Reviews for Down a different branch
GrimDragon chapter 18 . 8/14
Personally, the way you have written Esdeath, I see her either as True Neutral or Neutral Evil. With Tatsumi's influence, I think that would be closer to True Neutral.
FlameXvenom chapter 4 . 6/19
This chapter is actually so unbelievably racist. I liked your take on the series, but I refuse to read from some snotty white supremacist. Sorry.
TSB2017 chapter 9 . 5/4
"The Night she goes Down on your Different Branch"
"The Night you Akame her Kill!"

what a way to break the fucking fourth wall..

i love it..
FanFictionman43 chapter 1 . 4/18
The writers didn't make the ending of the Akame ga Kill anime. For some reason the anime diverged from the Manga.
Super Comrade chapter 18 . 4/2
This fic was really good. I had to agree with you that AGK had a lot of wasted potential as a series and character deaths became nothing more than shock value, and character arcs that went no where, which is something I try with my own story. Still, good story and I look forward to reading the sequel.
Quickened chapter 1 . 3/9
First chapter hit hard. I don’t think I’ll be getting any sleep tonight. Author you got me hooked! Splendid, just amazing.
Quickened chapter 1 . 3/9
Okay, I have read the reviews and I am gearing up for a good time tonight (I know that sounds sexual). I haven’t read a AGK fanfic since 2016. I didn’t realize it was that long ago. I hope the story lives up it reputation. Now I will continue on to the first chapter of the story.
kaffeenator666 chapter 18 . 3/7
Wow just fucking wow. I actually can't believe what a complete idiot I am to have forgotten to write a review on this. I have read this story a year or so ago, maybe a couple months, but I can safely say that this is legitimately one of the best fan fictions I have ever read. I don't have to go in detail, because everybody who has read this will point out what a complete God of a writer you are if you can transform the clusterfuck of Akame ga kill into this great stroy. At this point you can start with your own story my dude. Honestly just wow.
Batknight chapter 18 . 12/7/2019
Wow, just wow. You know, I've read a lot of fics on this site that did a good, even great job of either building upon or fleshing out the good source material they were based on. Maybe even continuing what made it so compelling. But this is the first fic I've read on this site, that took its source material (both its original manage and anime adaptation), that had originally completely butchered all its potential good ideas, and managed to write a totally new plot for the story at the point it began to go downhill and not only salvage it but turn it into a truly fantastic story. All the characters got growth and development, with proper well throughout character arcs, there was a ton of world-building, deaths were meaningful and respectful to the characters, lots of twists and turns throughout the story I didn't see coming, with fights that were intelligently written and required the characters to be clever and use their skills and powers creatively, you clearly put a lot of effort into explaining everything so there really wasn't many lot holes and leaps in logic. You also tackled the complex morality of the characters and their world in a way the manga and anime never had the balls to touch and deal with. And it all felt true to the original source material...just way better and treated it far more maturely than the original writer/writers ever did. Thank you so much for taking the time to write this and completing it, you clearly have a pretty busy life so that you took the time to finish all this, and write it so well, is a major accomplishment. I had a blast reading it, and I see you just updated the sequel...I guess I'll go read that now! Thanks once again for the read and looking forward to Akame ga Hunt!
Guest chapter 17 . 11/22/2019
Guest chapter 14 . 11/17/2019
You're a God. How the hell are you so perfect to write this kind off God tier story. I so deeply moved that this is the 2nd time in my life that I've been so deeply engrossed in something. The 1st time was when I watched Akame ga kill and got depressed by its ending especially when esdeath dies holding tatsumi in her arms the 2nd time is me reading your fanfic. I'm not lying when I said that I'm soo engrossed, I'm so obsessed you are such a creative writer. I dont know if you are ever going to read my review but I wanted to write this long review because of how much time you took to write this fanfic. It's so God damn mindblowing. I hope you make a fanfic of Tokyo ghoul and the relationship between Kaneki and Eto. Especially Eto because Eto is not given any importantance at all I mean. There are literally no side stories of Eto like Touka or Hinami or Rize. Even though Eto is only given importance as a 2nd strongest character, no one cares to write a fanfic about her which really depresses me. I hope you read this review and I think you're one of the best writers I've ever came across in my life just keep doing what you are. And you might be a billionaire in future just like J. who wrote Harry Potter. I believe you're even better writer than her so please keep doing what you love and you will be bound to be successful. I'm so happy I came across you creating a fanfic of the one of the best underrated anime. Probably my favorite #1 favorite anime. Thx for all the hardwork
Guest chapter 11 . 11/14/2019
Omg I'm so tensed. It's so damn good
Guest chapter 5 . 11/11/2019
I loved this to death. The way Bols dies is also so satisfying than his actual death
Guest chapter 1 . 11/9/2019
I honestly love the story you made.. I wish they could put this story in the anime
Kushmeister420 chapter 18 . 10/17/2019
This fic is awesome! By far the best Akame ga Kill fic I've read so far. This is a much better ending than that of the anime in my opinion, the anime left me empty and unsatisfied after finishing it. Your fic however didn't.
I was a bit skeptical at first when you started the 'Kill the diplomats' arc, because those assassinations didn't really make sense to me at that time. However, I'm really glad that I continued reading, because in the end it all made sense.
I really like how strong Tatsumi became after his evolution and the fight between Esdeath and Tatsumi was really awesome to read.
I'm really looking forward to your Akame ga Hunt! Keep up the good work! Cheers!
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