Reviews for A Daughter's First Love
mirrorkinomoto chapter 1 . 4/14/2019
is it a foreshadowing norman's last words xs ? anyway norman is great to have so much trust in his daughter :) great story x)
Random chapter 1 . 9/22/2016
Aww, this was cute and I really like your portal of Norman.
Platinum Daylight chapter 1 . 8/17/2015
Wow! I'm impressed! It's not often that I get to read a mother of protagonist POV fanfiction. Knowing Normans character, he reacted simply. He doesn't seem like a daddy's girl type of father, but he is realistic as well. he knows she'll get hurt but she would be fine. he's letting her experience that for herself. the mothers concern is also completely understandable, too! Overall I enjoyed how this was written and hope to read more from you.
LoonyTuned chapter 1 . 8/16/2015

Normal reacted as coolly as expected. A pissed off Norman would be funny, but just not him. I mean, if you trust your twelve year old daughter to travel across the whole region on her own, I'm sure you can trust her to pick a decent guy, and especially with a guy like STEVEN.

Ah~I finally got my DaiHaru fix~