Reviews for Ave Atque Vale
Miss-shiva-adler chapter 6 . 5/1/2019
Oh my god, I did not expect Isabelle to die so early in the story. I'm amazed. I'm shocked. Thrilled. Woaw. Such brutal death, it must have taken a lot of guts to write that. I'm dumbfounded. This is... amazing ? Like I'm in pain alright but.. just wow
Missnephilim chapter 11 . 1/30/2017
I honestly love this story so much! Will there be another chapter or is it now completed?
soulelvi chapter 10 . 5/31/2016
Knowing you I had it coming, you know? That Magnus wouldn’t make it till the end, but you hit me all the same. Always beautifully written, so intense, such an emotional rollercoaster, and Magnus death was what it took to let Alec win, to bring up all of his rage. What is he going to do now? Is he still willing to live? The most bitter victory of all the times. Thank for this beautiful updating! Waiting for the next one!
Missnephilim chapter 9 . 5/25/2016
I'm such a huge fan of this story! Please update soon! I'm a huge fan of your other works too!
soulelvi chapter 9 . 3/31/2016
YEAH Maleeeeccc! I loved this chapter so much! You kept me glue to the screen wandering what would happen, and I melt into the beginning Malec, the positive tension between them and the tender passion following. And then the quiet and the storm, Alec saving Magnus life from an horrible death, and the sweet end, each grateful to have each other, knowing how precious is what they have despite the impossible circumstance. I’m not good with words, but the juice it that I really loved it, and I’m longing for the next chapter! Thank you very much for updating, you are amazing, as always.
Padria95 chapter 8 . 3/7/2016
YESSSS! An update! And Malec! And an awesome fight scene! And an awesome (slightly injured) Alec! And Magnus, too, of course :) this was fantastic. please update again soon!
soulelvi chapter 8 . 3/7/2016
Thank you very much for updating! And eventually the real Maleeeeec, I’m sohappy! Your writing is always amazing, but you already know this. I love how the characters are becoming intimate getting closer one to another and starting to trust each other, to build a relationship, taking care of each other. I love the whole story atmosphere: the short moments of quiet opposed to the constant need to be more than careful and alert, having to preserve your own life, it’s a beautiful contrast, I’ve been holding my breath while reading…I appreciate the match with the careers too: it’s strange, I thought it would be awkward to see those who have always been siblings/lovers in my mind and oriented to protect each other, having to fight among themselves. On the contrary it wasn’t difficult to read Clary and Jace (and Camille of course) being bold, mean, and stone hearted, and I am very curious to know why did Magnus grow up in a different way, which circumstances led him to become a different person, even in the same district. Thank you very much, as always is such a pleasure to read this story, I’m longing for the next chapter! Thanks again!
soulelvi chapter 7 . 1/26/2016
Oh God how I loved this chapter! This Magnus and Alec meeting was perfect, the way they interact, and this confident and helping Magnus, I was desperately waiting for him! I was wandering who you were going to put in need and I appreciated your choice, I love this caring Magnus and lost Alec, having someone to lean on for the very first time in his life! The only thing that crossed my mind as soon as you made Alec sick was that Magnus’ water could be poisoned, and that he wasn’t as good as he looked, but fortunately they are together, and I love this! And now I need to know why did Magnus leave the Careers, how will they discover this, what is going to happen, I need mooooreeee! Thank you so much for updating, you are always great!
asdfghjkl chapter 3 . 1/21/2016
AHHHHHH! alec as the target enemy!
malecreader chapter 6 . 1/21/2016
this was very good, although i can't wait for them to get together!
Padria95 chapter 6 . 1/21/2016
You are perfectly correct in your assumption that I am NOT happy with you leaving us at the end of this chapter... NOT. HAPPY! I was really enjoying you exploring their sibling relationship, and you were doing it so marvelously! Well, you're the author. It's up to you I guess :)

However, that aside, this is a fantastic story. I am thoroughly enjoying it (except this little hiccup) and absolutely LOVING your portrayal of Alec! I look forward to seeing more Magnus, too, because I think I'll love your adaptation of him as well :) You have flawlessly crafted a merge of these two worlds, and I absolutely cannot wait to see where you take it! I love that the action is starting. Please update soon!
soulelvi chapter 6 . 1/11/2016
Oh my God, you are a genius. That was amazing! I won’t say anything on your writing because you know I love it with all of my heart, but the plot twist was incredible! This is what I like the most of your stories, they are unpredictable! Izzy’s end is unexpected, violent and extreme, and you describe it with a few simple words, cold and raw, just an action and she’s gone, all of this simplicity is in such a good contrast with the immense sea of emotions her death causes to Alec’s heart. I expect violence, madness and revenge, and I don’t even know what else, but I’m eager to read what happens next! Thank you so much for updating, but even more for being able to surprise me in any of your stories! Waiting for the next, thank you!
blueflowerchild chapter 6 . 1/7/2016
I'M DEAD I'M DEAD I'M DEAD AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH but ok i can't wait for malec, also i like how you made alec very good with bows and arrows like in the book. also your description of isabelle's death is very gory and i like it, despite it being really upsetting. please update soon!
blueflowerchild chapter 4 . 1/7/2016
i really liked the chapter becuase it shows how magnus and alec are kind of in a strange relationship. also, the description you used to describe how hodge won was really good. please update soon!
soulelvi chapter 5 . 1/4/2016
Thank you for updating !
Oh God, the way you write, not being a writer I can’t find the right words to describe it...
Anyway, I really loved this chapter, so well structured and designed, the tension building up through the waiting moments. The mystery surrounding Magnus is captivating, but what I really loved the most, is this new side of Izzi. That firm, unbreakable, self-confident girl just lets herself go for one time, and she says ‘Victors’, which is all that matters for the siblings, it’s really beautiful, I didn’t expect it and I started not to like this cold Isabelle, so thank you for redeeming her, I really needed her and Alec to be closer and allied. The beginning of the trial was amazing: your description gave the perfect idea of it, as quick, violent, crazy as I expected it to be.
I’m ready for the next chapter, you did such a wonderful job, as always, thank you very much.
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