Reviews for A Paradigm Shift
Earuhtateen Vexer 521 chapter 1 . 10/9/2017
I so get what Puca Azure Knight means! My head is spinning! Very well done!
Lliecpearl chapter 23 . 1/26/2017
Omg. Cute Sebastian when are you goin to update this story? I love it.
Puca Azure Knight chapter 23 . 2/21/2016
Complications are arising .
The fact that the king is supposedly kind terrifies me .
Or maybe he ' s not and it ' s just an act .
Or he is so delusional that he believes everyone to be happy and what he is doing is from the " kindness " in his heart .
Baby Sebastian is cute . Lol " What are frog legs ? "
Undertaker you shouldn ' t overstep your boundaries .
Or annoy her too much she ' s still emotionally vulnerable ( in my opinion ) so try to go easy on Izzy , alright ? Or at least be more subtle ... - '
Izzy is going through the beginnings of demon hood . Oh joy .
Tsk tsk Stubborn Cain maybe if you tell Lucifer that you do have a contract he ' ll let off the hook ... Wait scratch that it ' s too late for you because you ' re being thick - headed .
It has been long since there has been another chapter of this but it ' s fine .
Azure out ~
Forbidden Moons chapter 7 . 2/13/2016
Aww the bathing part with Kaile is really sweet~ *winks*
Forbidden Moons chapter 6 . 2/13/2016
Ehehehe the tentacle part reminded me of Slender~ XD Apparently, too much creepypasta for me. Anyways, I'm enjoying this greatly.
Puca Azure Knight chapter 22 . 1/18/2016
Your welcome :)
So Lucifer burned down Cain ' s estate I suppose this where their deal begins .
The Undertaker was hired by the king , why am I not surprised ?
Isabel is truly serious about taking down the king but I think somewhere along the lines her plan is going to fail .
Anyway as much as I like the Undertaker as a character I doubt he is going to win over Isabel ' s affections but I would love to see him try .
See you next time .
Puca Azure Knight chapter 21 . 1/11/2016
So much misunderstandings . Isabel why can ' t you just tell him ? * sigh * Though I suppose you are under alot of emotional stess anyone would be after what Lara told them . I guess your insecurities towards Cain show how much you care for him . But trust me , Cain ' s also equally as obsessed about you as you are him .
The plan begins but why do I have this inkling that she is about to do something reckless and dangerous . Oh well , I wish her the best of luck .

Oh before I forget , I reread the previous chapter .
See you next time .
Azure chapter 20 . 12/19/2015
Interesting .
All I want to do is shake Izzy and tell her that Cain ' s feelings for her aren ' t a lie but at the same time I understand why she thinks that .
I don ' t think Cain is lying because I don ' t think he has any reason to , that I know of . If anything I think Lara is lying so she can cause friction in Cain and Izzy ' s relationship . But I ' m not too sure .
See you next time and congrats on the audio book .
Puca Azure Knight chapter 20 . 12/20/2015
Interesting .
I really want to shake Izzy and tell her that Cain ' s feelings for her aren ' t fake but at the same time I understand why she thinks that .
I don ' t think Cain is lying because I believe he doesn ' t have any reason to ... well that I know of . If anything I think Lara is because it seems like something she would do to cause friction between Cain and Izzy .
Also congrats on the audio book and see you next time .
TfallingangelT chapter 19 . 12/4/2015
Simply wonderful.
Puca Azure Knight chapter 19 . 12/4/2015
Damn , I was right about Izzy ' s pregnancy and the fact that Lara was in love in with Cain ( but wait isn ' t she his sister ? ).
Lara is taking Izzy to the estate ... that ' s not good . I have a premonition that this is how Izzy gets turned into a half demon considering Lara ' s furious reaction and the fact that she is prone to jealousy may cause certain events .
See you next time .
Aservis Roturier chapter 18 . 11/23/2015
Hm a well-written inbetween chapter. Something in Issach's dialog stirred my memory about a question I had meant to ask: Undertaker's description made no mention of his impressive scars. Will your story tell us of their origin?

I do't think I've ever read a story that attempted to explain them-but then my serches for entertaining reading usually centres on Sebastian so I may well have missed quite a number of "how Uncle Unnie got his stripes" stories.

Well-done, as usual.
Azure chapter 18 . 11/22/2015
Good chapter .
Anyway I had to read the previous chapter to remember where this story left off .
The banter between Izzy and the Undertaker is amusing . They ' re like vitriolic best buds , it ' s hilarious .
Hmm the seal on Izzy ' s stomach intrigues me . I wonder for purpose is it there ? Does it have to do anything with Izzy becoming a half demon or indicates that she is pregnant ( assuming she is )? I must know why !
Lol I got the pun with Alexander and great .
Anyway glad your dog Bella will returning home soon and see you next time .
TfallingangelT chapter 18 . 11/22/2015
Ooo more questions to be answered
Karla chapter 17 . 11/16/2015
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