Reviews for Pandora's Box
Paradigm of Writing chapter 1 . 10/1/2015
This looks really, really promising! And as the people before me have said, you know how to paint a scene. I am extremely intrigued for the next chapters to come. I may not review all of them, but do know I will be reading them. This story sounds too cool to pass up.
Flame Falcon chapter 1 . 10/1/2015
Wow, you certainly have a way with words. I love the way that you manage to condense all of these emotions, all of these feelings into the words. I enjoy that you mix both history and potentially myth into the world and am excited to see where you take this story next. Please hurry with the next update.
pyroleigh chapter 1 . 9/30/2015
You have a way with words I envy. You paint the scene so well it's jaw dropping and wonderful. The setting and how it's described is so perfect the reader gets the image right away and I was personally left wanting more. I cringed with the sacrifice (poor thing!) but it was so well done. I loved it, every last bit, even though I wanted her to tell Ike her name. And she's a nymph! That was awesome and a twist I liked. Awesome job! I love it (perhaps I mentioned that?))
RyRy chapter 1 . 9/30/2015
HER NAMES ZELDA! Loved it! Glad Leigh told me you posted something! He better listen to the seriously stoned Zelda if he wants to live. I think he will. Awesome job girl!