Reviews for The Lady Revan
Madmess chapter 8 . 1/2/2018
Hope you complete this story among your others. Your an amazing writer and I look forward to seeing you write more.
nahte123456 chapter 1 . 7/14/2017
I'd like this continued, looks really interested. As is though, I'll just say it started interesting.
god of all chapter 8 . 2/8/2017
Great chapter and story so far please continue this story soon.
drakonpie250 chapter 8 . 10/26/2016
Great story.
JimmyHall24 chapter 2 . 8/6/2016
So instead of earning money by fighting in the arena, she fucked sith troopers.. Classy.
Doominater84 chapter 8 . 5/31/2016
This is an interesting story so far. I like that you've changed Revan around a lot as it really adds to what would otherwise be a generic KotOR retelling. I. That same line of thought I'm hoping Alexa remembers who she is sooner rather than later if you choose to continue this story.
Deadly6 chapter 8 . 12/31/2015
I do hope you continue updating this story. It is well written so far and deserves far more favourites and followers.
FirstoftheAbyss chapter 8 . 9/30/2015
A great story and well written too.
I like your version of Revan (and Mission) by the way, I've always been fond of intelligent, snappy and (a bit or more) darkish characters. I especially love the way she takes no flak from the council, sincerely though it has a reason that during every rise of the sith numerous force sensitives join their opposition.
Why this lacks reviews and favourites will remain a mystery to me.
Nightraze chapter 8 . 9/23/2015
I enjoyed reading this.. well for the most part anyway as I found some of it a bit dark for me sometimes, but all in all I thought you wrote this really well and you gave me the feels towards the characters, which is good writing. I really enjoyed the characterisation of Alexa and the other characters, particularly Mission, as I enjoyed it a lot when she appeared on screen. I’m also liking the interactions between Bastila and Alexa so far, and I’m really curious to know whats behind the doors in this chapter, so if you ever feel like completing this after To Serve An Empire, then I would be interested in reading it.
Nightraze chapter 7 . 9/23/2015
Haha, it’s kinda funny what I wrote last chapter after now reading the end of this chapter. All of their reactions were priceless XD.

Lol, at that little awkward moment with Bastila and Alexa. Bastila didn’t know what to do with herself, but I suppose if you where raised like the Jedi then you would be extra unsure/embarrassed. I also laughed a bit when that Jedi mistook Alexa as one of them. The argument Alexa had with the Jedi Counsel was very interesting.. and it seems like some of the Jedi need to take their own lessons as some of them where so easily angered just because someone disagreed with them. What is it with everyone just casually bringing up Alexa’s brand, does anyone have something called tact? Do they consider the fact that there might be some very painful memories that came alongside the brand. *sign* sometimes I can’t believe these people..
Nightraze chapter 6 . 9/23/2015
Interesting. I wonder what people will be like if Alexa pulls out the lightsabers, especially if she was in the company of Jedi or something, the colour would really surprise them. I really enjoyed the space battle and it was cool how Alexa was able to come up with that strategy. However those flask-backs.. Even more feels. And /pain/. :(
Nightraze chapter 5 . 9/23/2015
I really liked the moment in the race when Alexa felt free - it was very well written and a nice moment.
Nightraze chapter 4 . 9/23/2015
Great chapter! I liked the talks and interaction between Mission and Alexa. It was nice to see Alexa bonding with someone and their analysing skills were interesting to read about. And man, this story is depressing, very well written, but depressing, it’s a bit hard to get through it sometimes.
Nightraze chapter 3 . 9/23/2015
The mandolorian culture really started to show in this chapter. I really enjoyed reading and learning about some of the traditions/culture of the Mandolorians (I don’t know if what you have written is canon or not, but it was interesting to read about all the same.)
Nightraze chapter 2 . 9/23/2015
Perhaps what Alexa did to get the access card/money was the most rational thing to do, but damn, do I really have the feels for Alexa now. It left me all very unsettled and distraught. It’s not just that she did it, but that she was so quick to think that it was even a /choice/ is sad thing to think about. And all the stuff she said afterwards too, man, the feels. Why do you do this to me. :(
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