Reviews for Courage
Guest chapter 4 . 4/25/2018
It's really good! But I'm a teeny bit lost...
Red Shadow chapter 3 . 3/4/2018
Its a good story but I got a new one for you to write. That is if you want to write it. What about a story about Ezra turns into a loath wolf. Some people say he should turn into a female loath wolf and have pups. But that's up to you and your viewers I guess. So could you do it. If you do, do it just so I know what it is you should name the title Wolf Stone or Spirit Wolf Stone. Because that's how he gets turned into a female loath wolf. PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!? If you do I thank you very, very, very, very, very, very much.
Guest chapter 5 . 9/6/2017
I LOVE how you added chopper as a view. I have not read any other fanficion that did that and I think it is very interesting to see his thinking portrayed.
Pink ranger 13 chapter 26 . 6/19/2017
its a great story and please continue the story! !
Guest chapter 1 . 1/8/2017
Just want to say that I really enjoyed all of this, especially the chatter and banter between the crew! THX :)!
CodenameSpectre7 chapter 26 . 8/6/2016
The feels were sooooo real with this story. I just HAD to keep reading to see what happened. I love your style of writing its soo awesome! You had me crying one moment and laughing the next. I love EVERYTHING about this story, truly amazing. Complete emotional mess while reading this. And Ezra being Vader's kid? Never heard that idea and you pulled it off! A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. EVERYTHING was exceptional.
TortoisetheStoryteller chapter 25 . 4/9/2016
Wow. What a trip. You have no idea the dreams I had after having to stop reading this part-way through to go to bed.
Sari Dark chapter 26 . 3/11/2016
This story and this whole series was amazing! In that last chapter you actually had me believing that you killed Kanan! (I apologize for the frantic yelling and swearing I directed your way while reading it... :-P )
You are an amazing writer. Keep up the great work!
ElizabethBathog chapter 26 . 2/22/2016
-Claps- AWESOME! Loved this! Thank you for writing this! :D
ShadowCatAlex chapter 26 . 2/19/2016
I have a lot to say about this beauty. First off, it was one wild fucking ride. Angst is my guilty pleasure, and I am always thirsty for Ezra and Kanan focused stories, so this was just the fic I was looking for. I feel as if you nailed everyone's personality (which is always something I look for in a good fic), and even more than that, you gave a good share of perspective to everyone. Yeah, Ezra and Kanan had the most limelight, but you even gave us Chopper chapters. And they were perfect, oh my god, like I've never thought about what he's always grumbling about, what his voice is really like, and now I know.

I was constantly blown away by your writing. You had all these ongoing themes that you kept returning to (and all the little inside jokes you created, like 'Zegplant' and 'Kanana'), which to me, is always an excellent sign of a good writer. There were certain lines you used that I absolutely loved, like "the blood" of Vader's sabre for example. Dazzling prose like that is my faaaavorite.

The story itself is very well-crafted, and as seen by all the outlines you made and the obvious attention you gave to each character and where they were by the end, you put a lot of thought and effort into this little universe of yours. You developed Kanan and Ezra's struggles with their own inner turmoil, and with the Dark Side, magnificently. And that scene when Ezra is healing, when he finally understand the Force? Gave me a better understanding of the Force(or, at least, a better understanding of your understanding, but either way, I felt like there was something that I finally understood that I hadn't before).

Alright, I have to step back and just gush for a second. The big final scene, the most climactic moment, the final show down between Ezra and Vader, ENDS IN A HUG. NO FIGHTING. NO LIMB-LOBBING (that was already covered I suppose, and btw I was honestly surprised Kanan didn't lose his hand sooner). ALL VADER NEEDED TO STOP HIS REIGN OF TERROR WAS. A. HUG. I love this, I love this fic, I love you.

the ongoing gag with the lieutenant. I was so fucking thrilled when he made it out and retired on Lothal. That was such a great touch to this fic.

I have one question, though. Back on Kessel, when Ezra was confronting the crew, and Hera approached him and tried to take his light sabre, what was she trying to do. Was...she willing to kill him? With the sabre? To protect Kanan? Because that's the vibe I was picking up and I was a little horrified and impressed (but mostly horrified tbh). Did I read Hera's intentions there all wrong?

To conclude, I loved this fic so much. This exactly the kind of agony I love to put myself through. I can't praise you enough for writing (and finishing) this fic, for creating an au that delves down into the question of "what if Vader was Ezra's father?" I couldn't have asked for a more perfect take.

So I'll part with: what are you expecting from the rest of the current season of Rebels? What do you theorize happens in the finale, when Ahsoka, Kanan and Ezra enter the temple? What of the hints of the (second) return of Darth Maul? Of Ezra's possible swaying to the Dark Side (do you expect Ezra to fall? Do you want him to?)? What of Ahsoka's battle with Vader?

I'm just curious~
coral.iturbe chapter 26 . 1/18/2016
que genial, en serio me encanto lo que hiciste, osea, leia sith!, que genial, que genial, no se que mas decir, que genial
coral.iturbe chapter 25 . 1/18/2016
jajajajaja, aaaaaaaaaaaay! que tierno, que genial capitulo, en serio estuvo genial, osea me quede sin palabras!
GrackleDragon chapter 25 . 12/5/2015
This was a really awesome fanfic! I really enjoyed it!(it was literally one of the best fanfictions out there!)
Midnight Luna chapter 26 . 12/2/2015
Wow! It took you a LONG time to figure out the plot! Thank you for writing such a great story arc!

May the LORD be with you, Always!
~Midnight Luna
Midnight Luna chapter 25 . 12/2/2015
Aww! Such a great ending! Though I don't ship Ezra and Sabine, the Epilogue was fantastic! I also think Kanan and Hera would have a blue Twilek hybrid, And Leia sounds FUCKING AWESOME! :D
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