Reviews for Halloween Hookup
ParadigmShift81 chapter 16 . 5/13
Lmao. She's prego and having twins. I'm dead
Wicforever chapter 56 . 4/15/2019
Ohhhhh what a cliff hanger! I hope the desire to come back to this returns!
Moxleysgirl chapter 56 . 2/25/2017
OMG I absolutely love this story! But since your last update was in September, I really hope you update this story soon! Thank u for the wonderful story!
IcePrincess1987 chapter 56 . 2/15/2017
Love the story, I really hope that you update soon.
ExplicitMoxx3 chapter 8 . 1/20/2017
im confused if Addalyn is a Blonde or A Auburn
ExplicitMoxx3 chapter 7 . 1/13/2017
i started crying with her thats crazy
ExplicitMoxx3 chapter 5 . 1/13/2017
is it weird that the day that I'm reading it is Friday the 13th
lourdes1694 chapter 56 . 11/20/2016
Holy hell
MsConCon chapter 56 . 9/23/2016
OMG! Dude! Whaaaaaaat?!

I am about to have a bit of a nervous breakdown over here and it isn't even because anything bad is about is happening! The babies are fricking coming! Oh my god! I repeat...the babies are freaking coming! And because it's me and I never can resist...speaking of cumming...-Side smirk- Those two are so...That's fantasy right there, just plain hot and yummy and of course, leave it to them they had to get it in, even this late in the game. Yup, the sex is what done them in and honestly? I couldn't be happier! They got some gud-gud and now the babies! I'm not too worried about the time frame because with multiples, going into labor earlier is normal. Oh wait...oh shit...I just realized she is having a C-section. How the fuck could I forget?! I mean just read her talking to Baron for god sakes! Oh shit! This is...oh god...I'm worried now. I'm such an idiot but damn it! And now Addy's headaches and heart and her actually going into labor...I mean, it should be ok right? They can still do C-section...Dude. You are throwing me for a loop here. I need these three to be ok.

Addy and Dean are and will forever be my OTP from you. They are too cute here and despite all the obstacles they have made it. I couldn't be happier. I need to see a wedding for my couple. I just have to. They are everything.

So happy for Finn and Baron! About damn time and to think Addy is here to witness something majorly important such as this in their lives is making me grin like a loon. Those three have really connected awesomely. They are gonna be thrown for a loop now because our girl just went into labor!

Eeee! I'm so excited! Worried but excited!

Please don't stop writing this...I mean I know you need to eventually but...-Sighs- I love this story so damn much. Ugh! It's not fair. -Pouts-
BlondieC82 chapter 56 . 9/18/2016
OMG her water broke. Holy hell. The babies are coming!

I hope there is nothing wrong with her with all the headaches she is getting .

Awesome chapter!
NESSAANCALIME6913 chapter 56 . 9/18/2016
oh, boy.
tomieharley chapter 56 . 9/18/2016
*Laughs* OMG. I can just picture Dean's face at the end of this chapter! He's going to be freaking out, wondering should he leave her and find the car or should he carry her to the car? LOL Poor Dean. But it's funny.

I'm going to be so sad to see this story end. But I'll still enjoy rereading it, so please don't ever delete it!
calwitch chapter 56 . 9/18/2016
So happy that they got to be there for Baron and Finn. And that they got to share in their joy.
Now, they should have known better to be under a tree during a thunder storm... What if lightening hit the tree?! And her heart and head now! That is so not good... And sex while being that close can trigger labor. So, ta-da! Babies are on their way! Hope all three of them will be okay... My fingers are crossed.
Raquel the writer chapter 56 . 9/17/2016
tomieharley chapter 55 . 9/17/2016
My time is almost up, but I don't think I've reviewed this story in awhile, even though it is one of my favorites about Dean. I will be sorry to see this story come to an end. Hopefully, there will be a happy ending for this cute couple. And I don't blame Addy for being worried about having a C-section. A natural birth makes me cringe enough, but a C-section sounds even worse. I'm surprised the mention of a scar (because my mom had one) hasn't popped into her mind yet. Dean'll just have to lick it every time they have sex to make her feel better. :P

Sorry for the short, sucky review, but I just wanted you to know how much I enjoy this story and am loving every update...Would you consider a request or two if I PM you?
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