: Indominus Rex vs Spinosaurus
Guest chapter 3 . 6/12/2018
Smashing through the Jurassic World gate, was Ash who roars so loud as the Indominus turns and notices him and roars at the male tyrannosaurus.

Seeing the Indominus as an enemy, Ash roars at the Indominus who roared back in reply. There was no room for the two supreme rulers in this island part of the island.

Ash lunged at the Indominus, grabbing her by the neck and the battle between the mighty t. rex and the monstrous hybrid began.

Ash roars while gripping the Indominus's neck with his jaws as the Indominus bites his neck, forcing the black t. rex to let go, then Ash clamps his jaws at the hybrid's neck.

However, he loses his grip, the Indominus immediately takes the advantage and then she began to viciously claw him and pushed him to the ground.

She continued to attack and grabbed the stricken rex by the neck with her jaws and smashed him into a building. The male rex roared in pain before seeming finally to accept his fate. The Indominus bent down to deal the killing blow. Then a raptor call and another.

Blue, Scar, Echo, Delta, Pod, Black, Ring, Olyn, Charlie, Wolf, Omega and Raven all ran at the Indominus. Suddenly, smashing through the spinosaurus skeleton, was Serena, the daughter of Rexy. The predators attacked as one.

Serena rammed into the Indominus while Ash got back up and grabbed the Indominus by the throat, smashing her into a building. The raptors jumped into the Indominus, began to claw and bite viciously at the wounded animal.

The Indominus tried to fight, she was outnumbered and outmanuvered. AUC began to open fire on the Indominus, avoding the raptors or t. rexes. The bullets slammed onto the Indominus and was thrown and tossed around like a ragdoll.

The raptors backed away, Ash then collides with the Indominus and smashes her to a building and thrashes her around like a ragdoll and pushes her near the lagoon. Scar went forward with a screech and jumped on the Indominus's nose, then Serena grabs the Indominus's neck and pushed near the ocean.

(The screen shows Ash and the Indominus growling and roaring at each other,
Weewoozesty chapter 1 . 3/1/2018
Dude, proof read your work. The grammar and sentence structure on here is disgusting.
Guest chapter 2 . 8/27/2015
Jurassic World: Pyroraptors vs Ceratosaurus
A Pack of Pyroraptors are fighting a Ceratosaurus.
The Fight Begins...
A Ceratosaurus grabs a Pyroraptor by the back, Other Pyroraptors snarled at the Beast, 2 Pyroraptors jumped to the Ceratosaurus's back, The Ceratosaurus throws a Pyroraptor to a Tree, Other 3 Pyroraptors ran away, The Alpha Pyroraptor bites to the Ceratosaurus's neck, a Ceratosaurus swat it's tail on a Pyroraptor, 2 Pyroraptors sunk their teeth on a Ceratosaurus's leg, A Pyroraptor slashes it's claws on the Ceratosaurus's leg, the Pyroraptors took down the Ceratosaurus. the pack began to feast on their kill.
Pendragon134 chapter 2 . 8/25/2015
Very interesting concept you got here and would be a lot better if you worked on your grammar but very interesting
Unknown chapter 2 . 8/10/2015
hooray! O knew the spinosaur would kick its ass
Guest chapter 1 . 8/9/2015
Unknown chapter 1 . 8/8/2015
you know this a lot of potential and if you plan to make more chapters try not to make them super complicated
Guest chapter 1 . 8/8/2015
Guest chapter 1 . 8/7/2015
more please
Guest chapter 1 . 8/7/2015
chapter 2
Guest chapter 1 . 8/6/2015
more please I am amazed by this already
D.Q chapter 1 . 8/6/2015
you should probably take time to re-read your chapters before sending them to make sure there are no mistakes to which this has plenty such as grammar but the story has a good concept
always good to see someone make a story were spino is the good guy/ anti-hero
so I'll keep an eye out for this story

also I'm guessing blue is going to team up with spino like she did with rexy
StealthClaw99 chapter 1 . 8/7/2015
Can't wait to see what happens