Reviews for I Belong
Reading chapter 74 . 4/16
What will happen next I wonder? Two superhero worlds with superhero jobs is a tough life to live. I can't wait to see what you do next!
HandsOnReader chapter 75 . 3/15
Love this! Wish I could leave kudos! Post this on AO3 so I may give allllll the kudos!
MagicAnon chapter 74 . 1/16
I've read this like, ten times by now and it's awesome! For the sequel's title, how about: I Adapt

Again this is good reading material and I will wait forever to read the sequel. Stay awesome! ;)
Anon150 chapter 75 . 12/31/2019
Love your work and can not wait for the sequel. I recommend posting a copy of your works on AO3 for more readers as it will surely spread word or your fanfiction and gain more attention.
Anonymous4U chapter 74 . 11/23/2019
Love this story! Got hooked on it instantly! Can not wait for the sequel and will wait everyday for it! If anyone says this tale is trash, do not let them get to you and feel free to flip them off cause you are amazing for writing such an awesome story!
Miss Tri chapter 75 . 10/20/2019
So, I'm a sucker for stories like this. Someone in the real world is down on their luck, they end up in a fantasy world, and re-enter the real world a better person. And in that regard, this story absolutely did not disappoint; it was heartwarming, inspirational, funny, exciting, it was just a super fun ride and I was sad when I finished. Fanfics that have the premise of: someone from the real world gets sucked into a fictional one and knows everything, I am less of a fan of, and unfortunately this story did have a few of the flaws that those stories often have.

I'll start with what I liked. Ciela and her interactions with the Titans. Ciela's the typical insecure girl, but she was very relatable and sympathetic, and I greatly enjoyed her dynamic with her mom. I didn't think she was a Mary Sue at all. She had flaws, very real flaws, and strengths that she didn't realize. You did a good job of displaying the thought process of someone with really low self esteem, and her growth throughout the story was just great. Her relationship with the Titans is the meat of the story, and they were phenomenal. The characterization was spot on during the non-canon moments, the dialogue felt natural and flowed well, and the impact they had on Ciela was believable. As well as her impact on them. I even found myself rooting for Cielbin. Writing a romance between an OC and a canon character (especially one that already has an established love interest) is heinously difficult, so I hope you know you did a really great job. I really enjoyed their dynamic. Jane was pretty over the top, but I thought she played her role well, even if her besting the Titans in the movie didn't make a whole lot of sense.

On to what I didn't like. And this is a problem with many 'real person goes to fictional world' plots. The characters claim to be affecting the story when they really aren't. I remember being excited to find out what Slade was going to do when he found out about Ciela, only to be disappointed when nothing really happened. He just forces Robin to be his apprentice (despite saying he didn't want him) and the episode plays out pretty much the same. Why didn't he get both Robin and Ciela? And that certainly did not stop there. Every time I was expecting Slade to do something to stop Ciela from spilling the beans, he really doesn't do anything, and it led to a lot of anti-climaxes. The 'Betrayal' chapter was just kinda boring. The other villains weren't much better in that regard. The Terra arc was frustrating. There were many points where she could have warned them, but just didn't. And I felt the ending was unearned. She spends the entire arc ranting about Terra, despite knowing (and not caring) that she sacrifices herself at the end, and then when she does it, she starts crying? And what if all her ranting caused Beast Boy to not reach out to her at the end? She just kinda came off as selfish and short-sighted during it all. And because of that 'Things Change' felt unearned as well. I also felt the movie was meh. The group just screws around in Tokyo until Ciela goes to face Jane.

So yeah. The character stuff was amazing, the plot stuff, not so much. But I consider this a character driven story, and all of the characters made this a very enjoyable read, and one of my favorite fics on this site.
Huge fan chapter 75 . 10/20/2019
This is such an awesome story! Can't wait for the Young Justice story! Just ignore all the haters, you are an amazing writer! And you should totally post this story on other fanfiction sites. You would get, like, quadruple your amount of readers and fans!
Guest chapter 1 . 10/13/2019
To the guest: how about you Shut the FUCK up!
Anonymous chapter 1 . 10/5/2019
Hi! Love this story to bits! Read in three times and still rereading it! Hope you do a sequel with Young Justice, since Ciela learned of it and probably will watch it and maybe even go into the world of Young Justice. Also I think you would get a lot readers and fans if you post this story an Archive of Our Own. I know this kind of story is popular in Archive of Our Own and if you need inspiration of interdimensional traveling characters I highly recommend Maria's Adventures by CrossingTheFourthWall. Trust me, its a long but good read!
Guest chapter 1 . 9/21/2019
Okay, I have read this entire thing from front to back and I'll just say this: From my perspective, it's a whole lotta cringe. My God, there is cringe. And it all starts with your protagonist, Ciela 'Mary Sue' Rose Brunson.

Alright, so your protag has a weight problem and gets bullied for it, has no friends, and has paternal abandonment issues. The former is a cliché that have been done to death and then some. Not saying that that cliché is bad, but the you went about handling it is rather poor, IMO.

