Reviews for The Book of Sonia
SilverWolfPup chapter 22 . 9/3/2018
Must say I like the characters here! All of them. Definitely an interesting bunch.

I'm kind of worried about what she did, though.
SilverWolfPup chapter 21 . 9/3/2018
This chapter caused me to feel more distant from the situation and her character than I think was intended, though it did fit. Certainly a curious chapter, though I'm not sure it quite captured my attention.
Untangling the character relationships after this should be interesting to read.
201UNOWN chapter 18 . 11/24/2017
Huh! This was... Much better than it had any right to be.

That SOUNDS bad, but what I mean is that Sonia's a really interesting take on what I honestly think is an overdone character concept that was likely to end badly. Oh, woe betide the Psychic with Power Incontinence, who must be an Emotionless Girl and all that blah. But you make it work, for two reasons. The first is that it's not quite so overdone in Pokémon, actually doing something with psychics, and having a psychic main character. The second thing is that even though it's not suuuuper original, it doesn't matter with your writing—your strength is making this character feel real and interesting, screw if their tropey.

Your writing's really good technically—I'm a little picky with that, and was quite pleasantly surprised to find something which could be of publishable quality (aside from a few typos). So kudos to that.

Now, you're writing style is... What's the word I'm looking for... Mental? Internal? Something along those lines. You get my meaning, I'm sure. This is good and bad—I'm a fan of it, personally, and some of the best moments so far have been very internal ones. Thing is that some of the clunkiest moments are too. I've read through the five books, and I've got to say this one's my favourite—might be a little biased though, as a fantasy fan who loves psychics 'n all that. Either way, good work! This one's being followed, 'cause I want to see where it goes (all the fics TV Tropes and friends recommend to me that I've checked out so far have so many chapters and it scares me so I'm glad to have finally found a publishing one which is still small).
SilverWolfPup chapter 18 . 11/23/2017
This chapter's a sweet one. Also, Sonia, silly, listen to the people. 'Nicer to you' my emass./em They were not. Zorua, smack her around the head for me will you? She's earned it with that silliness.
MysticGalaxia chapter 17 . 11/9/2017
It's really really good! I don't know what you're worried about lol

I'm so stressed out with schoolwork right now, but reading this yesterday really helped me de-stress. Thank you!
SilverWolfPup chapter 17 . 11/3/2017
I will agree that this chapter is not one of your best - the most interesting part is the new information, rather than the writing, though the ending was cute.

It is somewhat impressive that you managed to match the structure to how she was feeling, but it made the reading itself less enjoyable for me, more specifically through the stuttering nature of said structure. As well, it got very confusing to go from Sonia to Xavier and back again without gaps in between to show these are separate. With Xavier it felt like there was too much detail being supplied, I think, with everything being told and nothing left to work out. The only part that we can try and work out for ourselves is why Giovanni decided to let Sonia go, and I don't think (though I may have missed something) that we have all the details on that situation yet so that we can only guess.
I don't know... I think it might have gotten boring and repetitive, at the start as well, and Giovanni releasing her feels kind of out of the blue for the reader at the moment even if he does have good, in-character reasons for it.
I hope this is helpful. I could just be in the wrong mood to get properly absorbed, but I don't think so.
Frost Glaive chapter 15 . 10/12/2017
Gotta feel for Sonia, poor girl.

I am really shipping her and Mal at the moment... but they're early teenagers and I shy away from super young couples.

This situation isn't looking too good...
SilverWolfPup chapter 14 . 6/12/2017
Tale's still interesting, but the writing in this chapter is more awkward than I expected. Sometimes there are too many commas, or... I don't know. It's the subtle kind of awkwardness. Of course, the fact that it's only subtle is kind of a compliment, since aside from the information dump (and I acknowledge the difficulties with those) I can't identify anything bad. And the story's still interesting, though... where on earth did that egg come from? It's mildly out of the blue.
MysticGalaxia chapter 13 . 4/3/2017
Hey, I've been reading your story since last summer and I just want to say you're doing a really good job! You have the third-person limited omniscient point of view down perfectly, and your word choice, sentence structure, and portrayal of mood/atmosphere really bring out Sonia's personality, emotions, and internal conflict. I can really feel Sonia's character. (Some chapters almost brought tears to my eyes - that's saying something.)

I know this story doesn't get many favs/follows, but that's definitely not because it's badly written. I think it's just because there are so many OC-Pokemon-journey stories out there. But your story's really good, and I hope you keep going!
Clerriosol chapter 11 . 8/20/2016
Well. That's a great story, and I'm glad it rose from the ashes. You don't see many stories where Psychics have a role. Even though there are only 3 (this now, a 4th review), people are reading. I think you did an amazing job at this. Good luck on future chapters!
XelYel chapter 1 . 6/7/2016
Oh yes, the fear of a harming others for those who possess Psychic powers, hardly controllable by the emotional human beings... it's kind of a classic theme, but I like how you executed it, working a lot on the psychology of the main character (and Sonia is a cute name :P).
It's also pretty well written: I especially like the prologue, which actually is one, unlike many stories in which it could be called "Chapter 1" but "Prologue" sounded cooler so... You have variety with vocabulary, which is nice, and you build up tension quite well.
One thing that bothered me (and this might be just a personal remark) is how you never give Sonia a moment to release tension: other than Zorua, everything that happens is bad for her, every character she meets is either weirdly dangerous or can't understand her minimally, etc... I kind of expected a scene with her mother hugging her when Sonia starts her journey after the time she had lashed at Yannoa when she knew her father had died, a moment of mutual comprehension (I've read up to chapter 5 so far, so I don't know if it will happen later), instead she growls at her mother once more. The risk is going from empathy for Sonia to just irritation and boredom after 5000 words or so.
Also, I've spotted a few grammar mistakes here and there (some "it's" should be "its" for example), but nothing of big relevance.
Overall, this is quite solid, and I really like what you've set up so far.
Y-ko chapter 2 . 1/25/2016
So between the last chapter and this one, you forgot how to double-space paragraphs?
GioRocket chapter 1 . 9/6/2015
A fantastic start! The first few sentences were very good, very unique, I liked it a lot.

Sonia does seem to be an interesting character at the moment but the trick from now on would be to stop Sonia from becoming a Mary stu. As long as you avoid that, you should have a very successful story on your hands :)