Reviews for Intoxication
Fi Suki Saki chapter 2 . 10/21/2016
God, that was extreme...

I would never expected the story to turned out like this so far based from the summary.

I wish this to continue...!

The scene with Yokozawa was great. He was the neutral party and yet he know as someone who sees more than others about those two.
jandixjunpyo chapter 2 . 5/13/2016
IS this gonna be continued? I wanna know whats gonna happen XC aarrgghh the stress. But honestly, i can see these things happening. When the darker sides of characters, and of ourselves reach surface, it's like nothing can stop the pain, the agony, the anger towards OURSELVES. I understand Ritsu in this story. Truthfully, i recently wrote something on Ritsu being addicted to medication. Of course, our stories differ. haha. However, I really, truly love this story. When i first found this series, which honestly was back in January of this year, i could see how obsessed Takano was with Ritsu. He was so afraid and angry at the thought and possiblity losing Ritsu forever. Everytime that thought crossed his mind, he would say 'i love you' and seduce him. At first i belived that Takano truly only lusted for Ritsu. But as i continued to read and watch the anime/manga, i could see that he really did love him, but he missed him so much, and was so afraid of being abandoned once again, he forced himself onto him-latching himself onto Ritsu and forcing himself into the picture. And Ritsu was terriffed.
I am happy that i found this story. It's really good. I wanna see what becomes of them. Will Ritsu recover from his addictions? will Takano FINALLY understand that he has to have paitence and try to help RItsu? Even if you do not continue this story, i am so happy to have found it. Not only is it realistic, but it gives piercing to the heart-because readers anticipate what will happen-what COULD happen, and what they want to happen.
Thank you for writing something so wonderfully truthful, and non-sugar coated. If you update, i'll be waiting for it. If not, good work writing this. :)
Guest chapter 2 . 12/13/2015
dude what the fuck you cant end a chapter like that
C'sMelody chapter 2 . 10/29/2015
First I have to say I love your Yokozawa.
Sooo, a dark, dark story, indeed.
Regarding your question... I definitely think Takano needs to be around. Not just because he is Ritsu's loved one, and he needs to show him the right kind of love, but also because Takano himself needs to grow and understand - and you've already hinted at this - that what Ritsu is doing is what Takano's done during his college years. They need to mend this, and since Takano's partly guilty, he should stay and get down on the dirt too. I think that's what'll be interesting to see. But of course, external interactions will also be very interesting to see, especially if you keep Yokozawa around.
Sorry for the super long review. I just find these type of stories - those that raise awareness to such topics - should be noticed and encouraged. :)
Overall, nicely done.
Guest chapter 2 . 10/28/2015
Please please update omg omg ritsu! Love you're chapter I can't wait to read the one
Naveesha chapter 1 . 10/15/2015
Kreahe112 chapter 1 . 9/20/2015
Please update soon!
strikedeathkd53019 chapter 1 . 9/13/2015
Interesting! Do update!
laraneechan chapter 1 . 9/9/2015
Ah,there won't be more chapters,though,right? Then the story ends rather sad,Ritsu probably won't get help? It's depressing,but fits the mood of it all...
laraneechan chapter 1 . 9/9/2015
I think the story is really interesting,I enjoyed so far! It's sad,but I'm eager to read what's going to happen next!
ChemicallyEnhanced chapter 1 . 9/7/2015
I really like this...
Anonymous Spark chapter 1 . 9/7/2015
I like how perceptive Yokozawa is here..."he looks like you"'ll be interesting if Yokozawa has to teach Takano "how to take care of your depressed loved one" 101. As for Ritsu... I hope he can get his $#! together before it's too late. The utter bleakness of the situation is almost overwhelming; if Ritsu goes down, he will, unintentionally, take Takano down with him. I think Yokozawa senses that, and one can infer that his intentions by suggesting leave are those of genuine concern rather than jealousy. It's refreshing to have a more, dare I say, /mature/ Yokozawa presented to the readers than the overplayed jealous manifestation of his role. Yes, jealous Yokozawa existed, for a time, but not to the extent a lot of authors have portrayed him. Well done thus far, I shall be watching closely for updates.
-Anonymous Spark