Reviews for Clean Up Crew
YoMyNameIsKy chapter 6 . 10/16/2015
super excited for more
Bruno 14 chapter 6 . 10/2/2015
Hiii sorry i can't review from my own account.
I love this chapter.
I love ethan's point of view and it's a great thing the new skin.
And yes ethan i think jasper was filtring with you.
The mission is great so far, i wonder if sonic is really a villian or not.
Other than that upgrade as soon as you can.
SyncroSerpant chapter 5 . 9/9/2015
Out of all the character's currently, my favourites would be Robin and Ethan.

Also, guess this answers the question I asked you Jay! XD
Keep up the good work.
StormriderScout chapter 5 . 9/8/2015
Woo, their first job as the Clean Up Crew coming up! So excited :D
bruno14 chapter 5 . 9/8/2015
Good job here.
So far i like kitty , rose, jasper and katara.
Update as soon as you can.
YoMyNameIsKy chapter 5 . 9/8/2015
Wow cant wait for more
Blue Torpedo chapter 5 . 9/8/2015
Once again, a very nice chapter!
YoMyNameIsKy chapter 4 . 8/30/2015
Super excited so far cant wait for more
bruno14 chapter 4 . 8/26/2015
i love it.
i like jasper, samantha and robin.
update as soon as you can.
Blue Torpedo chapter 4 . 8/26/2015
NICE CHAPTER! It is definitely coming along nicely. And you portrayed my characters excellently!
Done1938 chapter 1 . 8/24/2015
Marcela Doubek

Role in story: hero
Power: time Manipulation
Physical description: nineteen years old. Czechoslovakian rutes, olive skin, round face, thick eyebrows and large green eyes. of average build and height. Dark hair, just passed her collar bone, curly though usually straitened and held back in a half up/half down style. Two deep dimples. Has a very serious look, which makes her seem unapproachable. When embarrassed or excited, has a very evidently red face.

Personality: very observant, forgiving and vigilant. Has a quiet but wise and opinionated persona. Comes off as cold and standoffish, though many don't realize how much she truly cares about them. Embarrassment and awkwardness hits her quite easily as she finds it difficult to talk to new people. she is blunt and often has to try and filter her honesty as to not hurt people(though it does not always work). She is also impatient, and secretly motherly to those who have her heart. A good listener.

Habits/mannerisms: often covers mouth when laughing to hide teeth(she thought they were big and ugly as a child,and the habit stuck), touches her face, and stutters when nervous.

Background: born in the Czech Republic, though at the request of her aunt Tereza, immigrated to the USA at the age of 6 with her pregnant mother after the death of her father. Her aunt Tereza is like a second mother to her and her younger brother. In an attempt to learn English, her mother refused to continue speaking Czech to her Children, causing them to have no remnant or comprehension of the language to this day. Marcela's high school life was like any other American teen's, though she never did understand the others enjoyment for alcohol and parties and drugs, instead preferring a quieter more personal student life. After graduating, she decided to take a gap year in order to sort out what she wanted to do in her life, and took a part time job at her aunt's bakery, holding it right up until she got her powers.

Internal conflicts: she can't control her power, freezing, speeding and leeping through time at random points during the day. The first time she got her power, she thought she was going crazy.

External conflicts: socially awkward, marcela rarely finds the appropriate words to interact with new people in her life, especially showing others that she cares for them without completely embarrassing herself. This is why she often finds it best to be quiet and hold her tongue, though this may change when joining the group.

Power conflicts: wants to be able to control her power/random keeps through time.

Notes: marcela has a very bohemian/ 70s hippie style.
Badwolf432 chapter 3 . 8/23/2015
Cool can't wait for more OCs :) and new chapters.
Blue Torpedo chapter 3 . 8/23/2015
YAY KATARA! Nice chapter so far!
Badwolf432 chapter 1 . 8/18/2015
Name. Sonic Mary Silverstone.
Age 18
ROLL IN STORY. Villan to hero
Powers: Sence manipulation (sight,sounds,smell and touch) ( like Alec intwilight saga which the black smok from the movie) and can change her own senses too stronger or weaker.
Occupation: unemployed and job searching.
Description: Quite tall for her age, dark blond (nearly brown) chin length but always tyed up in a pony tail. Quite chubby until the partial exelerator which then she started to slim down. She has greenie blue eyes and round nose (which every one say it's a child's nose) .
Personality: quite shy, when meeting people, get angry and argumentative quite quickly can be sarcastic and rude but can be most of the time a calm and nice when not pissed of by anyone,mildly dylesic which also frustrate her a lot.
Habibits /mannerisms: Dos'nt like socialising with other people, preferably on her own she always takes her laptop or phone with her here ever she goes.

Background and conficts: she had a troubled beging to life as she was adopted when she was 4 because her birth mum was young and couldn't copeand so soinc was separated from her twin sister, which in secret was searching for her in America as she was raised in England she's is frustrated with her apoted parents because her mum is quit religious and is always trying to press Her believes on to sonic which gives her conflict about meeting people and boys her own age, which also her mum is also criticise her size which gives her a low self of steam which makes her angery when that subject is bought up. She was picked on because she was chubby and was more geeky than the other girls which makes her hate all plastic girls

Power conflicts: her powers can only on the people she can see and if she were to for example strengthen her hearing she would have to weaken her other senses to make her other one stronger.

Notes: she starts out a villain or a nutral person by robing banks for the thill and the achievement she feels she can do with out people holding her back or telling her what to do however she tries not to hurt any one because she don't like causing pain to any innocent people. But she will attack if provoked by anyone.
RainbowKittyRune chapter 1 . 8/18/2015
Name: Kitty Rune (Real name Kate Rune Rainbow)
Role in Story: Hero
Power: Forcefield Creation (Can shoot forcefields at enemies like bullets, though they are weaker than just being a shield)
Occupation: Student at Central High School (Or whatever school in Central City); Part time worker at a cafe
Physical Description: She is seventeen years old and half-American half-Japanese. She has short black hair and constantly wears a dark grey hoodie whenever with others. She had gold eyes (not yellow but gold). She wears dark blue jeans and dark sneakers.
Personality: Kitty is really shy and always stays in the back of the class. She is truly kind and just wants a friend, but is afraid of what they'll think of her.
Habits/Mannerisms: She keeps her hands in her pockets and afraid of accidentally sending a forcefield at someone. She won't know how to interact with people and always runs when someone approaches her (except the teachers and her parents).
Background: She lives with her mother after her father and older brother died. Her mother is a scientist. She's only had one friend who disappeared not long after the particle accelerator explosion.
Internal Conflicts: She truly wants a friend and is afraid of what others will think of her powers. Basically, she is lonely ever since her friend disappeared.
External Conflicts: Whenever put into a group, she is always left out of the project.
Power Conflicts: She might accidentally create a forcefield when waving her hands,so she always keeps them in her pockets.
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