Reviews for Twenty-Six Years Later
polarfoxy3282 chapter 27 . 7/12
wait for your return
Guest chapter 1 . 7/3
Leaves Falling chapter 27 . 4/23
Hi, I know it's weird but its 2020 now. I don't know what struggles you are facing or diffculties you have met but i REALLY hope you you are handling everything smoothly and updating your story soon. To be honest with you, I was never a fan of fan fiction before reading your fasinating story. I always thought fan fiction is of low quality and a betrayal to the original story. But then I read yours during this quarantine of corona virus, and I completely change my attitudes towards it. How your story goes on naturally and combining the work and family smoothly in magical world really surprises me. But its a pity that you haven't shown your magical world to us for more than three years. All the cases , crimes , family relationships, romance are at a high point, but you suddenly stop updating. I REALLY love the bit of harry and hermione's sweet memory about their earlier years in Hogwarts .All in all, I know that probably you've already abondon this and never saw this comment. But I do hope that if you saw my comment I wish you can seriously consider taking us to your world again to let us see how Harry and Hermione ended up together and what's going on about their kids. This really meant a lot to us. Finally, I really hope you can stay safe and healthy during this bloody virus and update your story soon.
Leaves Falling chapter 12 . 4/23
Hi Mate, How are you doing?
Ascen chapter 27 . 7/20/2019
Writing this so a notification on your side will popreally hoping you complete this story.
Ascen chapter 27 . 4/23/2019
Going to give me a broken heart if you never finish this story. Not gonna lie, I loved it, it's definitely the best HP fan-fiction I've read so far. Just the way you write has me wanting more. I hope you come back to it, truly.
Ascen chapter 23 . 4/22/2019
Chapter 23: Harry using his wand to fix Hugo's 'tail' but Hermione has it. He also states that further down.
Lh42 chapter 27 . 12/13/2018
Hello there,

It's been a while since we last heard from you. I hope you are alright and that you can still find time to write even when super busy.
Clearly you have a gift and I don't even understand why there aren't more reviews for this fic.
I've come to adore Harry & Hermione together thanks to you. The growing feelings they develop for each other is so believable (and you describe it so well!). I long for them to finally have their happy ending.
So take all the time you need because when it is THIS good people can wait and be supportive (I'll be waiting for your next update for a very long time and I'm sure I won't be the only one).

Take care

One of your numerous admirers :)
Crushcrush12 chapter 23 . 7/23/2018
Casi me da un infarto en varios momentos de este capitulo. Sigue! Me encanta.
dude356 chapter 27 . 7/18/2018
I've enjoyed this story so far and I've favorited and followed it to make sure I don't miss any updates, whenever they might come. I haven't read too many post-war HP fics, but of those that I have read, this has been one of the better, more interesting stories.
shopat1695 chapter 27 . 6/4/2018
Hope you are not abandoning the story.. Please update soon.
angie2190 chapter 27 . 5/31/2018
Please update! Amazing story! :)
Mr-YK-Potter chapter 13 . 4/22/2018
I'm going to be honest, I'm really intrigued to see how you're going to bring Harry and Hermione together. considering they're married and both very committed to their partners and they have children they can't give up. I really can't wait!
Mr-YK-Potter chapter 12 . 4/21/2018
black ops 5

black ops 4 is coming out this year, your prediction was close, if you said black ops 3 it would've made sense.
Mr-YK-Potter chapter 1 . 4/20/2018
wow this amazing, the detail is where I aspire to be at. please tell me how you got this good.
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