Reviews for Unlikely Choice: The Medic and the Musician
Mischievous Whisper chapter 7 . 6/28
It's been a while since I last checked this story out, I have to say that this ship is adorable, you are really good at making these magical death samurai seem and act like normal people. Keep up at it, hoping for next chapter!
darklover chapter 7 . 1/26
I finally got caught up with your story.

You're doing a really good job moving the story along.

I loved your explanation of Isane's Zanpakutou. In my own writing, I considered attempting to explain it but I couldn't come up a good explanation of how it could be used offensively as well as healing. It's design is a bit weird...

Anyway, I applaud you for coming up with a good one.

Loving that Isane and Hisagi confessed their attraction.
MXGROSS chapter 7 . 9/8/2019
A good start, Would you please finish the UkitakexUnohana love scene and create a chapter where Shuuhei and Isane actually get to make love.
Gabriel chapter 3 . 7/29/2019
I’ve really enjoyed reading these past 3 chapters, you have a great skill of writing that allows the reader to easily visual the story. I’ll write another review once I finish all 7 chapters but so far I am well pleased.
Shisoukengo chapter 7 . 6/14/2019
Another wonderful chapter, albeit aside from the ending. I was wondering if/when you would do it, and you finally decided to pull the trigger (so to speak) and put those two (Unohana and Ukitake) together huh? Well, can't say I'm surprised, as I know better than anyone that you can be quite undaunted when you have a fanfiction pairing in your mind. Well, that aside, I was quite shocked that you have Hisagi attending some form of psychological counseling. I'm assuming that it's due to the events of Aizen's revolt, and the betrayal of his captain. But if that's so, then it makes me wonder why Kira isn't also attending therapy sessions as well (at least I don't recall it being stated that Kira was attending such sessions).

The mini-debate between Ukitake and Soi Fan was somewhat entertaining, but really encapsulated the contrast between not just their forms of leadership, but their personalities as well. Soi Fan's decisiveness contrasting against Ukitake's cautious approach, it was enjoyable to their debate play itself out. And of course, Yamamoto would be the one to find the appropriate middle ground between the two, at least as much as he could. However, I don't get Soi Fan's need to rush the suspects' capture along so fast, unless perhaps she has some knowledge that whatever plan they're concocting will be enacted sooner rather than later. It kinda came across as if she was being contrarian for the sake of being contrarian, but then again, she's the head of the Onmitsukido corps, so maybe her experience is playing a factor here.

The conversation between Kira and Hisagi was a bit simplistic for my taste, but amusing no less. Kira really came across as a sort of "big brother" figure, though not just to Isane, he's also showing himself to be looking out for Hisagi's best interest as well. However, I say the conversation seemed simplistic because it didn't seem to have the type of spark, I guess, that one would expect that sort of conversation to have. It was pretty much Hisagi already arriving at Kira's point before he was able to express it himself. Which is what makes it even more amusing that Hisagi wasn't able to catch onto Kira's point about Isane being jealous, and practically needed it spelled out for him. Now it simply remains to be seen what he'll do with that information? I was, however, glad to see his decision to pace himself with spending time with her, rather than just hounding her right out of the gate. Hopefully, he doesn't do anything to come off as too stalkerish.

Great job once again on the newest chapter!
Tuvstarr's lost heart chapter 7 . 6/7/2019
Woah! You updated, and with another long, intriguing chapter on top of that! I saw the email, but didn't get to read it until now.

Haha, well... I had a peek at other fics but nothing that drew my attention back, so I'm just going to happily stick with yours :)

I enjoyed Kira being sly, lol. Got the motor going, and him virtually having to smack it over Hisagi's head to get the dense dork to pick up on it, A moment.

But... the real kicker in this chapter was the ending, why hello there captains getting frisky? And after Unohana told Isane that it's a bad idea, hm...
Shisoukengo chapter 6 . 5/31/2019
Ohayo Tsuyu-san! I'm so sorry for the late-late-late-late-late review of this chapter, gomen! I had actually read this chapter after you initially posted it, but apparently had forgotten to leave a review. Anyway, a really good (not great, honestly, but good) chapter, and surprisingly very lengthy for one that was primarily composed of dialogue. There were some pretty noticeable errors here and there, such as wrong words used (exhilaration instead of acceleration), or connecting words left out of sentences. If I didn't know any better, it would seem to me as if you kinda rushed this chapter a little bit, since these mistakes are very uncharacteristic of you (there more my kind of mistakes, lmao).

