Reviews for Beats The Hell Out of the Alternative
EvensLight chapter 1 . 6/9/2018
Beautiful little story!
Unajet chapter 1 . 1/23/2018
Interesting little scene. I think I know that picture. There's a group walking through the warehouse to 'buy' items and mention possibly getting their hands on Bucky but the guy in charge says he 'has plans for that one'. It's been years since I read that comic but I think it's the same one. I always thought that picture of him stored away like that was a bit heartbreaking. BTW, the pancake house references are funny. I remember the books where Bucky and Nat were going after the other Winter Soldiers and they quip about the pancake house.
Mulberries chapter 1 . 1/16/2018
Great. I really love this: the picture, the dialogue, the idea of it. Owwww ;)
bubbasmom chapter 1 . 12/14/2017
Please, what is AO3? I have no clue.

A choice moment. thanks for sharing.
xbecbebex chapter 1 . 5/28/2017
'frowning like he'd just discovered someone had folded the American flag wrong and caterpillars had eaten all the golden waves of grain.'

That line may have almost killed me. Also Bucky pancakes otp
by7the7sea chapter 1 . 1/20/2017
Too bad the MCU has so much other stuff going on that they can't do little moments like this. If only we could get a Winter Soldier Netflix series. Oh well.

Thank you for posting.
Ellethiriel chapter 1 . 1/11/2017
Oh man, I love this. It's equal parts tears and cuteness. Bucky does have a point, even if it's a really sad one. *hugs them both* And I absolutely adore the line about Steve frowning, lol.
force42 chapter 1 . 12/30/2016
Awww. And Bucky does make a good point. The inside of the cryo chamber was probably the safest place he could be while in the hands of the Russians or Hydra.
JayRain chapter 1 . 8/1/2016
Oh, what a lovely moment between these two! The contrast of emotions is beautiful, and Bucky's reasoning is sad, but solid. The way you capture his voice and his thought processes is really well done. He's been through so much and has so much to work through, and I think you show the reality of that so well in this piece. It really shows the process, and shows how he's thinking and feeling. Also, the dialogue is great and sounds just like them. It flows easily, but there's also the undercurrent of sadness for all they've lost in the process of getting to this point. But in the end Bucky's right, it does beat the hell out of the alternative. Nicely done.
Darth Claire chapter 1 . 7/21/2016
Awwww. This was a little sad but sweet. I love the idea that Bucky has a thing for pancakes.
Bluetigress chapter 1 . 6/30/2016
This was such a heartwarming read!- it made me feel so many emotions at once,and I appreciate stories like that. I especially loved the line about Steve looking like he just witnessed the "American flag being folded wrong,and caterpillars eating the golden waves of grain." XD
10/10 story! I hope to see more amazing fanfics like this in the future!_
19thpersonality chapter 1 . 6/30/2016
Two words: Gritty angst. And it's awesome. You really have a knack for it. YOU, my dear, have something that very few people here at have, and it's commonly known as insight. It's a joy to read and it must be exhilarating to write something like this.

And yeah, it's beautiful as well.
SweeneyGirl310593 chapter 1 . 6/29/2016
Aww, Steve, let your bff have pancakes already. Bucky deserves ALL the pancakes he can eat.

Love your take on cryo. At least in there he couldn't hurt or be hurt. Certainly does beat the hell out of the alternative.

Loving all your CA stuff so keep up the good work.

Down with Hydra!
lithugraph chapter 1 . 6/11/2016
Aw c'mon Steve, let Bucky have his pancakes! It's the least you could do, especially after he just bared his soul like that...

Anyway, this was a nice little one shot. The references to Bucky's past were subtle yet still poignant. And when he tried explaining the good thing about being in the cryotube and Steve finally got it, I wanted to squeeze them both! Also, when Bucky says "Beats the hell out of the alternative" that was an arrow straight to my heart.
hjohn302 chapter 1 . 6/4/2016
I love this. There is something about how you write Bucky, when he is struggling with words and how patient Steve is with him. You did a great job of showing that struggle Bucky has with his mind, trying to not just keep from getting lost in his head, but also to find the words to describe that elusive feeling that was just at the edge of things.

Great job!
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