Reviews for The Talk
Bamagirlforever chapter 1 . 2/17/2018
Awesome story did you really show their emotions. Oh how I wish you would finish it and see what happens to see if he rescues Rachel and Show each other their feelings
jag389 chapter 1 . 9/14/2015
this was very well done.
The Mistress Snape chapter 1 . 9/8/2015
This was lovely. Highly charged but much needed.
IfUKnewUCouldNotFail chapter 1 . 9/6/2015
Wow! This is so beautiful and they way you ended it was very authentic of a finale as we have come to know them Last Ship style. Still haven’t see the finale just yet but even if we get one element of this in it, it will be something for us to hold unto for the long winter ahead. I loved that you had her tell tom about her Mother and also Tom realise the real sick reason Niels had demanded to spend time with her to start with. I think her desperate motivations and also tom’s insistence that she go into that situation are important factors that I would like them to shine a light on, and oh, I so want it to be tom that asks for her pardon!
Ana chapter 1 . 9/6/2015
Fantastic! Love it! I was expecting for a kiss but I understand it was probably not the right time yet. Every scene was perfect, Rachel's emotions, Tom's sincerity about his feelings, how they connected for the first time since forever. Please, keep writing! It has been an awesome TomChel ride!
Mechia123 chapter 1 . 9/6/2015
This is great.
Guest chapter 1 . 9/6/2015
Wow great first story! Agree they have to talk but who knows what we will get. While reading your ending was thinking back to a picture posed on Twitter of Tom carrying Rachel on the NJ. Doubt that will turn out to be real as we hoped but would be happy with a discussion that gives us some hope for them in season 3. Thanks for the story and hope you keep writing!
ana270674 chapter 1 . 9/6/2015
Love it! Seriously, Kendall, it's fantastic! You described every emotion so well! Rachel's guilt and pain, Tom expressing his true feelings for the first time, all those great moments! And yes, she was kidnapped, and you posted before the season finale! Wow! We're witches! We predict the future! :) Ana.
bk-1205 chapter 1 . 9/6/2015
Wow! Nice! This is so apropos. Great job of addressing the actions and the feelings behind them. Love Rachel and Tom and the sharing.
StarTraveler chapter 1 . 9/6/2015
Fantastic story just watched the finale and I needed something like this I won't spoil it but let's just say I'm shocked and livid by it
Scousedancer chapter 1 . 9/6/2015
Lovely! Just lovely! I truly hope that this is something like what we see on the show, but I'd rather Rachel was safe & Tom ok (but this IS The Last Ship, they have to keep us on tenterhooks for the next 10 months!). Still, if this were how it went down, I'd be more than happy with that, you've done an brilliant job, well written & so beautifully tender. Bravo!
IzzyLu4 chapter 1 . 9/6/2015
I loved it! Thank you for not only having Rachel and Tom but also Danny and Kara! I love both couples!
starfoxtwin chapter 1 . 9/6/2015
Beautifully done and to think this is your first TLS Fan Fic,. Great job. Can't wait to see more of your writing.