Reviews for Loophole
xenocanaan chapter 24 . 4/13/2019
Once again, you make my life a little bit better by giving me more Soul Nomad to read. Gig and Revya are so ridiculous and I adore them. Wonderful chapter and I look forward to reading more!
xenocanaan chapter 23 . 4/13/2019
Fantastic chapter! Thank you for sharing a bit of your manuscript with us in this way. It was wonderful to read.
xenocanaan chapter 22 . 12/27/2018
Gig being in awkward situations is the best! Especially when are ya is involved! Great chapter! I can’t wait to read more!
Calamella chapter 21 . 7/1/2018
I love this!

I remember shipping Gigya back when I was in middle school. I was revisiting some of the old fandoms and I can't believe I missed this masterpiece for so long! It made me remember why I shipped them so hard.

Hope you'll continue even if this is sort of a dead fandom. Looking forward to more!
Living Chain chapter 21 . 4/7/2018
Hey, I just want to say that I really appreciate you still writing about this pairing, after all this year. I do admit I don't really use the site anymore, but whenever I went back to check on this to see that it has been updated, it brought a smile on my lips.

Thank you for writing this, and while I appreciate all these Gig fluffiness, I'm still waiting on the outcome of that Gig/Revya/Vigilance love triangles! Hope the story can continue on that plot points soon!
Guest chapter 21 . 2/23/2018
Glad to see updates to this
Guest chapter 21 . 1/9/2018
All of it was freaking amazing, but the vigilance chapters kinda ended that, but that's just me, you do you
Guest chapter 21 . 12/12/2017
Wow, long time I got to read your story from one of my fa ship! Tack you for this I need this xD
Storyman09 chapter 19 . 12/11/2017
Ha! Gig is such a tsundere. :D Albeit, a tsundere with the power to destroy a significant portion of reality as well as multiple Masters of Death/Life/pretty-much-anything-else in one go.
xenocanaan chapter 21 . 12/11/2017
Yes! So much fluff! Normally there is a very angsty piece thrown in when you do big updates, so I am extremely pleased that this was overwhelmingly FLUFF! I loved it! Thank you so much for another round of updated and I hope to read more soon!
xenocanaan chapter 20 . 12/11/2017
Gig and Revya are hilarious and adorable! You always do an amazing job depicting them realistically! Really, I can imagine your work being apart of Soul Nomad! It’s wonderful!
xenocanaan chapter 19 . 12/11/2017
This was too cute for words! Very sweet, and I absolutely loved it! Thank you for this amazing chapter!
Toboe chapter 19 . 12/11/2017
It's always a good day when Loophole updates, and what an update! Honestly, the way you write Gig and Revya gives me life. Their interactions are just too good! I especially like these in-bed snippets, they always give me warm fuzzies and cuddly Revya is just...too cute. Toothache levels of sweet. 3 excellent chapters of fluff and humor; I'll be waiting patiently but excitedly for the next update!
Haine-of-Winter chapter 19 . 8/21/2017
Recently been thinking of Soul Nomad and wanted to read fabrics again on it when I ran into your beautiful puppy of a fic. I love your writing. It's very clear and concise. The portrayal of the characters is awesome and definitely has me thinking 'yep. Gig would definitely say or do that.' Now I want to go play the game game again cause of this.I can't wait to see what will happen next. XD (also congrats on publishing your novel. it sounds really interesting.)
Nathanel chapter 19 . 7/17/2017
Nice to see that this is still going. Goodluck with your novel. And thanks for the soul nomad stuff.
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