Reviews for A Time of Emptiness
excessivelyperky chapter 1 . 4/9/2019
Awww, this is so sweet. Too bad that Severus never had anyone by Wendyll...but at least other students will be protected.
Nanchih chapter 1 . 5/10/2016
I have enjoyed other Wendyll stories, and am glad to find this one.
Syl chapter 1 . 2/27/2016
What sweet series! I love your stories and hope to see more in this and other of your series.
Raya Light chapter 1 . 9/6/2015
One of my favorite series. :-) Severus gave in too quickly, though. He needed at least a week or two of wearing down knowing your stubborn, patient potions master. :-)
YenGirl chapter 1 . 8/13/2015
A wonderful, heartwarming story, Ree. You are a writer of many talents!

Both Severus and Wendyll have needs of their own, needs they thought the other couldn't fulfill since they were of different species. They were right and wrong at the same time.

I liked how you followed each of them as they tried to cope with their new family. Of course Severus would hold himself apart and I'm glad he did - he wasn't as tied to Voldie as the others were. Of course Wendyll would find the other male wrens lacking - her soulmate is Severus - I loved how she thought he made a better nest and sang a better song.

She is a really persevering little thing, isn't she? It worked out wonderfully for her and for Severus. That Ackley fella was a kind soul - he has company and Wendyll had a safe place to wait out the winter.

Of course Wendyll would forgive the things Severus did - she knows him best - and I can't help but wonder what the other DEs would think if they ever found out the cold Potions Master's mate was a little wren *gives them all a smug smile because they never will*

Oh, and I giggled like crazy at Severus' stuttered words when Wendyll told him they could have a brood together! That was priceless, it was. Of course Wendyll would win the arguments - she wants to be a momma and it doesn't matter that her children won't have wings - they will soar in other ways.

I'm sure more stories in this universe will unfold in your talented mind, Ree... and one of them will be the dark time when the Potters are killed. Severus would really need his Wendyll then.

Lovely, lovely story! Thank you so much for making me smile. The moppet as well :)
BlueWater5 chapter 1 . 8/9/2015
Hope you write more in this series!
Tlcatlady chapter 1 . 8/9/2015
Finally, someone who can out-stubborn Sev! Great story! TLC
rachel.mills2211 chapter 1 . 8/9/2015
Absolutely lovely! Very well written and an enjoyable read!