Reviews for Naruto Path Of The Ninja
naruto-uzumaki-namikaze-uchiha chapter 11 . 5/24
Great story, one of my favorites hope you update soon.
ElementalMaster16 chapter 10 . 4/27
This is a really fun story! I had a blast reading this, you've made Naruto into a really cool character while still staying mostly true to who he is in his own series.

Guest chapter 11 . 3/17
More please
Monster King chapter 11 . 2/18
Great work I hope you continue
ImSoAlone0416 chapter 2 . 2/4
Fcking BS. i read this one because of the no Harem tag and you just have to introduce another btch to Naruto.
ProfesorGoblitz chapter 2 . 10/22/2019
I’m pretty sure Kurama is already out, that’s why he is capable of Biju Mode, or are you talking about actually releasing him, I’m pretty sure that will kill him.
ProfesorGoblitz chapter 1 . 10/22/2019
The fact he mentioned that Naruto had a greater amount than Cali, I hope that’s because he had depleted a lot of chakra, because if not, I call bullshit, Naruto is a Low-Planetary level, which means, AT THE MINIMUM, at the Top Ten List, since apparently only something like ooh is it great red can destroy a planet
adis chapter 1 . 6/25/2019
I am just gonna up and say it this writing is subpar in almost everything but grammar. I think that your worst problem is your dialogue and how you tend to dump exposition by the truckload for no reason at all. This coupled with your bland descriptions makes this feel like I am reading some person's rough-draft that they wrote while drunk.
firehuman97 chapter 11 . 6/16/2019
Please update when you have the chance
Guest chapter 2 . 4/28/2019
Naruto instructed the Uzumaki

Nuff said
Coward chapter 2 . 4/28/2019
How my supposed to react to all of this?! Just stand here and take it, whenever I see people in pain it hurts me.
This is sooooooooooo, stupid. He gets mad over such things that it's so exaggerated. And he says, whenever I SEE people in pain, WTF? ITS just a story!
Fucking hell.
Ur Naruto is way too naive, and where was the abuse of the goddess, Izanami WENT down to Yomi! That's love and affection!

You are making out Naruto to be the stereotypical "I'm the hero of Justice, and I get all the girls because they get ABUSED! By the evil villains"
TeraBaapBSDK chapter 1 . 3/20/2019
marquis.shax chapter 7 . 2/6/2019
hmm why make Sun an ass? From what I remember in Canon he was willing to help Issei and his group against the Khaos Brigade in I believe it was Kyoto
marquis.shax chapter 5 . 2/6/2019
lmao Naruto is going to end up kicking Azazel's ass when he finds out about this experiment
AvidGamer chapter 1 . 1/16/2019
So, just want to throw out that by the end of the 4th war, Naruto is so far beyond ultimate class that Sirzechs would be a joke to him. Speed alone has his reaction time at lightspeed and ONE shadow clone beat the 3rd raikage...and did other shit. If you want proof, go watch swagkage or seththeprogramer on youtube, or read a data book. Its stuff like this, the clear lack of understanding of a fandom, that kills stories like this shitheap for me
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