Anywho, what I liked about the chapter, Isane's shikai for starters. Does it honestly do that? To be honest, since she wasn't really active within the series, I honestly had not researched her zanpakuto. Though I must say, it does sound remarkably fitting for her. Of course, leave it to Hanataro to indirectly come up with the perfect solution to deal with that adjuchas. Kudos for getting him involved without actually having him in combat, as he's not the combat type. I also give you kudos for incorporating all of those other shinigami, I'm also now curious if those are actual characters or OC's you've come up with? Either way, they sound very interesting, particularly Ishinoue.

Last but not least, the long-awaited scene between Hisagi and Isane. Her reactions were very in keeping with her character, a very fitting combination of bashfulness and resolve. Hisagi was also very in keeping as well, very much a go-getter, he really just barreled into that conversation with no fear. It's good to see that it ended well, although I was a bit confused about Isane's comment regarding her "watching him chase another". Who could that possibly have been I wonder? Rangiku is the only one that comes to mind since she and Hinamori are the only two girls that were part of their shinigami academy class. And I couldn't see him really being into Hinamori like that.

Again, really good job on the chapter, and I will definitely be sure to leave a review much sooner on the next one.
honeytea8 chapter 6 . 11/10/2018
Great story, can’t wait for your next chapter
Tuvstarr's lost heart chapter 6 . 9/5/2018
Wow! Thank you so much for posting this epic chapter!

Isane's shikai is fascinating and I keep coming back to her lack of stamina, not to mention the deja vu hints? When I first started reading this I thought it was going to be a classic get together fic, but you have introduced a way deeper plot and I'm intrigued!

You know, I had virtually left the fandom, but your update made me want to go and read more fics again, lol.

Keep it up! Will be eagerly awaiting the next update
Guest chapter 5 . 6/20/2018
Great story can’t wait for the next update
Shisoukengo chapter 5 . 4/1/2018
Ah, so glad to see a new chapter of this story, Tsuyu-sama! Where to start, well I guess from the beginning would be the most prudent option.

Excellent work with the opening scene, but of course, as we both know I'm biased towards Unohana, so of course I would think so. I must say, your characterization portrayals are more polished than I've ever seen them, not that you ever had characters out of character before. Unohana's perpetual calm in the face of Kenpachi's own annoyance simply brought a smile to my face. Of course, her game plan would be both practical and sound, but Kenpachi would obviously not let him self be ordered around. Even by the scariest captain in the entire Gotei 13! However, I must say I was a bit surprised at the news that Ikkaku has some proficiency in medical kido. I always assumed it would be his unofficial partner, Yumichika, who would have that type of background, being that his zanpakuto is kido-based.

I was also, pleasantly I might add, surprised at the scene between Soi Fon and Ukitake. Mainly because I noticed you seem to have taken my suggestion of Soi Fon having a more militant personality and approach to her duties. However, one of my top three favorite captains, Ukitake, managed to have the most sensible approach to resolve the issue they were debating. I must say though, I am curious as to exactly who is on that list, and why they're being investigated.

Way to leave us in yet another state of tension though! Now, we also have to wonder as to what technique/ability was used on the now deceased 4th squad members, to block their reiatsu vents. And while I do give props to Hisagi for slowing down whatever monster this is (I'm assuming it's some type of adjucha), as well as taking that blow for Isane, I have to admit he was low key annoying me with his actions earlier in the chapter. While I totally get and support his desire to protect Isane and her subordinates, the least he could do is allow her to lead them, since it IS her mission that he butted himself into.

But anyway, another excellent, tense chapter on your part, Tsuyu-sama. The sounds of a romance seen coming is very surprising, but one I look forward to nonetheless ;)
darklover chapter 4 . 3/31/2018
I made a typo in my review. There is a period before In the first season.
darklover chapter 5 . 3/31/2018
Great chapter! Your comment in your AN about Hisagi's characterization is something I've been thinking about that many writers fail to properly do. I think they like to use him in crack situations, but that isn't who the character is at all.

I have to point out that Reiatsu is actually spiritual pressure. Spiritual energy is Reiryoku. 99% of Bleach fans don't know this due to mistranslations and misuse of the terminology in the first season clearly made that distinction but it went downhill from there. Just a friendly heads up and I do understand if you just want to continue using Reiatsu for everything.
Tuvstarr's lost heart chapter 5 . 3/26/2018
Oh! I was at the edge of my seat with the battle scene, and that is saying a lot as they are generally hard to write, often clunky and awkward. This flowed great and was intense to read!

I am also intrigued by the beginning to unravel the deeper plot!

And... yaaaa! Lemons for all the people!

Thank you so much for sharing, I'm so glad that you picked this up again!4
Tuvstarr's lost heart chapter 4 . 3/26/2018
Omg! You updated! And I somehow missed it, and now you have another chapter for me to read too! My lucky day!

The last paragraph... on one hand I want to shout to Isane to watch her back, a predator is after her, but on the other, turn around! Flip the coin and attack the attacker!

Thank you so much for updating!
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