Reviews for The Past Is In The Past
yeeiiihh chapter 22 . 7/20
Wow debo decir que me ha encantado tu historia. Leí una buena cantidad de capítulos sin poder detenerme a pesar de que me costaron menos horas de sueño, pero valió la pena, me encanto la forma que pudiste desarrollar el trauma de elsa a través de los años, se puede apreciar que hiciste una investigación para plasmar el TEPT en tu historia. El final fue épico y he adorado que no fuera un final feliz como el de los cuentos, porque eso lo hace más realista. Me hubiera gustado que tal vez hubiera habido una secuela, siento que aun hay mucho potencial en el desarrollo de esta historia, por ejemplo, ahora que elsa tiene esta nueva vida con Jack, habría sido interesante poner a Elsa en la situación de tener que ella misma criar a un hijo.
De todos modos he amado esta historia a pesar de que no se encuentra en mi idioma nativo, esto me lleva a pedir perdón por escribir esto en español, pero me es mas fácil leer el ingles que escribirlo, espero que no moleste.
En fin muchas felicidades por tu historia !
Ayame D chapter 22 . 6/15
First of all, thank you for writing this because, as I already told you before, I always found fanfics that treated abuse as a drama addition, not even bothering to do their research, always making it about the ‘pain and suffering’, or always going with the crap of “I just need to tell someone, all my problems will disappear”. It isn’t like that, and most people who suffer don’t think that way.

This book stands out. And it stands out because it’s realistic. It isn’t just a book, it’s a well thought story that covers the trauma, the real pain, the real self doubt, the abuse and its consequences. I made my own research about all of this, and every single detail as the anxiety, Elsa’s rage, the feeling of loneliness and helplessness, all that “running from your problems” is so real.

I have the same thoughts about hiding stuff constantly, I found myself thinking the same as Elsa so many times, so many times in which I already knew her train of thought, in which I already knew which path she was going to take in her mind. The characters feel so real, so well rounded. They don’t have just one goal in mind, the have their thoughts, their inner battles, their ‘exploding’ moments when they can’t take anymore and all that pressure that has been building inside of them finally comes to light, bursting. And that’s what’s powerful in this book: the fact that you aren’t reading just about your favourite characters going through difficult times, but reading about your favourite characters brought back to life, as complex as you, with their struggles and happy moments and their falls and their decisions and them trying to overcome their past.

The relationship between Elsa and Jack was beautiful, so heartwarming and full of support. I don’t have much to say about this, but I loved Jack, he always looked for Elsa’s well-being, even if it meant to push her a little. (I’m just falling in love with him alright)

You kept me reading chapter after chapter. The flow may be slow, but perfect for their character arc (and not gonna lie, I love slow stories). And after the first few chapters you knew exactly what buttons to push to keep the hype going and making me beg to my sleep schedule to just disappear and not come back until I finished reading because I needed to know more, I needed to see how all this characters, this *people*, were going to turn out and face all those problems.

I had to take a break of some hours to sort my thoughts and write this, though I had a quite clear thought.

Ayame D.
BM15 chapter 22 . 6/7
If Jack was my husband, those stunts he pulled would've wrecked our relationship. And please, don't me started on Anna's stubbornness...

HOWEVER, I really like the story ~ good job!
Guest chapter 22 . 5/25
This story was so good! I had so much fun reading it, and I thank you so much for bringing this wonderful story into my life. Hopefully I also get to read your other ones too...
Guest chapter 8 . 2/18
i really like this, but some criticisms are: waaay too much use of the name astrid - cousin astrid, headmistriss astrid, dorm mate astrid - you need to work on dialouge, there's way too much exposition, and you should keep in mind to start the story where it actually starts, which would be the very end of this chapter - the rest is just backstory that could've been explained when relevant/in flashbacks.
AuthorETH chapter 1 . 11/21/2019
Charllote64 chapter 22 . 6/26/2019
Hi! I'm so late but I just wanted to tell you that this is a beautiful ending to this story and I want to thank you for taking time out of your day to write this for us. To be honest, I'd never expected to find something so serious on this site but I'm very happy that I did. I like that we didn't get the conventional happy ever after but instead this realistic but still I'd say happy ending.
Thank you xx
Raccoon chapter 1 . 4/17/2019
Here is my criticism for the first chapter of your fanfic. If you'd like to pursue a writing career or publish a book one day, perhaps you should take this advice to heart.
Ok so I'm three paragraphs in and the first thing I notice is that you make a classic mistake any amateur writer once fell for: you tell the reader all about the character, their backstory, their family, their tragic past etc. By doing this you do not only bore the reader, you're also not presenting your story in a favourable way. It is just so tedious to have to read through this word vomit of backstory.
You manage to make a possibly compelling character the most boring creature. Why on earth would I find Elsa interesting if you already tell me EVERYTHING there is to know about her? It is so much better to share all of this information later on, chapter by chapter. I dearly advise you to start using 'show don't tell'.
Also, the paragraph about the accident. You use the every possible variation there is of 'bounce' five times. Try to use synonyms.
I tried reading the rest of the chapter, but I ended up skimming the rest. Prologues should be relevant to the rest of the story, but they are NOT meant to bomb the reader with information. Again, classic amateur mistake. If your prose was interesting and unique, perhaps I could've run with it.
Overall, your fic reads like you have been writing for maybe two years and I'd estimate you about fourteen when you wrote this? I just read your last chapter and I can't quite say you have grown over the course of four years. Such a shame.
Me chapter 22 . 2/26/2019
JackElsaforeve chapter 22 . 1/3/2019
YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! YOU FINALLY UPDATED! I love it, I thought it haf ended well. I love how there are a few other members in Elsa's family that believed in her, not just Anna. I also loved that Jack was there to support her in every step of the way and how Elsa is finally faceing her past. Loved and I hope you can make future storys, I would love to read some.
readerkp16 chapter 22 . 1/1/2019
Aww good ending
william.bragg.165 chapter 22 . 1/1/2019
AlphaWolf97100 chapter 22 . 1/1/2019
A fitting ending. Excellent job.
Ryner510 chapter 22 . 1/1/2019
Was so happy to see you update this story!

The ending is pretty good as you ended with Elsa and Anna repairing their relationship after all the ordeal.
Akinas chapter 22 . 1/1/2019
It's finally here...! Been waiting for so long
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