Reviews for Give The Kid A Camera
Etaine Rain chapter 6 . 1/10/2019
FairyStalkeuse chapter 6 . 8/29/2018
I want the next chapteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer ! I love your story , it's just very funny !
SakuraKuroTenshi chapter 6 . 1/25/2018
please update when you are able to
Eilimakk chapter 6 . 11/10/2017
This fic has been extremely funny! I love it, and I usually never enjoy YouTube AUs, but you nailed it! I really hope you’ll continue this!
Kvs222 chapter 6 . 9/7/2017
I really like reading YouTube au's, and yours is one of the best I've read. It's not too explicit so I can read without skipping parts. I also loved how you had everyone interact with each other as if they were all really close friends. Cuz that's the kind of thing we all just wanna see in this fandom right? Not to mention, MY FAVORITE SHIP. KUROKEN. I must admit that I've even started saying kennnmmmmaaaaaaa when I'm typing his name. I really hope that you continue this story, and if you do I, I'll definitely read it. At least three times.
blackkitty95 chapter 6 . 8/27/2017
This is really fun and just adorable. I hope you haven't given up on it completely because I would love to read more.
ilko chapter 6 . 12/24/2016

I love everything about this, the friendships and the feelings and the fun they have together, I just want more of this forever :D
sinfulxdaises chapter 6 . 12/13/2016
I love this modern AU where all of the characters are youtubers yet still play their favourite volleyball (well maybe with the slight exception of Kenma) HAHA. This AU is just so adorable. I love how you start each chapter with something on one of the character's socials, some of them are just so irresistibly adorable. I love how you related one character with another and so many characters are in this lovely series (means more couples YAY) ! HEHE. And I love how Kuroo acts like cupid, aiding couples in their love matters. HAHA CUTE. I love the relationship between Kenma and Kuroo, the staying together, the tagging along HEHEHE adorable. And the FLUFF, omg I think FLUFF levels are so high it's toxic to be reading this. But why did Kuroo say that he doesn't love Kenma in the first chapter? CRIES and sinks to the bottom of the ocean. Even though he blushes when Kenma tugged his sleeve and told him to share his bed, even though he is reluctant to stop staring (admiring) Kenma's adorable sleeping face and get out of bed, even though he competes with Bokuto and insists that Kenma is the most adorable being on Earth, even though... CRIES.. Nevermind at least, he realises it after. AWWWW the KuroKen FLUFF, sorry I just love it so much (actually not very sorry). I love the relationships between each and every character, whether it is platonic, 'platonic' or romantic, they're all so wonderful and fitting of their character. Looking forward to all that character and plot development, yes I'm talking about the ships, be sure to make them sail! KEEP WRITING STAY INSPIRED thank you for this lovely read, author-san!
MeowMix1100 chapter 6 . 8/14/2016
Definitely can't wait to see more!
MissUnderCover chapter 6 . 6/4/2016
AHHH. I just binge read this fic. It is SOOOOO CUTE. Not to mention, drop dead hilarious. It's nicely phrases and definitely not OOC. I love it. Update soon please! I love love love this!
Remi chapter 6 . 5/28/2016
IT'S AN UPDATE WOOHOOOOOO! Loved it! I can't wait to see what Levi is like!
Apple pie chapter 6 . 5/23/2016
I fell in love with this fanfiction !
Please write lots more beautiful chapters :3
QuestionablyCapableGhoul chapter 4 . 5/14/2016
I'm drowning in the ships! Oh Truth, they're all so adorable!
QuestionablyCapableGhoul chapter 1 . 5/14/2016
I am experiencing a number of emotions right now, including 'YES!', 'I-can't-breathe-it's-too-funny', and 'oh-darn-it-all-they're-all-so-adorable'. Thank you so much for writing this!
This Username Is Classified chapter 5 . 3/23/2016
Awesome! Pls continueeeee hahaha
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