Reviews for The Rubbery Vengeance
Guest chapter 32 . 7/20
Future chapter nojiko death
lammenais chapter 4 . 7/16
Guest chapter 6 . 7/15
just delete this piece of crap story ... it is an insult to all authors and people with brains ...
Guest chapter 4 . 7/15
this is so incredibly dumm ... your luffy is either completly OP or not ... making him both things at the same time is just way too much of a forced plot ...
The Dark Dragen chapter 32 . 7/15
Loving the story, I hope that you'll update soon as I want to see how Luffy is going to react at being a father for the last few years and not knowing about it.
grimfan chapter 32 . 7/13
no offence but This is nt a very good one peice sotry. Look up "the second coming of black beard" by "mr grimjaw" for some good one on piece story telling!

At least u tried..n
NightW0lfGaming chapter 16 . 7/12
good lemon for you first time writing one, good chapter as well
NightW0lfGaming chapter 13 . 7/12
i'd say yay, that omake is friggin hilarious. keep doin what you do. this story is awesome
darknight99 chapter 1 . 7/2
Great job so far
Johnny Spectre chapter 32 . 6/27
Always a pleasure to see this progress, but shouldn't you delete the extra author's note chapters or the preview ones?
dirtrevor chapter 32 . 6/20
I think when Zoro finds out, he'll have a new reason to take down Mihawk. Though with Luffy having the Atomic Restoration ability he'll fix that up no problem.
Reft chapter 7 . 6/8
love the story kinda confused as to why luffy was emotional and ace was surprised after killing the world noble did you get robin and ace mixed up hes killed dozens of bandits in way more brutal fashions in your story so far?
Aurum Faea chapter 18 . 5/28
hey um. I know I already said something about nuclear explosions but
can't luffy make antimatter too
that would be WAY stronger than a nuke
Aurum Faea chapter 6 . 5/27
Oh no
i repeat
oh no
does this mean luffy can become a nuclear bomb
or already is one i guess
and eating that made it rearrange his atoms and molecules to actually be able to have 2?
Reaperdan81 chapter 17 . 5/18
Another top quality chapter
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