Reviews for Ripples
DazzlingBunnyPrincess0910 chapter 5 . 12/1/2018
I love this story and I hope you eventually continue it.
haleyham92 chapter 5 . 9/24/2018
i love it when is the nex chapter!?
dkshfbovcxljnvfs chapter 1 . 8/22/2018
lmao i read your book title as nipples
acetwolf94 chapter 5 . 6/19/2018
AnimeEverywhere chapter 5 . 12/14/2017
Hey guys :D And here I am. Reading another amazing story. Really were do all those mindblowing ideas come from? Sakura as Suigetsu's sister is so cool~ & here ability is even cooler~ There aren't a lot of character-interactions, but more action! & I'm a big fan of well-written action scenes! And sometimes even a lot of details to have all scenes right in front of my eyes while reading through those chapters. Nothing to complain at all :) In only 5 chapters there happened so much, so i'm content with every chapter update, because i know a lot of things happens in another new update.
Thank you for these chapters so far, i'll wait patiently for the next chapter!
Bye~ AnimeEverywhere
Ray Hitoshi Afton chapter 5 . 10/4/2017
Please update soon.
SweetFudanshi chapter 5 . 7/22/2017
I remember reading this last year, the nostalgia v.v
RalitsaR chapter 5 . 7/12/2017
This is very interesting, I love it! Thank you so much and Good Job!
IUseThisAccountToRead chapter 5 . 6/14/2017
MareAlba chapter 5 . 5/28/2017
I love this AU, this Sakura is different from all your other ones (to be fair all of them are different from each other) and I love her a lot! I hope you update this story soon!
vanilaoverchocolate chapter 5 . 10/10/2016
I cannot express how much i adore your comments at the end of all your stories! It. The perfect mix of sarcastic ,snaky, and adorable!
Uchiha Misaki chapter 5 . 10/10/2016
Good chapter
darth-sakura chapter 4 . 9/3/2016
I love the teamwork~
darth-sakura chapter 1 . 9/3/2016
Ohh you guys come up with the most interesting AUs!
Kar.Aur chapter 4 . 5/28/2016
will Sakura have a sword too?
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