We don't really learn why she's fat; she just is, because her parents "didn't feed her enough veggies and keep her active". Of course, eating healthy and exercise are part of a healthy lifestyle, but genetics and lifestyle choices also play a part in obesity. Does Ciela's mom or dad have a history of diabetes, low metabolism, or hypothyroidism? Does Ciela at least get some light exercise in each day? Does she go to sleep on time? As far as I can tell, she doesn't really do anything to correct her situation like actually put in some effort in fixing her body image. One would think that seeing her heroes overcome their adversities and hardships would inspire her to overcome her adversities and hardships and change herself for the better and find her place in the world. Instead, she opts for escapism in order to find acceptance in the real world, which is a very roundabout way of solving a problem. It also makes me wonder whether she lost weight in the Teen Titans world or she's still fat. You never gave us implacation that she lost weight my the end of the story.

Then there's the bullying problem. Of course, bullying is huge problem that damages the victim's mental health, but like the whole weight situation, it's also handled rather poorly. Jane 'She Wishes She Was Heather Chandler' Mary Pedat is Ciela's bully and is all the things Ciela isn't: skinny, confident, and pretty. But the way she bullies the protag is straight up from a high school drama like Heathers. Things like getting squirt on by ranch bottle doesn't ellicit a whirlwind of laughter from the whole cafeteria in reality (or at least in my realty), and getting held by the scruff of your neck while stuffed inside a locker is seems pretty lackluster with the way it's described. And her calling Ciela 'Fatella'? Really? Even Martha Dunstock had better nicknames than your character does.

I'll also say this, since I'm still on the topic: Ciela doesn't have that great of a support system since it only consists of her Mom and no one else. I would at least think that she would have a teacher or some faculty member that she talks to often, but nope. Just her mom, I guess. No wonder she's been miserable...

Then we get to the meat and potatoes of your fic: Ciela getting transported to the Teen Titans world, living out the episodes night by night. Pretty much immediately after she comes into Jump City, she tells the Teen Titans that's she's from another world and that they aren't real, and they're like, "Okay, I believe you." and they're her friends now. Then from there on out, the characters in TT callously refer to their world (THEIR home mind you) as a show. Shouldn't the Teen Titans be bothered that the world they live in was created by someone else in Ciela's reality? Shouldn't they have a hard time coming to terms with what Ciela said? And shouldn't they hard time trusting Ciela after that confession? No, no, and nope. She just reveals some reality-shattering news to the Titans and they just take it in stride like it's a normal Friday night.

She also says that her presence in the TT world is changing the narrative. Even though she knows everything about the show and has the potential to change the major story events in Teen Titans, she only changed the relatively minor parts. Everything else she lets her teammates go into the danger despite warning them about it, and later acting like she couldn't do a thing about it, when she could've. For a character who says that her presence is changing the show, she sure contributes relatively little to the narrative.

Then we have inclusion of Jane in the mix. Of course, she would be mad at Ciela for unknowingly stranding her there due to her Magical Mcguffin Necklace of Magic and Mcguffins, but why make her a deadly villain whose combat abilities are greater than Slade's? And why make it so she also knows the show well? I find that hard to believe. At this point, she would've forgotten the details of show and would've moved on to other tv shows!

Also Ciela's attitude towards certain characters. For Terra, Ciela (and by extension, you) believes that she has always been evil since the day she was born due to her old comic book history. There is a Teen Titans Go! comic (which is based off this series) which explains Terra's past according to the show's canon. Or better yet, you should've just read her wiki. For Speedy, he doesn't trust your isekai OC for a good reason, but then she like, "I'm a Titan now, so you should just accept it because my friends did and that's what made me into who I am now." And just like that they're friends. Even though they're cool with each other now, I would still expect Speedy to hold some bias against Ciela still. And even Jane, when she finally stands up to her tormentor, she says, "You only do this because you're insecure." Like, how do you know? We, the readers, don't really as to why she doing this. Does Jane have a bad home? Anger issues? Did Ciela do something to her in the past? The answer to all of those is no. She just does this because she moments in the story didn't make root for her, they actually made me flip her off and it also makes her seem selfish and self-centered.

Speaking of self-centered, you seem shoehorn her into every episode, even when the situation doesn't really concern her. Pretty much the same thing with Steven in Steven Universe. She always the one who helps develop characters, and almost always has to be involved in everything. It just saps the fun out of chapters, since there's no major plot twist.

There are so many other things I'd mention in my giant review, but some other reviewers gotten to those points already, and probably phrased it better than I could. All in all, this story had a okay premise that wasn't executed properly. Your MC OC seems like a self-centered, selfish, entitled Mary Sue to me. And the plot is more or less a copy-paste of the OG TT plot. If you're going try this premise again if you come back from your hiatus: please make it yours. As in, make it stand out. Make it fun, mysterious, cool. Don't be afraid of completely deviate from the main plot. I hope your hiatus gives you time improve on writing and make better stories than before.
shinoa44 chapter 26 . 8/22/2019
She just jinxed it. "...but hopefully nothing bad or worse than a broken ankle will happen to me while I'm in the show." She just completely jinxed it.
dream lighting chapter 75 . 1/24/2019
Please do it soo. Taken my a whole week to read it love love love it love to see her in the new movie teen vs justice League love it that her and robin end up together it’s amazing glad Jane now nice please dying to read more
dream lighting chapter 55 . 1/24/2019
Found this story now 55 chapter in so hooked kind hope she stays and her mom too team robin so see them together love this book best teen Tightens book ever love it
kmgwel1001 chapter 75 . 1/16/2019
I do hope you do the YJ sequel soon
idlesthing chapter 74 . 1/16/2019
I'll be waiting for sequel
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