Reviews for Every Villain can be a Hero
Valkoor123113 chapter 3 . 6/25/2019
You should continue this story. Civil War will definitely be very intense with the Sekirei getting involved. :)
Argonaut986 chapter 3 . 10/13/2017
Argonaut986 chapter 2 . 10/13/2017
Bucky has entered the game.
Argonaut986 chapter 1 . 10/13/2017
I like what I'm reading.
Blake2020 chapter 1 . 8/18/2017
theoneandonlylordmonkeyknight chapter 3 . 9/8/2016
Guest chapter 3 . 6/10/2016
Japan is a land of perpetual hypocrisy. One of the most homophobic of major economies, yet revere a system which had systemic homosexuality as a pillar of said system. One that reveres 'tradition' when nearly every single one of them don't go back further than the Edo period. Hell, most of the social norms don't even reach into the mid nineteenth century. Surrounded by water, yet had a history of among the shittiest seafaring ships for a vast majority of their history. A relatively atheistic society with a religious adherence greater than 100%. Obsessed with foreign things and fiercely xenophobic.

Maybe it's one of those confirmation bias things, but of all visual media involving guns, Anime have a solid tendency toward accuracy. It'd be weird if you have him just picking them up from the nearest Lawson's or 7-11 something, like you could get in the US with Walmarts, but if the procurement makes sense, fuck it. If you're matching the medium, there isn't a problem. Actually, if anything, Japan tends to do overkill in the proliferation of guns OUTSIDE OF JAPAN. Probably has to do with the fact that there are like none in Japan, and would be weird in context. I remember in one of the volumes of Index, there was the US President and literally everyone in Hawaii having a gun on hand. This perception might bleed from reality, where one of the draws of tourists in Hawaii and Guam is the shooting ranges. For the record, Hawaii ranks 50 of 50 in guns, and the numbers I could find would put Guam only a few slots ahead, between like Rhode Island and Connecticut or something. Sure, that's still like rougly 15 to 30 times more common than Japan, but still not that high, just a touch less and more than world averages, respectively.
Jayden chapter 3 . 4/3/2016
Aww, really was hoping he would take the ice sekirai too. It would be a great study in contrasts for them as they get better. This chapter makes them more parallel than before. It would be like Bucky being an outside observer to his own problems. Allowing him an outside looking in, without the completely same issues he has. Plus as a broken number, no one would be looking for her either.

Really liked how this went anyway. Kind of amused now that the next time notices him it will be with a beautiful woman. Something more 1940s for him.
Rac95 chapter 3 . 3/19/2016
I must say i
I like your story and your way of writing, especially this slight combination of indoctrination and memories. I can't wait how the meeting with the disciplinary squad will end, with both the present one snd the past members, also due to the fact that the only one seemingly without prejustice against Bucky is Kazehana right now. To your question about weapons , I would consider him in general even a high class threat without them , but if HYDTA decides to get serious he may need them. Anyway I hope you keep up your good work.
See you too Space Cowboy
(Still one of the best series out there)
Jahm chapter 3 . 2/25/2016
So happy and sad I just finished this chapter. The only suggestion I have is if you can focus on Winter/Bucky/James and Mutsu a bit more. Anyway, I'm looking forward to the next chapter and see where all of this is going.
Jahm chapter 2 . 2/25/2016
Very fun read. I enjoyed the whole chapter and I'm so hyped for the next one. Just one question, feel free to answer or not: will Tony, Bruce, Steve, or anyone else appear in this?
Okami Princess chapter 3 . 2/4/2016
Well even if he does get all his memories back, he won't be the same Bucky he was before he fell from that train, much like the Bucky that Steve rescued from Zola wasn't the same Bucky Steve knew before Bucky left to fight in the war. He's been through a lot and that changes a person.

Much like the Steve that has spent a few years in the 21st century is different from the Steve that had just woken up from the ice.
Okami Princess chapter 2 . 2/4/2016
Can Akitsu be paired with Steve then? I'd hate for her to end up with that little asshole Hayato Mikogami. Plus Hayato's got enough Sekirei that having a single number in addition to that is overkill.
Jex - The Insane One chapter 3 . 1/13/2016
I could read about these serious operative types all day... Nice job. I hope to see how you convince our soldier to change objectives. It'll be an important character moment, especially with his commitment.
AltenativeFutureFan27 chapter 3 . 1/1/2016
Karasuba and the Dear Captain americA that would be funny to Imagine XD. Or the Black Widow (something that make my skin pale) Karusba is the Joker in the deck.
Anyway you have combined well the Marvel Universe Well with the Sekirei.
If Mutsu have created variations of Identities that mean that Matsu is supporting her with the information and hacking for a background. The only variable that would make her stand out in the system is Bucky.
I hope this keep Going.
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