Reviews for When Tactics Collide
BlackSakura-chi chapter 63 . 9/21
which pairing is the dicken?
V01dSw0rd chapter 1 . 6/26
Ah, here’s hoping for Lucina to react to ‘OdinESPECIALLY his daughter...

(I had a story Idea where they go back to Awakening AFTER taking down Anakos. With kids. Chrom meeting his grand-niece? Lol.)
A dude chapter 48 . 6/12
I have rarely enjoyed fan-fiction of this caliber. Most of the stuff I see is just a paper-thin excuse to ship two characters together, but this is really thought out from what I've read so far. The way the characters interact feels natural as opposed to the forced way I've seen in various pieces of media. While there are a few inconsistencies I say overall, great work.
ShinyKyu chapter 71 . 12/4/2019
I absolutely love this. I’m amazed that you managed to turn a series of random, silly one-shots into an actual, serious story with twists and turns galore that ACTUALLY MAKE SENSE, even with the occasional time-jumping. You even go back to older chapters and rewrite scenes and information so that they don’t contradict the story and lore you try to create, which is far more effort than most authors ever put into their works. You’ve also told us numerous times that you are not a native English speaker, but I’d never be able to tell that from this fic alone. You have better grammar than most actual native English speakers do (that, or your beta is godly).

It’s only been a little more than a year since the last update, so I won’t lose faith yet in whether you’ll continue this or not, but I pray that the next chapter comes as soon as you are comfortable.
d8rkforcen1ght7 chapter 71 . 9/6/2019
Just checking in to see if you had updated and decided to reread everything. love this story and hope you find time to continue. Good luck!
Numinous-Alqua chapter 71 . 5/12/2019
Ah! It’s all coming together! I want to see how this ends! So many connections and coincidences between all the games ! I love it!
IwriteStoriesnotFics chapter 1 . 1/27/2019
I love this so much! Honestly, I love that you didn’t go with the classic (and boring) pairing of LucinaxRobin. And also, I love how you still use the support level system (Support level C, B, A, S) and having Cordelia and Subaki get together? I love it!

Another thing about this I really enjoy is how you manage to add thrilling drama, and not in the ‘The girl gets kidnapped (and possibly raped/tortured) by evil guy and out good guy saves her kiss kiss! But then, her parents are murdered oh no and she gets all sad! Then evil guy comes back and makes Good Guy think the Girl is cheating on him! They break up and then get back together. And then-‘ I love that you actually give us time to recover from drama.

Oh! Also the chapters about Corrin living Robins life are PERFECT! Ugh, I love them so much. Making Chrom possibly fall for her? I love it. Making her be friends with Lucina, while her friendship with Lucina in the regular world is screwed? Here, these are my keys. Go into my house and pet my cat.

And Grima? Ugh, I love how you personified him, and made him a really likeable character, sort of like Bill from Gravity Falls but less murdery.

Chrom betting on Robin and Corrins relationship is incredible! I’m still in awe of how someone could have such a brilliant idea.

Lastly, I love, love, LOVE the pairings. I’ve always shipped Chrom and Olivia so A for that. Sakura and Ricken is like, a dream ship, and having Kana have a kid crush on Lucina is pure genius. And of course, my #1 OTP, Corrin and Robin. I love them. Although, you suggested maybe doing a chapter on LeoxLissa, which I was really excited for, but as far as I’ve gotten, I saw you mention you were gonna do LeoxMaribelle instead.

So, all in all 4/5 stars, second best Fic I’ve ever read. Who knows, maybe one day it’ll become my favorite.
Guest chapter 71 . 12/18/2018
I really like where the story is going, although it is a but difficult to understand what is going on at some moments, it’s still a damn good story and I hope you continue to update it

There were quite a few cool twists that totally took me by surprise and i’m not easily suprised

My only small criteque and this is one that I understand is not exactly the main focus of the story is the lack of real progression in the romance between corrin and robin. I’m not saying that you should just smash them into each other, just that I feel like they might need some more progression in their relationship

Either way keep up the good work
harmonylucis chapter 53 . 11/29/2018
I know i’m rather late, but I really want Morgan and Shigure.

Hope you can find the time to continue, i’ve been cult following since 2016.
Sebastian chapter 51 . 10/13/2018
I'm having a great time reading this!

I know this is likely too late, but for chapter 51, I thought I would give my own two cents.
I am gonna give a YES to the idea of Xander and Emmeryn!
It would not only show more of Xander's tender caring and gentle side he tends to downplay, but the resulting Siegbert would be an awesome tank for both physical and magical damage!
Half-beastdragonsoul2013 chapter 20 . 9/22/2018
Poor, poor Lon'qu. Camilla's the embodiment of his women troubles.
Half-beastdragonsoul2013 chapter 12 . 9/22/2018
It's a little hilarious how Soleil came close to hitting on her grandma. Yeah, Cordelia and Lissa will definitely have a headache.
scottusa1 chapter 71 . 9/17/2018
This is one hell of a story so far. I especially love what you've done with the children. I liked the way you handled the 3 kids from Awakening who were Fates as well. I also liked how you tied in the Hosidan kids who looked like other characters from Awakening.

Keep it up. Laters.
Kinaki747 chapter 71 . 9/8/2018
Things are really escalating now. Excited to see what the next chapter will be like. :)
Kinaki747 chapter 63 . 9/8/2018
This was a entertaining, sad, and heartwarming chapter. Kellam does make for the perfect ninja. n_n
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