Reviews for Na bister 500,000
Ell Carpinelli chapter 10 . 6/15/2018
Oh I love this story Elijah reminds me so much of my Grandfather please please continue this story
Black target chapter 10 . 10/16/2016
Super sorry I am just now reviewing Iv been crazy busy. Great chapter though! Very happy to see the inclusion of Wally.
Alaster Boneman chapter 10 . 10/2/2016
this was another great chapter although some of the weighting choices made me scratch my head.

like 'a game' that was from Bruce ...just that and a few other lines felt off to me.

other wise I really liked the details of this chapter and the Conversation on how to stay sane in a place as close to the pit of hell it self as mortal eyes could ever see.

I also really injoyed that little texting between dick and wally,

I recentlt got my self few Titan comics and I do like that their breat friend diemanic is hear.

very well done. also I what to ask did you have a chance to watch the Lord inquisitor prolog video on youtube?

anyway this a great chapter.

Yours Alaster Boneman

Ps I hope you do make a Halloween Story for this the season for horror to cellabrate the grim havest
KaliAnn chapter 10 . 10/1/2016
Interesting what you did with the tattoos.
Alexandria-likethecityinEgypt chapter 9 . 8/16/2016
I was looking for the next button . . . I feel a little like Oliver holding out his bowl and asking for "more".
Black target chapter 9 . 8/13/2016
Great chapter as usual, but I confess I am ready for the plot to develope beyond background information :D please update soon!
KaliAnn chapter 9 . 8/12/2016
This chapter felt very realistic
Alaster Boneman chapter 9 . 8/12/2016
this was a nice chapter and I kind of guessed that Saba and Esther were in gothem for a reason other than just telling dick about his past.

you already know my thoughts and feeling about woman in the military, as long as they chose that path and all the issues that go with it then I see no reason why woman shouldn't be allowed to join, but that's just me.

as for the 17 year old draft thing, that's fairly common in lots of contrary's though out the world especial in former soviet block nations and not just in war torn country's like Israel. most often in a lot of these contrary's they never even see combat and even if they do (most often its to back up the police and such) the draft forces are used mainly as a support/ ogxirrly force and its usually only for two years in less they wont to stay in that is.

any who nice chapter and a good update well done and all that jazz...just not batman jazz gods no just no.
Alaster Boneman chapter 8 . 7/23/2016
This was another great chapter sorry about holding of for so long I was expecting this to be a wee bit grim. because well WW2 not the funest time in the world.

I have to say I love the touch of melancholy you gave Esther it gives her a lot of depth.

but I bet the reason she and her granddad are doing this now is because he's dieing... am I right?

anyway away from that dark though before it takes root in my mind.

I really like Dick's energy and passion its hard to remember that he was once like that before he became night wing and become more dishulsioned with the super hero life and Bruce himself. Oh I have no doubt they do love each other like father and son and dick is the only Robin that was worthy of takeing up the mantel of the bat while Bruce was dead for a while...well super hero dead.

tough personally I really like Robin from The dark night returns (Carrie Kelley) the best. though in topical Miller fashion he can never be subtle with anything even when he wasn't coco for koko puffs and her parents are little brain dead hippies among other unflattering things. but I degress

I may have Pm you recently and to tell you, that you were right about DC animated movie teen titans vs justice league...oh why didn't I listen to you.

like it wasn't the worst thing Dc has made in recent times. cough batman vs super man dawn of stubity. cough but it wasn't good. though I admit I did lough my ass of at the medical girl esk transformation the team has that show down with raven's brothers.

though one thing I could not stand was what they did to Trigon. they turned one of the biggest villains that DC has ever made. the inbodyment of evil of a god like scale. The devil by anyother name. The arch nemishe of the titans their biggest threat and villan...and they turned him into Godzilla

don't get me wrong I love the big G I'm a massive Kiju fan...but this is Trigon who is pretty much Saten...the devil. the frist fallen angel. the morning star. the angle of the pit father of treachery. the lord of flys the lord of lies. leviathan. old scratch. and they have him wracking building and smashing stuff randomly like he's blood Godzilla.

Hell the Animated series did trigon better when he came into our world he killed it with is frist breath. he created dark mirror demons of Star fire, Cyborg and Beast boy for his own amusement and was about to invade the rest of reality with hos endless demon leagions and he brought death Stroke back.

sorry for ramblering

Yours as always Alaster Boneman
Alexandria-likethecityinEgypt chapter 8 . 7/23/2016
The jokes were great! I love the play on words. Already looking forward to the next chapter.

2nd paragraph where Dick's POV begins: Confession should be confusion. There a couple of other little typos here and there, but not bad all considering.
KaliAnn chapter 8 . 7/19/2016
Well you haven't lost the realism and drive in this story. I really like it.
Black target chapter 7 . 6/12/2016
Hey sorry I just realized I never reviewed! Thanks for reminding me! Really loved (per the norm) the way you write Elijah, he really does make everything come to life, and heading of their escapades was epic! Incredibly real and touching chapter, especially with the sketch book. You could literally feel the sketchbooks emotions being transferred from one medium to another, and that poem at the end was both tragic and beautiful.
Great job!
Piper1996 chapter 7 . 5/16/2016
Eeeeh wow Dick looking through the journal at late night... Elijah noticing the clock and everyones subtle reaction. Oh snap he noticed the "broken" clock.
And Dick is spot on i can think. Family is everything to him and he also cares alot about others.
Alaster Boneman chapter 7 . 5/14/2016
this was really really god you managed to fix/address most if not all of the problems I had in the last chapter. true the may have being a few slip ups here and their were things won't clear but they were inconsequence.

you did a perfect job of illastaint the fear of those dark times, and the hopelessness of the innocent victims of the Nazi's brutality and how senceless it all was.

two maybe three years back I was on a holiday to Melbourne (its a major city down here in OZ) and we went to this out of this way wax museum (yes those still exist) and it was a pity stranded fair for kind of place, mock ups of criminals and famous people and medieval torture but along one wall was pictures of the Nazi death camps, put in this hall way with and on off lift so people who couldn't Handel that kind of thing. well we looked at it... needles to say they were horrific .

the reason I bring this up is because something (perhaps not as nasty) but unevering to say the least could have happened down here back in the 90tes around about when I was very young to young to really understand the complexities of its all. but the jest was their was the political grope called 'family first' that was becoming very popular at the time (as this was when lot of attention was but on mental and learning disorders and how a lot of people were being lumped into the autistic groping because people didn't really understand it or that was different types mental and learning disorders of had the time, and well they still don't but you get my meaning)

anyway they were making a lot of noise about disabled people and people with mental and learning disorders (which I have one of the latter), saying things like they were a drain on Australia and would never contribute anything much to our way of life. And needed to be put in 'hospitals' (in reality they meant mental hospitals like those used to lock away the insane or the mad), so they could 'be taken care of'.

fortunately they didn't get into power and they lost a lot of populate and are more or less just a back ground grope now a days. but I can recall my parents talking about them and they were very concerned and afraid as both I and my eldest brother have something called dyspraxia its one of the lesser learning disorders.

So it makes wonder don't it?

I also fear for you guys over in America at the moment with Trump running for president. Never fear though if you ever need to get out of the way of the goosestepping marrons that fallow that windbag my door is always open. but really I would laugh if I wasn't so scared.

anyway back to the point at hand, a great story great chapter but perhaps you could update or create something a wee bit more light hearted. 8/10 for this chapter.

Yours Always Alaster Boneman
KaliAnn chapter 7 . 5/14/2016
This as a truly hard chapter to read because of the realism.
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