Reviews for When Fire and Water Clash
Alera chapter 34 . 7/5
I was slightly surprised and intrigued by this fascinating fanfic you have written, I must say out of all the Zutara fanfics I’ve read this one has a different variety of themes, such as the dark/lovey theme. I really like the way you wrote Zuko’s character- he was cruel then kind. And as for Katara you you made her not weaker, but not completely feisty. Overall this was an EPIC read and I’m thankful you wrote it!

Sincerely, Alera
Ol chapter 2 . 7/24/2019
Hyamafangirl chapter 34 . 1/16/2017
I'm finally finally getting closing this tab. Thank you for this amazing story!
Ana-DaughterofHades chapter 34 . 12/23/2016
What a perfect ending! And steambabies too; I loved them:) This story was so amazing and I'm sad that it's over already.

Hope you have a great holiday!

Ps. Can't wait to read this other Zutara story:)
Queene Sweet Tee chapter 34 . 12/22/2016
EEEEEK! So beautiful I can't!
Hyamafangirl chapter 33 . 12/6/2016
Late comment tho
Hyamafangirl chapter 33 . 12/5/2016
Finally! I religiously check for update every two weeks and finally found one! The wedding was great!
Znkp chapter 1 . 12/6/2016
upppppdateeeee please
Zutarafan1992 chapter 33 . 11/11/2016
Okay, I'm logged finally back on...Yay!:)
I really loved this chapter so much. When I read it the first time I like..."They get married, OMG!"
I can't believe it's nearly ending. And you know the amazing part will ALWAYS come from you.
I'm gonna miss reading your chapters...sniff, sniff. Soooo, I've finally started to re-read Harry Potter. I'm not sure how far I'll get, but I'll try. :D
That is the coolest quote ever.
Whatever happens, Team Amazing will still be there forever!
Love Zf2
Thanks for the chapter. :) xx
Zutarafan1992 chapter 33 . 11/2/2016
Well, life goes I full circles...sigh. I find it entertaining that I'm currently locked out of my fan fiction account but there you go, so I thought I'd review how I first reviewed, without an account and as a guest. I loved this chapter and I can hardly comment on posting a chapter.. Sorry! I haven't been on my account since August, or September...? So yeah, but I thought in celebration of your well deserved story ending I'd dust out my writing skills on fan fiction and tell you how please I am for you. I will review...when I get into my account on all the things piled up and give another review on your story. I am excited for the story's epilogue...Well done Zutara1267, I love you too! You know me...i love an overused plot! ;)
Zf2 xx
Ana-DaughterofHades chapter 33 . 11/2/2016
Nooo, I can't believe this story is almost over! Great chapter though; I am so happy they got married:) I can't wait for the epilogue, with hopefully a chance of steambabies if it's set in the future...
Heyamafangirl chapter 32 . 9/13/2016
Updateeeee I haven't closed this tab in a year! I love this story please continue it.
Znkp chapter 32 . 8/30/2016
Please next
Guest chapter 31 . 8/20/2016
Your story is great
Please neeeeeeext
Ana-DaughterofHades chapter 32 . 8/13/2016
Loved the chapter! I honestly thought Iroh was going to plan their wedding right there, lol. Was that Ozai at the end? Ah, I can't wait to read the next chapter:)

If you're looking for ideas for a new story, you could try some sort of modern AU (highschool, college, or something else)
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